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const char * as key



#include <unordered_map> // std::unordered_map
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::unordered_map<const char*, int> M { { "1", 1 }, { "2", 2 } };
int* Find(const char *Key)
    auto Itor = M.find(Key);
    if (Itor == M.end())
        return nullptr;
        return &Itor->second;
int main()

    std::string Key;
    std::cin >> Key;
    int *Value = Find(Key.c_str());
    if (Value)
        std::cout << "Value is " << *Value << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Not found" << std::endl;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


[dengkai@localhost ~]$ ./a.out 
Not found

M中明明包含key为1的entry,但是最终结果却是: Not found。这是为什么?问题根源在于使用了const char *作为key,在unordered_map进行hash的时候,是hash的**地址值**,而不是它所指向的**C string**。


1) "const char* as key of unordered_map"

2) "const char* as map key"


C++标准库并没有为const char*提供如下operator:

1) comparator


2) hasher



1) 使用std::string来作为key

C++标准库为std::string提供了comparator、hasher,因此它可以作为std::map的key、std::unordered_map的key。但是将const char *转换为std::string涉及deep copy。

关于std::string的comparator、hasher,参见cppreference std::basic_string

2) 使用std::string_view(C++17)来作为key

C++标准库为std::string_view提供了comparator、hasher,因此它可以作为std::map的key、std::unordered_map的key。将const char *转换为std::string_view不涉及deep copy。

关于std::string_view的comparator、hasher,参见cppreference std::std::basic_string_view

在stackoverflow std::hash value on char* value and not on memory address? # A 中给出了用法示例:

Since C++17 added std::string_view including a std::hash specialization for it you can use that to compute the hash value of a C-string.


#include <string_view>
#include <cstring>

static size_t hash_cstr(const char *s)
    return std::hash<std::string_view>()(std::string_view(s, std::strlen(s)));

3) custom comparator、hasher


这种方式非常灵活,用户可以以不deep copy的方式来实现。

Custom comparator、hasher examples

stackoverflow Using const char* as key for map/unordered_map


How to create map/unordered_map that will use const char* as key directly?

If I use map<std::string,..>, then on each resolving map["abc"] = ... a new std::string object will be created. That causes a big overhead for allocating memory, creating a string object and copying the string into it.

How do I declare a map object that uses const char* directly without any overhead?


NOTE: 使用

You can use a std::string_view:

std::map<std::string_view, int> Map;
Map["abc"] = 1; // no allocation necessary to store "abc"

It is basically a wrapper around string objects. And it's a view, which means that it doesn't own the string and thus doesn't copy and allocate memory to store a string.

Note that for small strings (and also literals), std::string doesn't allocate too due to SSO and so the overhead is minimal. Always measure before optimizing.



As an alternative to Rakete1111's string_view answer, you can equip your map with a suitable comparator (and hasher, for the unordered_map):

struct LesserString
  bool operator() (const char *lhs, const char *rhs) const
    return std::strcmp(lhs, rhs) < 0;

struct HashString
  std::size_t operator() (const char *arg) const
    return however_you_want_to_hash_the_string();

struct EqualString
  bool operator() (const char *lhs, const char *rhs) const
    return !strcmp(lhs, rhs);

std::map<const char*, WhateverValue, LesserString> m1;
std::unorderd_map<const char*, WhateverValue, HashString, EqualString> m2;

stackoverflow Using char* as a key in std::map



You need to give a comparison functor to the map otherwise it's comparing the pointer, not the null-terminated string it points to. In general, this is the case anytime you want your map key to be a pointer.

For example:

struct cmp_str
   bool operator()(char const *a, char const *b) const
      return std::strcmp(a, b) < 0;

map<char *, int, cmp_str> BlahBlah;

hash for const char *
