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Introduction To StrTk

StrTk provides two common tokenization concepts, a split function and a token iterator. Both these concepts require the user to provide a delimiter predicate and an iterator range over which the process will be carried out.

NOTE: "an iterator range over which the process will be carried out"是指传入iterator range来表示在哪个range内执行tokenization,这是c++ generic programming的常用做法,后续我们将此称为iterator-based generic programming,strtk是基于此而开发的

The tokenization process can be further parametrized by switching between "compressed delimiters" or "no compressed delimiters" mode.


Two forms of delimiters are supported and they are single delimiter predicate and multiple delimiters predicate otherwise known as SDP and MDP respectively. Essentially an SDP is where there is only one type that can break or fragment the sequence, where as with MDPs there is more than one unique type that can break the sequence.

NOTE: 这里引入了一个新的概念:SDP、MDP,它们是基于“type”的。

It is possible to represent a SDP using the MDP, however from a performance POV having separate predicates is far more efficient. Additionally for strings based on char or unsigned char (8-bit versions) there is a MDP that has a look-up complexity of O(1) making it greatly more efficient than the basic MDP.

NOTE: 最后一段话的意思是:对于“strings based on char or unsigned char ”,strtk提供了一个优化的MDP,这个MDP使用look-up complexity是O(1)的算法,它比普通的MDP更优。在下面的Multiple Char Delimiter Predicate会对此进行说明。

Single Delimiter Predicate

Multiple Delimiter Predicate

Instantiation requires specialization of type and construction requires a sequence of potential delimiters through a range described by iterators.

NOTE: strtk中,很多function都是基于range的,**range described by iterators**为“iterator-based generic programming”

strtk::multiple_delimiter_predicate<typename T>(Iterator begin, Iterator end);

std::string str_delimiters = " ,.;:<>'[]{}()_?/'`~!@#$%^&*|-_\"=+";
strtk::multiple_delimiter_predicate mdp1(str_delimiters.begin(),str_delimiters.end());

unsigned int uint_delimiters[5] = {1, 10, 101, 1010, 10101};
strtk::multiple_delimiter_predicate<unsigned int> mdp2(uint_delimiters,uint_delimiters + 5);

Multiple Char Delimiter Predicate

Instantiation requires an iterator range based on either unsigned char or char. This delimiter is more efficient than the simple MDP as it has a predicate evaluation of O(1) due to the use of a lookup-table as opposed to O(n) where n is the number of delimiters. Performance increase is seen as more delimiters are used.

NOTE: 显然,对于Mutiple char delimiter predicate,通过使用lookup-up table来使得predicate evaluation 的complexity变为**O(1)**。其实看到了这里,我有一个疑问:对于其他的Multiple Delimiter Predicate,为什么不全部都使用look-up table呢?

strtk::multiple_char_delimiter_predicate(const std::string&)

strtk::multiple_char_delimiter_predicate(const std::string::const_iterator begin,
                                         const std::string::const_iterator end)

strtk::multiple_char_delimiter_predicate predicate(" .;?");


This is a function that performs tokenization over an entire sequence in one go. strtk::split takes a sequence through a range of iterators or in the case of a string through a reference to its instance, a delimiter predicate and an output iterator or otherwise known as a type sink. It populates the output iterator with the tokens it extracts. The tokens in this case are std::pairs of iterators for the sequence.

NOTE: split函数的入参有三个:

  • a sequence through a range of iterators
  • a delimiter predicate
  • an output iterator

token是用std::pairs of iterators 来表达的


