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More C++ Idioms/Type Erasure

Also Known As

std::variant, boost::any, std::any


It is often useful to have a variable which can contain more than one type. Type Erasure is a technique to represent a variety of concrete types through a single generic interface.

Implementation and Example

Type Erasure is achieved in C++ by encapsulating a concrete implementation in a generic wrapper and providing virtual accessor methods to the concrete implementation via a generic interface.

NOTE: 通过统一的interface,通过下面的例子可以看到,这个interface是由inner_base 定义的

The key components in this example interface are var, inner_base and inner classes:

#include <memory>

struct var
    struct inner_base
        using ptr = std::unique_ptr<inner_base>;
    template<typename _Ty> struct inner: inner_base

    typename inner_base::ptr _inner;

The var class holds a pointer to the inner_base class. Concrete implementations on inner (such as inner<int> or inner<std::string>) inherit from inner_base. The var representation will access the concrete implementations through the generic inner_base interface. To hold arbitrary types of data a little more scaffolding(脚手架) is needed:

#include <memory>

struct var
    template<typename _Ty> var(_Ty src)
            : _inner(new inner<_Ty>(std::forward < _Ty > (src)))
    } //construct an internal concrete type accessible through inner_base
    struct inner_base
        using ptr = std::unique_ptr<inner_base>;
    template<typename _Ty> struct inner: inner_base
        inner(_Ty newval)
                : _value(newval)
        _Ty _value;
    typename inner_base::ptr _inner;

Complete Implementation

#include "stddef.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

struct var
    var() : _inner(new inner<int>(0))
    } //default construct to an integer

    var(const var& src)
            : _inner(src._inner->clone())
    } //copy constructor calls clone method of concrete type

    template<typename _Ty> var(_Ty src)
            : _inner(new inner<_Ty>(std::forward < _Ty > (src)))

    template<typename _Ty> var& operator =(_Ty src)
    { //assign to a concrete type
        _inner = std::make_unique < inner < _Ty >> (std::forward < _Ty > (src));
        return *this;

    var& operator=(const var& src)
    { //assign to another var type
        var oTmp(src);
        std::swap(oTmp._inner, this->_inner);
        return *this;

    //interrogate the underlying type through the inner_base interface
    const std::type_info& Type() const
        return _inner->Type();
    bool IsPOD() const
        return _inner->IsPOD();
    size_t Size() const
        return _inner->Size();

    //cast the underlying type at run-time
    template<typename _Ty> _Ty& cast()
        return *dynamic_cast<inner<_Ty>&>(*_inner);

    template<typename _Ty> const _Ty& cast() const
        return *dynamic_cast<inner<_Ty>&>(*_inner);

    struct inner_base
        using Pointer = std::unique_ptr < inner_base >;
        virtual ~inner_base()
        virtual inner_base * clone() const = 0;
        virtual const std::type_info& Type() const = 0;
        virtual bool IsPOD() const = 0;
        virtual size_t Size() const = 0;

    template<typename _Ty> struct inner: inner_base
        inner(_Ty newval)
                : _value(std::move(newval))
        virtual inner_base * clone() const override
            return new inner(_value);
        virtual const std::type_info& Type() const override
            return typeid(_Ty);
        _Ty & operator *()
            return _value;
        const _Ty & operator *() const
            return _value;
        virtual bool IsPOD() const
            return std::is_pod < _Ty > ::value;
        virtual size_t Size() const
            return sizeof(_Ty);
        _Ty _value;

    inner_base::Pointer _inner;

//this is a specialization of an erased std::wstring
struct var::inner<std::wstring>: var::inner_base
    inner(std::wstring newval)
            : _value(std::move(newval))
    virtual inner_base * clone() const override
        return new inner(_value);
    virtual const std::type_info& Type() const override
        return typeid(std::wstring);
    std::wstring & operator *()
        return _value;
    const std::wstring & operator *() const
        return _value;
    virtual bool IsPOD() const
        return false;
    virtual size_t Size() const
        return _value.size();
    std::wstring _value;

Example Implementation from Sean Parent talk

#include "stddef.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

template<typename T>
void draw(const T& x, std::ostream& out, size_t position)
    out << std::string(position, ' ') << x << std::endl;
class object_t
    template<typename T>
    object_t(T x)
            : self_(std::make_shared<model<T>>(std::move(x)))
    friend void draw(const object_t& x, std::ostream& out, size_t position)
        x.self_->draw_(out, position);
    struct concept_t
        virtual ~concept_t() = default;
        virtual void draw_(std::ostream&, size_t) const = 0;
    template<typename T>
    struct model final : concept_t
        model(T x)
                : data_(std::move(x))
        void draw_(std::ostream& out, size_t position) const override
            draw(data_, out, position);
        T data_;
    std::shared_ptr<const concept_t> self_;