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Span for multidimensional array/multiple level pointer


1、gsl::multispan已经被废弃了,关于此,在 microsoft GSL 3.0.0 Release 中进行了说明:

Deprecation of multi_span and strided_span

To more closely align Microsoft’s GSL to the C++ Core Guidelines, we decided to deprecate our implementation of gsl::multi_span and gsl::strided_span. For the time being, we will continue to provide these headers, but they will not be actively worked on or maintained unless the C++ Core Guidelines identifies a need for them.

2、gsl::multispan 是典型的view

stackoverflow CPPCoreGuidelines span for a T** interface?

In digital signal processing audio is commonly passed around as a 2D array of channels and samples i.e.

void use(float** buffer, int channels, int samples) { ... }

A lot of libraries I use expect this format.

In terms of my own code, for safer manipulation, is there a way I could use gsl::span<T> to set up views on these buffers?

(I understand 1D but I'm not sure how I would set up for a 2D float** array)

Thanks in advance.


Use gsl::multispan (not well documented) – Galik Jan 26 '17 at 19:25

stackoverflow What is gsl::multi_span to be used for?

The C++ core guidelines mention spans, not "multi-spans". But - I see that Microsoft's GSL implementation has a multi_span class

template <
    typename ValueType,
    std::ptrdiff_t FirstDimension,
    std::ptrdiff_t... RestDimensions
class multi_span { ... };

So, obviously this is some sort of a multi-dimensional version of gsl::span. But what is that supposed to mean? Why do we need this multi-dimensional span, or rather - when would we use it? I can't seem to find any documentation on this.


In short, it is a span over contiguous piece of memory, which represents multidimensional array.

Here is an example of use:

int data[6] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
multi_span<int, 2, 3> span{data, 6};
std::cout << span[1][1] << '\n'; //Outputs 4

From the linked source, it seems, that it also supports runtime bounds, but I am not sure about proper syntax for those.

library nitronoid/multi_span

#include <stdex/multi_span>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <numeric>

int main()
    using namespace std;
     * Print a vector as a 2D matrix

    // Define a vector
    vector<int> arr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };

    // Create a 2D-view over the vector
    stdex::multi_span<int, 3, 4> my_view(arr);

    // Print all elements of the vector, via the view
    printf("2D view:\n");
    for (int r = 0; r < my_view.extent<0>(); ++r)
        for (int c = 0; c < my_view.extent<1>(); ++c)
            printf("%d ", my_view(r, c));

     * Sum the elements within a sliding 2D sub-view

    // Define the size of the sub-view
    auto const wsize = 2;
    // Obtain the bounds of our 2D-view
    auto const range = my_view.bounds();

    // Use static_bounds as counting iterators
    using counting_iter = stdex::static_bounds<stdex::dynamic_range, stdex::dynamic_range>;
    // Create a lazy 2D iterable sequence
    counting_iter bnds( { range[0] - wsize + 1, range[1] - wsize + 1 });

    // Iterate through the sequence, obtaining a 2D-coordinate
    for_each(begin(bnds), end(bnds), [&](auto idx)
        // Obtain a sub-view of our main view
                    auto const section = my_view.section(idx,
                                    {   wsize, wsize});
                    // Print all elements in the sub-view
                    copy(begin(section), end(section), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
                    // Iterate over the sub-view and sum the elements within
                    auto const total = accumulate(begin(section), end(section), 0);
                    // Print the total
                    printf(": sums to %d.\n", total);

    return 0;


 * @brief 对二级指针数组的简单封装
 * @tparam T
template<class T>
class multi_span
    std::vector<T*> data_;
    std::size_t size_ { 0 };
    /// The type of value, including cv qualifiers
    using element_type = T;

    using value_type = typename std::vector<T*>::value_type;

    /// The type of integer used to index the span
    using index_type = std::ptrdiff_t;

    /// A pointer to a span element
    using pointer = T*;

    /// A reference to a span element
    using reference = T&;

    /// The iterator used by the container
    using iterator = typename std::vector<T*>::iterator;

    /// The const pointer used by the container
    using const_pointer = T const*;

    /// The const reference used by the container
    using const_reference = T const&;

    /// The const iterator used by the container
    using const_iterator = typename std::vector<T*>::const_iterator;

    /// Constructor
    multi_span() = default;

    /// Constructor
    multi_span(multi_span const&) = default;

    /// Assignment
    multi_span& operator=(multi_span const&) = default;

    /** Constructor

     @param data A pointer to the beginning of the range of elements

     @param size The number of elements pointed to by `data`
    multi_span(std::size_t size) :

    /// Returns `true` if the span is empty
    bool empty() const
        return size_ == 0;

    /// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the span

    /// Returns the number of elements in the span
    std::size_t size() const
        return size_;

    /// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the span
    const_iterator begin() const
        return data_.begin();

    /// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the span
    const_iterator cbegin() const
        return data_.cbegin();

    /// Returns an iterator to one past the end of the span
    const_iterator end() const
        return data_.end();

    /// Returns an iterator to one past the end of the span
    const_iterator cend() const
        return data_.cend();

    void push_back(value_type p)

template<class T>
auto begin(const multi_span<T> &s) -> typename multi_span<T>::const_iterator
    return s.begin();

template<class T>
auto begin(const multi_span<T> *s) -> typename multi_span<T>::const_iterator
    return s->begin();

template<class T>
auto end(const multi_span<T> &s) -> typename multi_span<T>::const_iterator
    return s.end();

template<class T>
auto end(const multi_span<T> *s) -> typename multi_span<T>::const_iterator
    return s->end();