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Small Object Optimization


1、riptutorial C++ Small Object Optimization


3、cppcoreguideline中也有对Small Object Optimization的描述

riptutorial C++ Small Object Optimization

Small object optimization is a technique which is used within low level data structures, for instance the std::string (Sometimes referred to as Short/Small String Optimization). It's meant to use stack space as a buffer instead of some allocated memory in case the content is small enough to fit within the reserved space.


1、stack VS heap

By adding extra memory overhead and extra calculations, it tries to prevent an expensive heap allocation. The benefits of this technique are dependent on the usage and can even hurt performance if incorrectly used.


A very naive way of implementing a string with this optimization would the following:

#include <cstring>

class string final
    constexpr static auto SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 16;

    bool _isAllocated { false };                       ///< Remember if we allocated memory
    char *_buffer { nullptr };                         ///< Pointer to the buffer we are using
    char _smallBuffer[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0' };   ///< Stack space used for SMALL OBJECT OPTIMIZATION

        if (_isAllocated)
            delete[] _buffer;

    explicit string(const char *cStyleString)
        auto stringSize = std::strlen(cStyleString);
        _isAllocated = (stringSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
        if (_isAllocated)
            _buffer = new char[stringSize];
            _buffer = &_smallBuffer[0];
        std::strcpy(_buffer, &cStyleString[0]);

    string(string &&rhs) :
                    _isAllocated(rhs._isAllocated), _buffer(rhs._buffer), _smallBuffer(rhs._smallBuffer) //< Not needed if allocated
        if (_isAllocated)
            // Prevent double deletion of the memory
            rhs._buffer = nullptr;
            // Copy over data
            std::strcpy(_smallBuffer, rhs._smallBuffer);
            _buffer = &_smallBuffer[0];
    // Other methods, including other constructors, copy constructor,
    // assignment operators have been omitted for readability



string(string &&rhs) :
                  _isAllocated(rhs._isAllocated), _buffer(rhs._buffer), _smallBuffer(rhs._smallBuffer) //< Not needed if allocated

_smallBuffer(rhs._smallBuffer) 会导致编译报错:

test.cpp:30:60: error: array initializer must be an initializer list or string literal
                                     _isAllocated(rhs._isAllocated), _buffer(rhs._buffer), _smallBuffer(rhs._smallBuffer) //< Not needed if allocated

2、上述是典型的遵循 CppCoreGuidelines C.64: A move operation should move and leave its source in a valid state

As you can see in the code above, some extra complexity has been added in order to prevent some new and delete operations. On top of this, the class has a larger memory footprint which might not be used except in a couple of cases.

Often it is tried to encode the bool value _isAllocated, within the pointer _buffer with bit manipulation to reduce the size of a single instance (intel 64 bit: Could reduce size by 8 byte). An optimization which is only possible when its known what the alignment rules of the platform is.


#include <cstring>

class string final
    constexpr static auto SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 16;

    bool _isAllocated { false };                       ///< Remember if we allocated memory
    char *_buffer { nullptr };                         ///< Pointer to the buffer we are using
    char _smallBuffer[SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0' };   ///< Stack space used for SMALL OBJECT OPTIMIZATION

        if (_isAllocated)
            delete[] _buffer;

    explicit string(const char *cStyleString)
        auto stringSize = std::strlen(cStyleString);
        _isAllocated = (stringSize > SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
        if (_isAllocated)
            _buffer = new char[stringSize];
            _buffer = &_smallBuffer[0];
        std::strcpy(_buffer, &cStyleString[0]);

    string(string &&rhs) :
                    _isAllocated(rhs._isAllocated), _buffer(rhs._buffer)   //, _smallBuffer(rhs._smallBuffer) //< Not needed if allocated
        if (_isAllocated)
            // Prevent double deletion of the memory
            rhs._buffer = nullptr;
            // Copy over data
            std::strcpy(_smallBuffer, rhs._smallBuffer);
            _buffer = &_smallBuffer[0];
    // Other methods, including other constructors, copy constructor,
    // assignment operators have been omitted for readability

int main()
    string s { "hello" };

// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

When to use?#

As this optimization adds a lot of complexity, it is not recommended to use this optimization on every single class. It will often be encountered in commonly used, low-level data structures. In common C++11 standard library implementations one can find usages in std::basic_string<> and std::function<>.