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C++ traits

accu An introduction to C++ Traits

It is not uncommon to see different pieces of code that have basically the same structure, but contain variation in the details. Ideally we would be able to reuse the structure, and factor out the variations. In 'C' this might be done by using function pointers, as in the C Standard Library qsort function or in C++ by using virtual functions. Unfortunately this differed to runtime what is known at compile time, and became with a runtime overhead.

C++ introduces generic programming, with templates, eliminating the need for runtime binding, but at first glance this still looks like a compromise, after all, the same algorithm will not work optimally with every data structure. Sorting a linked list is different to sorting an array. Sorted data can be searched much faster than unsorted data.

The C++ traits technique provides an answer.

Think of a trait as a small object whose main purpose is to carry information used by another object or algorithm to determine "policy" or "implementation details". - Bjarne Stroustrup


Both C and C++ programmers should be familiar with limits.h , and float.h, which are used to determine the various properties of the integer and floating point types.

Most C++ programmers are familiar with std::numeric_limits , which at first glance simply provides the same service, implemented differently. By taking a closer look at numeric_limits we uncover the first advantage of traits, a consistent interface.

NOTE: 千万不要小看上面这段话中的**consistent interface**的价值,如果能够保证**consistent interface**,那么当我们修改底层代码的时候,caller是无需修改的, 但是如果interface是unconsistent的,那么caller是需要修改的。此处的consistent interface,是一种抽象,它能够带来Polymorphism,参见Theory\Programming-paradigm\Object-oriented-programming\Polymorphism\Polymorphism.md的《Template and polymorphism》段。

在阅读boost graph的下面这段话的时候,我想到:trait提供了一层abstraction,提供了获取信息的interface。

Note that different graph classes can have different associated vertex iterator types, which is why we need the graph_traits class. Given some graph type, the graph_traits class will provide access to the vertex_iterator type.

Using float.h, and limits.h, you have to remember the type prefix and the trait, for example, DBL_MAX contains the "maximum value" trait for the double data type. By using a traits class such as numeric_limits the type becomes part of the name, so that the maximum value for a double becomes numeric_limits< double >::max(), more to the point, you don't need to know which type you need to use. For example, take this simple template function (adapted from [Veldhuizen]), which returns the largest value in an array:

template< class T > 
T findMax(const T const * data, 
         const size_t const numItems) { 
  // Obtain the minimum value for type T 
  T largest = 
      std::numeric_limits< T >::min(); 
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<numItems; ++i) 
    if (data[i] > largest) 
        largest = data[i]; 
  return largest; 

NOTE : 上述代码中的

// Obtain the minimum value for type T 
T largest = std::numeric_limits< T >::min(); 


Note the use of numeric_limits. As you can see, where as with the C style limits.h idiom, where you must know the type, with the C++ traits idiom, only the compiler needs to know the type. Not only that, but numeric_limits, as with most traits, can be extended to include your own custom types (such as a fixed point, or arbitrary precision arithmetic classes) simply by creating a specialization of the template.




NOTE: numeric_limits是实现:libstdc++-v3/include/std/limits


But I'd like to move away from numeric_limits, its just an example of traits in action, and I'd like to take you through creating traits classes of your own.

First lets look at one of the simplest traits classes you can get (from and that's the is_void [boost] trait.

First, a generic template is defined that implements the default behaviour. In this case, all but one type is void, so is_void::value should be false, so we start with:

template< typename T > 
struct is_void{ 
  static const bool value = false;

Add to that a specialization for void:

struct is_void< void >{ 
  static const bool value = true; 

And we have a complete traits type that can be used to detect if any given type, passed in as a template parameter, is void. Not the most useful piece of code on its own, but definitely a useful demonstration of the technique.


Now, while fully specialized templates are useful and in my experience, the most common sort of trait class specialization, I think that it is worth quickly looking at partial specialization, in this case, boost::is_pointer [boost]. Again, a default template class is defined:

template< typename T > 
struct is_pointer{ 
  static const bool value = false; 

And a partial specialization for all pointer types is added:

template< typename T > 
struct is_pointer< T* >{ 
  static const bool value = true; 


So, having got this far, how can this technique be used to solve the lowest common denominator(共同特征) problem? How can it be used to select an appropriate algorithm at compile time? This is best demonstrated with an example.

First a default traits class is created, for this example we will call it supports_optimized_implementation, and, other than the name, it will be the same as the is_void example.

template< typename T > 
struct supports_optimised_implementation{ 
    static const bool value = false; 

Next the default algorithm is implemented, inside a templated algorithm_selector, in this example the algorithm_selector template is parameterized with a bool, but in situations where a number of algorithms could be appropriate, it could just as easily be parameterized with an int, or an enum. In this case true will mean "use optimized algorithm in object".

template< bool b > 
struct algorithm_selector { 
  template< typename T > 
  static void implementation( T& object ) 
//implement the alorithm operating on "object" here 

Next a specialization of algorithm_selector is added which, in this case, passes the responsibility for implementing the algorithm back to the author of the object being operated on, but could well implement a second version of the operation itself.

struct algorithm_selector< true > { 
  template< typename T > 
  static void implementation( T& object )   { 

Then we write the generic function that the end user of your algorithm will call, note that it in turn calls algorithm_selector, parameterized using our supports_optimised_implementation traits class:

template< typename T > 
void algorithm( T& object ) { 
  algorithm_selector< supports_optimised_implementation< T >::value >::implementation(object); 

Now all that's left to do is test it against a class that doesn't support the feature ( class ObjectA{}; ), and a class that does:

class ObjectB { 
  void optimised_implementation() { 

specialization of supports_optimised_implementation trait for ObjectB

struct supports_optimised_implementation< ObjectB > { 
  static const bool value = true; 

Finally, instantiate the templates:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
  ObjectA a; 
  algorithm( a ); 
// calls default implementation 
  ObjectB b; 
  algorithm( b ); 
// calls 
// ObjectB::optimised_implementation(); 
  return 0; 

And that's it. Hopefully you can now "wow" your friends and colleague with your in-depth understanding of the c++ traits concept. :)


NOTE: 下面是完整可运行代码

#include <iostream>
template< typename T > 
struct supports_optimised_implementation{ 
    static const bool value = false; 

template< bool b > 
struct algorithm_selector { 
template< typename T > 
static void implementation( T& object ) 
//implement the alorithm operating on "object" here 

struct algorithm_selector< true > { 
template< typename T > 
static void implementation( T& object )   { 

template< typename T > 
void algorithm( T& object ) { 
algorithm_selector< supports_optimised_implementation< T >::value >::implementation(object); 

class ObjectA {

class ObjectB { 
void optimised_implementation() { 

struct supports_optimised_implementation< ObjectB > { 
static const bool value = true; 

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { 
ObjectA a; 
algorithm( a ); 
// calls default implementation 
ObjectB b; 
algorithm( b ); 
// calls 
// ObjectB::optimised_implementation(); 
return 0; 
编译指令如下:g++ test.cpp


trait class的value是compile-time constant


It should be noted that the examples in this article require a cutting edge, standard compliant, compiler. For example, MSVC++ 6.0 does not support static constants, and will balk on:

static const bool value = false;

This particular problem can be worked around by using an enum in its place, i.e:

enum { value = false }; 

bogotobogo Traits - A Template Specialization


Suppose we want to get max values for int or double, we do this:

#include <iostream>
#include <climits>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "max values\n";
    cout << "int: " << INT_MAX << endl;
    cout << "double: " << DBL_MAX << endl;

    return 0;

And get the following output:

max values
int: 2147483647
double: 1.79769e+308

Then, how about float or unsigned int?

If we do not remember the name for float, we have to look it up from somewhere to get the max value.

How about this?

#include <iostream>
// #include <climits>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "max values\n";
    cout << "int: " << numeric_limits<int>::max() << endl;
    cout << "double: " << numeric_limits<double>::max() << endl;
    cout << "float: " << numeric_limits<float>::max() << endl;
    cout << "unsigned int: " << numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() << endl;

    return 0;


max values
int: 2147483647
double: 1.79769e+308
float: 3.40282e+038
unsigned int: 4294967295

We don't have to remember the name for our query, only the compiler needs to know the type.

In the code, we used the header <limits> instead of <climits>, and the query was, numeric_limits<type>::max().

What happened?

The numeric_limits template class replaced/supplemented the ordinary preprocessor constants of C (<climits> or <limits.h>).

numeric_limits traits class

NOTE: 这篇说明了numeric_limits的实现

Actually, in the limits.h, for example, DBL_MAX contains the "maximum value" trait(特性) for the double data type. However, by using a traits class such as numeric_limits, the **type ** becomes part of the name, so that the maximum value for a double becomes numeric_limits<double>::max(), and also, we don't need to know the type.

Usually, we use templates to implement something once for any type. But we can also use templates to provide a common interface that is implemented for each type. We do this by providing specialization of a general template.

In this tutorial, we'll see the numeric_limits is the typical example of specialization:

Here is a general template that provides the default numeric values for any type:

namespace std
    /* general numeric limits as default for any type */
    template <typename T>
    class numeric_limits
        // no specialization for numeric limit exists
        static const bool is_specialized = false;

The general template of the numeric limits shown above is telling that there are no numeric limits available for type T by setting the member is_specialized to false.

We can write a specialized version of the template as below:

namespace std
    /* setting numeric limits for int type */
    template <>
    class numeric_limits<int>
        // Now we have a specialization for numeric limit for int.
        // It does exists.
        static const bool is_specialized = true;
        static int min() throw() {
            return -2147483648;
        static int max() throw() {
            return 2147483647;
        static const int digits = 31;

The general numeric_limits template and its standard specialization are provided in the header file <limits>. The specialization are provided for any fundamental type that can represent numeric values: bool, char, signed char, unsigned char, wchar_t, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, float, double, and long double. They can be supplemented easily for user-defined numeric types.

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "is_signed(char): " 
        << numeric_limits<char>::is_signed << endl;
    cout << "is_specialized(long double): "
        << numeric_limits<long double>::is_specialized << endl;
    cout << "is_specialized(std::string): "
        << numeric_limits<std::string>::is_specialized << endl;

    return 0;

If we run the code, the std::string gives false for is_specialized as expected:

is_signed(char): 1
is_specialized(long double): 1
is_specialized(std::string): 0

What is Traits?

boost Generic Programming Techniques中关于trait的定义

在boost Generic Programming Techniques中关于trait的定义,我觉得是比较好的:

A traits class provides a way of associating information with a compile-time entity (a type, integral constant, or address).

So, what is traits?

Traits gives us additional information other than just the type. More exactly, we can get some information about a type.

That's what traits let you do: they allow you to get information about a type during compilation ...

The fact that traits must work with built-in types means that things like nesting information inside types won't do, because there's no way to nest information inside pointers. The traits information for a type, then must be external to the type. The standard technique is to put it into a template and cone or more specializations of that template.


By convention, traits are always implemented as structs. Another convention is that the structs used to implement traits are knows as trait classes.

-Scott Meyers #Item 47: "Use traits classes for information about types" of his book Effective C++ 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs.

Traits of std::iterator, please visit Templates.

For template specialization, please visit Template Specialization.


Trait is a metafunction

Trait是典型的metafunction(参见C++\Idiom\Templates-and-generic-programming\Metafunction),trait提供了compile time query static info的consistent interface。


1、在文章galowicz What is a Type Trait?中,对trait的介绍也非常好:

They are a meta programming technique which appears to use types and their sub types like functions at compile time, to control what the compiler actually compiles.

正如上面这段话中所言,trait是一种meta programming technique,上述 "functions at compile time",其实就是metafunction 。

Trait is a consistent interface and is an kind of abstraction

这是在 accu An introduction to C++ Traits 中提出的,我觉得总结地非常好。

Traits is non intrusive

这是在 boost Generic Programming Techniques # Trait 段中提出的,我觉得非常好,它说明了trait的特征。

Implementation of trait

Primary class template and specialization

一、在An introduction to C++ Traits有这样的一段话:

First, a generic template is defined that implements the default behaviour.

trait class往往会定义一个template class(primary class template ),然后提供这个template的各种specification(可能是full specialization、partial specialization),显然在primary template class中需要提供trait的一种默认实现/默认值。

关于Template specialization,参见:

1、cppreference explicit (full) template specialization

2、cppreference partial template specialization

二、需要对compiler compile template,尤其是template specialization的机制有一个认识,参见 Compile-template 章节。



1、trait是一个变量,trait variable

2、trait是一个method,trait function

3、trait是一个type,trait type


C++14 TransformationTrait

C++14 TransformationTrait对trait进行强化,参见C++\What-is-new-in-C++\C++14\TransformationTrait