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Deep copy smart pointer

本章讨论如何deep copy smart pointer 所指向的内容。


在阅读 wikipedia Opaque pointer 的 "C++ Example: d-pointer pattern" 时,其中给出的例子是典型的 "Copy constructor for a class with unique_ptr",按照 stackoverflow Copy constructor for a class with unique_ptr 中的说法,显然这种情况下是需要deep copy的。


1、wikipedia Opaque pointer

在这篇文章中,给出了非常好的样例,它收录于 Opaque-data-type\Opaque-pointer 章节。

2、stackoverflow Copy constructor for a class with unique_ptr

在这篇文章中,给出了非常好的样例,它收录于 Smart-pointers\unique_ptr\unique_ptr-as-member\Copy-constructor-for-a-class-with-unique_ptr 章节。


其中讨论了std::make_unique deep copy的内容。

stackoverflow How to implement deep copy feature in some smart pointer?

unique_ptr is quite useful. However, it is not copyable. If virutal clone (deep copy) methods are provided for its pointed class, I think it will become more useful. Is it necessary or any better way to implement it? Any similar smart pointer exist in some library? Here is a version

template<class T>
class deep_ptr: private unique_ptr<T>
    using unique_ptr<T>::operator *;
    using unique_ptr<T>::operator ->;
    using unique_ptr<T>::operator bool;
    using unique_ptr<T>::release;
    using unique_ptr<T>::reset;
    using unique_ptr<T>::get;


    explicit deep_ptr(T* p) : unique_ptr(p) {}

    deep_ptr(deep_ptr const& r) : unique_ptr(r->clone()) {}

    deep_ptr& operator=(deep_ptrconst& r)
    { if (this != &r) reset(r->clone()); return *this; }

Juse feel it is very useful but never see similar things. ???


Unless I am misunderstanding what you are looking for, if a class has a clone method, that should be sufficient to get what you are looking for.

Sample code:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

struct A
    virtual ~A()
    virtual A* clone() = 0;

struct B: A
    B(int in = 0) :
    B(B const &copy) :
    virtual ~B()
        std::cout << "In B::~B()\n";

    virtual A* clone()
        return new B(*this);
    int x;

int main()
    std::unique_ptr<A> p1(new B(10));
    std::unique_ptr<A> p2(p1->clone());
    return 0;
// g++ -std=c++11  -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out

Output from running the above program:

In B::~B()
In B::~B()

stackexchange DeepPtr: a deep-copying unique_ptr wrapper in C++