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class template rapidxml::memory_pool

Defined in rapidxml.hpp Base class for xml_document


This class is used by the parser to create new nodes and attributes, without overheads of dynamic memory allocation. In most cases, you will not need to use this class directly. However, if you need to create nodes manually or modify names/values of nodes, you are encouraged to use memory_pool of relevant xml_document to allocate the memory. Not only is this faster than allocating them by using new operator, but also their lifetime will be tied to the lifetime of document, possibly simplyfing memory management.

NOTE: "simplyfing memory management"是使用memory pool的一种优势;从下面的描述可以看出:


2、使用了placement new

Call allocate_node() or allocate_attribute() functions to obtain new nodes or attributes from the pool. You can also call allocate_string() function to allocate strings. Such strings can then be used as names or values of nodes without worrying about their lifetime. Note that there is no free() function -- all allocations are freed at once when clear() function is called, or when the pool is destroyed.

NOTE: 如果加上free,那么这将是一个非常复杂的工程。

It is also possible to create a standalone memory_pool, and use it to allocate nodes, whose lifetime will not be tied to any document.

Pool maintains RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE bytes of statically allocated memory. Until static memory is exhausted, no dynamic memory allocations are done. When static memory is exhausted, pool allocates additional blocks of memory of size RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE each, by using global new[] and delete[] operators. This behaviour can be changed by setting custom allocation routines. Use set_allocator() function to set them.

NOTE: static and dynamic memory

Allocations for nodes, attributes and strings are aligned at RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT bytes. This value defaults to the size of pointer on target architecture.

NOTE: 这样做的目的是什么?

To obtain absolutely top performance from the parser, it is important that all nodes are allocated from a single, contiguous block of memory. Otherwise, cache misses when jumping between two (or more) disjoint blocks of memory can slow down parsing quite considerably. If required, you can tweak RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE, RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE and RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT to obtain best wasted memory to performance compromise. To do it, define their values before rapidxml.hpp file is included.

NOTE: cache Miss


// Pool sizes

    // Size of static memory block of memory_pool.
    // Define RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value.
    // No dynamic memory allocations are performed by memory_pool until static memory is exhausted.
    #define RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE (64 * 1024)

    // Size of dynamic memory block of memory_pool.
    // Define RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value.
    // After the static block is exhausted, dynamic blocks with approximately this size are allocated by memory_pool.
    #define RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE (64 * 1024)

    // Memory allocation alignment.
    // Define RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT before including rapidxml.hpp if you want to override the default value, which is the size of pointer.
    // All memory allocations for nodes, attributes and strings will be aligned to this value.
    // This must be a power of 2 and at least 1, otherwise memory_pool will not work.
    #define RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT sizeof(void *)

class memory_pool


struct header
    char *previous_begin;

char *m_begin;// Start of raw memory making up current pool
char *m_ptr;// First free byte in current pool
char *m_end;// One past last available byte in current pool
char m_static_memory[RAPIDXML_STATIC_POOL_SIZE];    // Static raw memory

char *align(char *ptr)

char *align(char *ptr)
    std::size_t alignment = ((RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - (std::size_t(ptr) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1))) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1));
    return ptr + alignment;

下面的描述以假设RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT为16(2^4)为前提进行展开,显然,align的目的是: 使返回值的后4位为0,显然这样它就是multiple of 16:

1、由ptr + alignment可知,alignment表示ptr需要向后移动多少位;

2、 (std::size_t(ptr) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1)) 是取ptr的后四位;

3、(RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - (std::size_t(ptr) & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1))

计算的是 要向前移动多少位,后四位才能够归0,这样才能够被16整除。

4、最后的 & (RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 1) 表示取后四位;

void *allocate_aligned(std::size_t size)

 void *allocate_aligned(std::size_t size)
     // Calculate aligned pointer
     char *result = align(m_ptr);

     // If not enough memory left in current pool, allocate a new pool
     if (result + size > m_end)
         // Calculate required pool size (may be bigger than RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE)
         std::size_t pool_size = RAPIDXML_DYNAMIC_POOL_SIZE;
         if (pool_size < size)
             pool_size = size;

         // Allocate
         std::size_t alloc_size = sizeof(header) + (2 * RAPIDXML_ALIGNMENT - 2) + pool_size;     // 2 alignments required in worst case: one for header, one for actual allocation
         char *raw_memory = allocate_raw(alloc_size);

         // Setup new pool in allocated memory
         char *pool = align(raw_memory);
         header *new_header = reinterpret_cast<header *>(pool);
         new_header->previous_begin = m_begin;
         m_begin = raw_memory;
         m_ptr = pool + sizeof(header);
         m_end = raw_memory + alloc_size;

         // Calculate aligned pointer again using new pool
         result = align(m_ptr);

     // Update pool and return aligned pointer
     m_ptr = result + size;
     return result;

NOTE: 上面这段代码让我想到了:

1、cppreference object中的placement

2、placement new

3、object 的lifetime is bound by its storage