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The Boost.Iterator Library

New-Style Iterators

The iterator categories defined in C++98 are extremely limiting because they bind together two orthogonal(正交) concepts: traversal and element access. For example, because a random access iterator is required to return a reference (and not a proxy) when dereferenced, it is impossible to capture the capabilities of vector<bool>::iterator using the C++98 categories. This is the infamous "vector<bool> is not a container, and its iterators aren't random access iterators", debacle about which Herb Sutter wrote two papers for the standards comittee (n1185 and n1211), and a Guru of the Week.

NOTE: 上面这段话的意思是:traversal 和 element access是正交的,两者应该是独立的,应该分开来,但是C++98的iterator却将两者杂糅在一起了,这段话中以random access iterator为例对此进行了说明,random access iterator显然是具备traversal 的概念的,要求它return a reference (and not a proxy) when dereferenced则是要求它具备element access的概念。

New-style iterators go well beyond patching up vector<bool>, though: there are lots of other iterators already in use which can't be adequately represented by the existing concepts. For details about the new iterator concepts, see our

Standard Proposal For New-Style Iterators (PDF)

Iterator Facade and Adaptor

Specialized Adaptors