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stackoverflow Type erasure techniques

(With type erasure, I mean hiding some or all of the type information regarding a class, somewhat like Boost.Any.)

The first and most obvious, and commonly taken approach, that I know, are virtual functions. Just hide the implementation of your class inside an interface based class hierarchy. Many Boost libraries do this, for example Boost.Any does this to hide your type and Boost.Shared_ptr does this to hide the (de)allocation mechanic.

NOTE: 参见 "Virtual function、consistent type、consistent interface" 段

Then there is the option with function pointers to templated functions, while holding the actual object in a void* pointer, like Boost.Function does to hide the real type of the functor. Example implementations can be found at the end of the question.


1、上述描述的是custom virtual table,在 stlab Small Object Optimization for Polymorphic Types 中,展示了实现方式

So, for my actual question:

What other type erasure techniques do you know of? Please provide them, if possible, with an example code, use cases, your experience with them and maybe links for further reading.

NOTE: 显然,提问者的问题是: 征集type erasure techniques 。

Edit (Since I wasn't sure wether to add this as an answer, or just edit the question, I'll just do the safer one.)

Another nice technique to hide the actual type of something without virtual functions or void* fiddling, is the one GMan employs here, with relevance to my question on how exactly this works.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

 * @brief The class name indicates the underlying type erasure technique

 * @brief this behaves like the Boost.Any type w.r.t. implementation details
class Any_Virtual
    struct holder_base
        virtual ~holder_base()
        virtual holder_base* clone() const = 0;

    template<class T>
    struct holder: holder_base
        holder() :

        holder(T const &t) :

        virtual ~holder()

        virtual holder_base* clone() const
            return new holder<T>(*this);

        T held_;

     * @brief default constructor
    Any_Virtual() :
     * @brief copy constructor,使用了virtual clone
     * @param other
    Any_Virtual(Any_Virtual const &other) :
     * @brief template constructor
     * @tparam T
     * @param t
    template<class T>
    Any_Virtual(T const &t) :
                    storage_(new holder<T>(t))

     * @brief 使用了virtual clone
     * @param other
     * @return
    Any_Virtual& operator=(Any_Virtual const &other)
        storage_ = other.storage_->clone();
        return *this;

    template<class T>
    Any_Virtual& operator=(T const &t)
        storage_ = new holder<T>(t);
        return *this;

    void Clear()
        if (storage_)
            delete storage_;

    template<class T>
    T& As()
        return static_cast<holder<T>*>(storage_)->held_;

    holder_base *storage_;

 * @brief the following demonstrates the use of void pointers
 * and function pointers to templated operate functions
 * to safely hide the type

enum Operation
    CopyTag, DeleteTag

 * @brief 这就是 custom virtual table
 * @tparam T
 * @param in
 * @param out
 * @param op
template<class T>
void Operate(void *const&in, void *&out, Operation op)
    switch (op)
        case CopyTag:
            out = new T(*static_cast<T*>(in));
        case DeleteTag:
            delete static_cast<T*>(out);

 * @brief 使用 void pointer 来实现 type erasure
class Any_VoidPtr
     * @brief default constructor
    Any_VoidPtr() :
                    object_(0), operate_(0)

    Any_VoidPtr(Any_VoidPtr const &other) :
                    object_(0), operate_(other.operate_)
        if (other.object_)
            operate_(other.object_, object_, CopyTag);
     * @brief template constructor
     * @tparam T
     * @param t
    template<class T>
    Any_VoidPtr(T const &t) :
                    object_(new T(t)), operate_(&Operate<T>)


    Any_VoidPtr& operator=(Any_VoidPtr const &other)
        operate_ = other.operate_;
        operate_(other.object_, object_, CopyTag);
        return *this;

    template<class T>
    Any_VoidPtr& operator=(T const &t)
        object_ = new T(t);
        operate_ = &Operate<T>;
        return *this;

    void Clear()
        if (object_)
            operate_(0, object_, DeleteTag);
        object_ = 0;

    template<class T>
    T& As()
        return *static_cast<T*>(object_);

    typedef void (*OperateFunc)(void* const&, void*&, Operation);

    void *object_;
    OperateFunc operate_;

int main()
    Any_Virtual a = 6;
    std::cout << a.As<int>() << std::endl;

    a = std::string("oh hi!");
    std::cout << a.As<std::string>() << std::endl;

    Any_Virtual av2 = a;

    Any_VoidPtr a2 = 42;
    std::cout << a2.As<int>() << std::endl;

    Any_VoidPtr a3 = a.As<std::string>();
    a2 = a3;
    a2.As<std::string>() += " - again!";
    std::cout << "a2: " << a2.As<std::string>() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "a3: " << a3.As<std::string>() << std::endl;

    a3 = a;
    a3.As<Any_Virtual>().As<std::string>() += " - and yet again!!";
    std::cout << "a: " << a.As<std::string>() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "a3->a: " << a3.As<Any_Virtual>().As<std::string>() << std::endl;

// g++ -Wall -pedantic main.cpp && ./a.out

NOTE: 输出如下:

oh hi!
a2: oh hi! - again!
a3: oh hi!
a: oh hi!
a3->a: oh hi! - and yet again!!



1、OOP interface + template implementation

2、void pointer + function pointer


Type safe

@Xeo: I much prefer the first technic, because of the type safety it provides (using RTTI). – Matthieu M. Mar 27 '11 at 16:15

@Matthieu: I consider the second example also type safe. You always know the exact type you're operating on. Or am I missing something? – Xeo Mar 27 '11 at 16:18

@Xeo: the As embeds a static_cast, but you are not sure, at all, if you actually store a T. – Matthieu M. Mar 27 '11 at 16:21

@Matthieu: You're right. Normally such an As(s) function wouldn't be implemented that way. Like I said, by no means safe-to-use! :) – Xeo Mar 27 '11 at 16:23


You may be interested in the type_erasure library, developed by Steven Watanabe, which should be accepted in Boost in a close future. I did not delve into the implementation, but the result is pretty awesome! AFAIK, the library uses a void * for data, and a statically constructed vtable containing function pointers for behavior. – Luc Touraille Aug 15 '12 at 14:59


1、 type_erasure library 已经被 boost accept了,这个链接是无效的,直接访问 Boost.TypeErasure

2、custom virtual table

External polymorphism pattern

Side note: the pattern used i.a. by Boost.Any is called the external polymorphism pattern – wmamrak Dec 4


1、关于 External polymorphism pattern,参见External-polymorphism-pattern 章节


All type erasure techniques in C++ are done with function pointers (for behaviour) and void* (for data). The "different" methods simply differ in the way they add semantic sugar. Virtual functions, e.g., are just semantic sugar for

struct Class {
    struct vtable {
        void (*dtor)(Class*);
        void (*func)(Class*,double);
    } * vtbl

iow: function pointers.




That said, there's one technique I particularly like, though: It's shared_ptr<void>, simply because it blows the minds off of people who don't know you can do this: You can store any data in a shared_ptr<void>, and still have the correct destructor called at the end, because the shared_ptr constructor is a function template, and will use the type of the actual object passed for creating the deleter by default:

NOTE: 这段话的意思是:


1、std::share_ptr 的实现应该是非常类似于前面 class Any_VoidPtr

    const shared_ptr<void> sp( new A );
} // calls A::~A() here

Of course, this is just the usual void*/function-pointer type erasure, but very conveniently packaged.

NOTE: 这段话的意思是: shared_ptr<void> 从本质上来说是使用了: void*/function-pointer type erasure,但是它的封装是非常好的。