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nextptr shared_ptr - basics and internals with examples

1. Overview

The C++11 std::shared_ptr<T> is a shared ownership smart pointer type. Several shared_ptr instances can share the management of an object's lifetime through a common control block. The managed object is deleted when the last owning shared_ptr is destroyed (or is made to point to another object).

Memory management by shared_ptr is deterministic because the timing of a managed object's destruction is predictable and in the developer's control. Hence, std::shared_ptr brings deterministic automatic memory management to C++, without the overhead of garbage collection.

NOTE: 这段话让我想起来:

1、make it computational、control theory

2、multithread and dangling pointer

3、automatic memory management VS manual memory management,以及manual memory management的弊端,典型的就是dangling pointer

Here is a basic example of shared_ptr:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

//some struct
struct Some
    int x;

void useless(std::shared_ptr<Some> p)
    //Change the underlying object
    p->x = 20;

void spam()

    //Create/initialize shared_ptr<Some>
    auto one = std::shared_ptr<Some>(new Some());
    //Another shared_ptr<Some> pointing nowhere
    std::shared_ptr<Some> two;

    //Change the underlying object
    one->x = 10;
    //Read through shared_ptr
    std::cout << "x: " << one->x << "\n"; //x: 10

    //Pass to a function by value. This increases the ref count.

    //Underlying object is changed
    std::cout << "x: " << one->x << "\n"; //x: 20

    //Assign to another shared_ptr
    two = one;

    //'one' and 'two' are pointing to the same object
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << (one.get() == two.get()) << "\n"; //true

    /*  On Return:
     1. 'one' and 'two' are destroyed
     2.  Ref count reaches zero
     3. 'Some' is destroyed */
int main()
// g++ --std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic test.cpp && a.out

This article is specific to general usage and internals of shared_ptr. It does not cover the fundamentals of smart pointers and assumes that the reader is familiar with those. Having looked at the basic usage, let's move on to the internals of shared_ptr that make it work.

2. Internals

NOTE: 实现总结:

1、reference counter是在control block中,而不是在object中


a、increment reference counter in constructor

b、decrease reference counter in destructor

shared_ptr object 的个数 和 control block中的reference counter的个数是一致的;

3、典型的object-based resource management

4、关于shared_ptr的code,参见 stackoverflow How is the std::tr1::shared_ptr implemented? # A


In a typical implementation, a shared_ptr contains only two pointers:

1、a raw pointer to the managed object that is returned by get(), and

2、a pointer to the control block.

A shared_ptr control block at least includes

1、a pointer to the managed object or the object itself,

2、a reference counter, and

3、a weak counter.

And depending on how a shared_ptr is initialized, the control block can also contain other data, most notably, a deleter and an allocator. The following figure corresponds to the example in the previous section. It shows the conceptual memory layout of the two shared_ptr instances managing the object:

shared_ptr control block

Next, we talk about the details of the most relevant parts of the **control bloc**k. You would see that the memory layout of shared_ptr can deviate(脱离) from the above illustration depending on how it is constructed.

2.1. Pointer to Managed Object (or Managed Object)

A control block contains a pointer to the managed object, which is used for deleting the object.

One interesting fact is that the managed pointer in the control block could be different in type (and even value) from the raw pointer in the shared_ptr. This leads to a few fascinating use cases. In the following example, the types of the raw pointer and the managed pointer are different, but they are compatible and have the same values:


1、关于上面这段话中给出的,参见 stackoverflow How is the std::tr1::shared_ptr implemented? # A 中给出的example code是非常容易理解的

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    //A shared_ptr<void> managing an int
    //The raw pointer is void*
    auto vp = std::shared_ptr<void>(new int()); //OK
    //However, we can't do much with 'vp'

// g++ --std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic test.cpp && a.out

std::shared_ptr OOP interface、subtyping polymorphism

NOTE: 1、原文并没有这样的标题,这个标题是我基于下面的example总结的

2、下面的例子体现了std::shared_ptr OOP interface、、subtyping polymorphism,它使用std::shared_ptr 来实现reference semantic,它等价于使用raw pointer的如下写法:

Base * ptr = new Derived;
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

//Another example
//Inheritance with no virtual destructor
struct A
        std::cout << "~A\n";
    } //not virtual
struct B: A
        std::cout << "~B\n";
    } //not virtual

int main()

    //shared_ptr<A> managing a B object
    //raw pointer is A* and managed pointer is B*
    auto pa = std::shared_ptr<A>(new B()); //OK

    pa.reset(); //Calls B's destructor

// g++ --std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic test.cpp && a.out

NOTE: 输出如下:

virtual void B::test()

下面有基于上述例子的变式 。

The inheritance example above is rather contrived(人为的、不自然的). It shows that despite the destructor being not virtual, the correct derived class (B) destructor is invoked when the base class (A) shared_ptr is reset. That works because the control block is destroying the object through *B, not through the raw pointer *A. Nevertheless, the destructor should be declared virtual in the classes that are meant to be used polymorphically. This example intends to merely show how a shared_ptr works.


//shared_ptr<A> managing a B object
//raw pointer is A* and managed pointer is B*


1、std::shared_ptr<A>(new B()),说明std::shared_ptr object中,raw pointer的type是 A*,因此"raw pointer is A*"

2、由于"the control block is destroying the object through *B, not through the raw pointer *A. ",因此 "managed pointer is B*"

上面这个例子能够非常好的value semantic VS reference semantic;结合下面的测试程序,能够更好地体现作者的意思;



#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>

//Another example
//Inheritance with no virtual destructor
struct A
      std::cout << "~A\n";
  } //not virtual
struct B: A
      std::cout << "~B\n";
  } //not virtual
  void test2()
      std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;

int main()

  //shared_ptr<A> managing a B object
  //raw pointer is A* and managed pointer is B*
  auto pa = std::shared_ptr<A>(new B()); //OK
  pa.reset(); //Calls B's destructor
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


```C++ test.cpp: 在函数‘int main()’中: test.cpp:36:6: 错误:‘struct A’没有名为‘test2’的成员 pa->test2();


Aliasing constructor

There is an even more exotic(奇异的) aliasing constructor of shared_ptr that can initialize a shared_ptr from a raw pointer and an unrelated shared_ptr. Consequently, an aliasing constructor can produce a shared_ptr that shares the management of one object but points to another object (usually a subobject of the managed object). For instance:

struct Yolk { };
struct White { };
struct Egg {
 White w;
 Yolk y;

auto ep = std::shared_ptr<Egg>(new Egg());

//Aliasing constructor to construct shared_ptr<Yolk>
//yp shares ownership with ep but points to subobject ep->y
auto yp = std::shared_ptr<Yolk>(ep, &ep->y);  

NOTE: 测试程序如下:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>

struct Yolk
      std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
  void test()
      std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
struct White
      std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
struct Egg
      std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
  White w;
  Yolk y;

int main()

  //shared_ptr<A> managing a B object
  auto ep = std::shared_ptr<Egg>(new Egg());

  //Aliasing constructor to construct shared_ptr<Yolk>
  //yp shares ownership with ep but points to subobject ep->y
  auto yp = std::shared_ptr<Yolk>(ep, &ep->y);
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


void Yolk::test()

The in-depth treatment of aliasing constructor deserves(应得) its own space. I encourage you to check out "Aliasing constructed shared_ptr as key of map or set" for a more persuasive use case.

NOTE: 这段话的意思是: aliasing constructor 是一个较大的topic,需要专门进行介绍

There is more discussion about the managed object pointer in the 'Deleter' section below when we talk about the type erasure.


1、std::shared_ptr的实现也是依赖于type erasure technique的


Before we delve(钻研) into more intricate(复杂的) details, let's talk about the std::make_shared. We mentioned above that the control block could either contain a pointer to the managed object or the object itself. The control block is dynamically allocated. Constructing the managed object in-place within the control block can avoid the two separate memory allocations for the object and the control block, resulting in an uncomplicated(简单的) control block and better performance. The std::make_shared is a preferred way to construct a shared_ptr because it builds the managed object within the control block:

auto sp = std::make_shared<std::string>("Hello"); //Creates the std::string in the control block 
std::cout << *sp << "\n"; //Hello

2.2. Reference Counter

NOTE: 讲述了reference counter的原理

The reference counter, which is incremented and decremented atomically, tracks the number of owning shared_ptr instances. The reference count increases as a new shared_ptr is constructed, and it decreases as an owning shared_ptr is destroyed. One exception to that is the reference count is left unchanged when a shared_ptr is moved because the move-constructor transfers the ownership from the source to the newly constructed shared_ptr. The managed object is disposed of when the reference count reaches zero.

NOTE: 是否有copy constructor?有的,参见 cppreference std::shared_ptr::shared_ptr

Copy and move assignment operators

std::shared_ptr ownership is also affected by the copy and move assignment operators. The copy assignment operator decreases the reference count of the destination (LHS) shared_ptr and increases the reference count of the source (RHS) shared_ptr. Whereas, the move assignment operator decreases the reference count of the destination (LHS) but does not change the reference count of the source (RHS).

NOTE: 上面这段话貌似有误;参见:

1、cppreference std::shared_ptr::operator=

Let's explore another example that exhibits the lifecycle of an object managed by a few shared_ptr instances. As you go through the code, refer the following figure for the different stages:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

void baz(std::shared_ptr<int> p3)
    //Stage 3
    std::cout << "@3 Ref Count: " << p3.use_count() << "\n"; //@3 Ref Count: 3

int main()
    //Create a shared_ptr<int>
    auto p1 = std::make_shared<int>(0);
    //Stage 1
    std::cout << "@1 Ref Count: " << p1.use_count() << "\n"; //@1 Ref Count: 1

    { // Block
      //Create copy
        auto p2 = p1;
        //Stage 2
        std::cout << "@2 Ref Count: " << p2.use_count() << "\n"; //@2 Ref Count: 2
        //Will create another copy
        //Stage 4
        std::cout << "@4 Ref Count: " << p2.use_count() << "\n"; //@4 Ref Count: 2

    //Stage 5
    std::cout << "@5 Ref Count: " << p1.use_count() << "\n"; //@5 Ref Count: 1
    //Stage 6
    std::cout << "@6 Ref Count: " << p1.use_count() << "\n"; //@6 Ref Count: 0
    return 0;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 输出如下:

@1 Ref Count: 1
@2 Ref Count: 2
@3 Ref Count: 3
@4 Ref Count: 2
@5 Ref Count: 1
@6 Ref Count: 0

shared_ptr object lifecycle

2.3. Weak Counter

A control block also keeps the count of weak_ptr associated with it in a weak counter. An std::weak_ptr is a smart pointer that serves as a weak reference to an std::shared_ptr managed object. When a weak_ptr is created from a shared_ptr, it refers to the same control block but does not share the ownership of the managed object. It is not possible to directly access the managed object through a weak_ptr. A weak_ptr must be copied to a shared_ptr to acquire access to the managed object.

The following multithreaded example shows how a shared_ptr can be created from a weak_ptr as long as the managed object is alive. A reader thread periodically tries to acquire a shared_ptr<std::atomic_int> from a weak_ptr<std::atomic_int> and logs the value. If the reader thread cannot acquire a shared_ptr in an iteration, it exits. A writer thread periodically changes the shared_ptr managed std::atomic_int value a few times and exits. When the writer thread exits, the shared_ptr held by it is destroyed, and the reader thread can no longer get a shared_ptr from its weak_ptr, which makes the reader thread to also exit. The program terminates when both the threads exit:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
int main()
    auto sp = std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_int>(new std::atomic_int());

    //A weak_ptr is created and captured (syntax requires requires c++14).
    std::thread r([wp = std::weak_ptr<std::atomic_int>(sp)]()
    { //weak_ptr created. ref count: 1, weak count: 1
                            //Acquire a shared_ptr through lock()
                            if(auto p = wp.lock())
                                //shared_ptr acquired. ref count is 1 or 2
                                std::cout << *p << "\n";
                                //shared_ptr could not be acquired. ref count 0

    //The shared_ptr is moved and captured so the ref count stays 1
    //If the shared_ptr is copied instead of moved, this program will never
    //     end because the reader would never exit (try that!).
    //Move in capture clause requires c++14
    std::thread w([mp = std::move(sp)]()
    { //shared_ptr moved. ref count: 1
                        for(int i=1; i<=5; i++)
                            *mp = i; //change managed object

    //Join the threads.
    return 0;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 虽然上述code中,虽然使用了C++14 feature,但是在gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)中是能够 编译通过的,上述程序的运行结果如下:"


NOTE: smart pointer是一种更加高级的控制方式,无需由programmer进行显式的停止,而是依赖于reference counting机制

The weak count is the number of existing weak_ptr. The weak count does not play any role in deciding the lifetime of the managed object, which is deleted when the reference count reaches zero. However, the control block itself is not deleted until the weak count also reaches zero

NOTE: 上面这段话说明了: weak count的作用

2.4. Deleter

When a shared_ptr is initialized with a pointer, its control block contains a deleter function object (or function pointer), which is invoked to destroy the managed object. If a custom deleter is not provided to the shared_ptr constructor, a default deleter (e.g., std::default_delete) is used that calls the delete operator.

The deleter is type-erased for two reasons:

1、First, a deleter is an optional argument to a shared_ptr constructor, not a template parameter. Hence, a shared_ptr's type is deleter agnostic(不知的).

NOTE: 这段话的意思是: 通过"shared_ptr's type "是无法得知deleter的type的

2、Second, a deleter is a function object (or a function pointer), e.g., function<void(T\*)>. This indirection makes shared_ptr independent of the details of how the managed object is deleted. This loose-coupling of shared_ptr with the deleter makes it quite flexible.


1、上面这一段中的"The deleter is type-erased "要如何理解?

最最好的答案是: geidav Custom deleters for smart pointers in modern C++,其中有着非常好的解答。

2、关于这一节的理解,还需要结合 geidav Custom deleters for smart pointers in modern C++ 中的内容,其中提及了 "For example changing the allocation strategy of a factory, and with it the custom deleter of the returned std::shared_ptrs, doesn’t break source/binary compatibility and thereby, doesn’t require any recompilation of client software",显然是和这一节的内容密切相关的。

For instance, in the example below, a vector<shared_ptr<T>> can be in its compilation unit entirely oblivious(不在意的) to the knowledge of how an incomplete type T is deleted:

//A compilation unit
class Thing; //only declaration. 'Thing' is incomplete here.
void foo(std::shared_ptr<Thing> thing) {
 std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Thing>> vec;
//+------------------- + ---------------------------+
//Different compilation unit
struct Thing {
void foo(std::shared_ptr<Thing>);

int main() {
 //Default deleter
 foo(std::shared_ptr<Thing>(new Thing()));
 //Custom lambda deleter 
 foo(std::shared_ptr<Thing>(new Thing(), [](Thing* p) {
  delete p;

2.5. Allocator

The control block itself is allocated by an allocator that must satisfy the Allocator requirements. When a custom allocator is not provided, the std::allocator is used that dynamically allocates the control block. The control block keeps a copy of the allocator, which is type-erased like the deleter. There are two ways to use a custom allocator. One is to provide a custom allocator when initializing the shared_ptr with a managed object pointer, as shown below. Note that this shared_ptr constructor also requires a deleter:

struct SomeData { };
//Allocator must be defined
auto sp = std::shared_ptr<SomeData>(new SomeData(), std::default_delete<SomeData>(), Allocator<SomeData>());

Another way to use a custom allocator is to utilize std::allocate_shared that can construct the managed object in-place within a custom allocated control block. Therefore, the std::allocate_shared is like std::make_shared, except that it takes a custom allocator:

auto sp = std::allocate_shared<SomeData>(Allocator<SomeData>());

3. Conclusion

NOTE: 重要是对比shared_ptr和raw pointer

The std::shared_ptr<T> is a handy yet straightforward utility. But under its simplicity lie extensive details that make it work. Dereferencing a shared_ptr is nearly as fast as a raw pointer, but constructing or copying a shared_ptr is certainly more expensive. Nonetheless, for most applications, this cost is reasonable for automatic memory management.