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Implementation of shard_ptr



1、wikipedia Garbage collection

2、 wikipedia Reference counting


stackoverflow How is the std::tr1::shared_ptr implemented?



1、这个回答给出的source code,我觉得是最好的,非常地简单易懂

2、在nextptr-shared_ptr-basics-and-internals中,引用了下面的source code,并对其进行了详细分析,结合其中的内容可知,下面的实现虽然短小,但是功能是非常强大的

shared_ptr must manage a reference counter and the carrying of a deleter functor that is deduced by the type of the object given at initialization.


一、"deleter functor that is deduced by the type of the object given at initialization"

1、这一点非常重要,因为它保证了能够正确的析构由shared_ptr管理的object,它取的是管理的object的real type,而不是由programmer指定的class template parameter

2、上面这段话中的 "deleter functor ",应该指代的是default deleter

3、从下面的实现可知class template parameter 和 construct template parameter是不同的

The shared_ptr class typically hosts two members: a T* (that is returned by operator-> and dereferenced in operator*) and a aux* where aux is a inner abstract class that contains:

  • a counter (incremented / decremented upon copy-assign / destroy)
  • whatever is needed to make increment / decrement atomic (not needed if specific platform atomic INC/DEC is available)
  • an abstract virtual destroy()=0;
  • a virtual destructor.

Such aux class (the actual name depends on the implementation) is derived by a family of templatized classes (parametrized on the type given by the explicit constructor, say U derived from T), that add:

  • a pointer to the object (same as T*, but with the actual type: this is needed to properly manage all the cases of T being a base for whatever U having multiple T in the derivation hierarchy)
  • a copy of the deletor object given as deletion policy to the explicit constructor (or the default deletor just doing delete p, where p is the U* above)
  • the override of the destroy method, calling the deleter functor.

A simplified sketch can be this one:

template<class T>
class shared_ptr
    struct aux
        unsigned count;

        aux() :count(1) {}
        virtual void destroy()=0;
        virtual ~aux() {} //must be polymorphic

    template<class U, class Deleter>
    struct auximpl: public aux
        U* p;
        Deleter d;

        auximpl(U* pu, Deleter x) :p(pu), d(x) {}
        virtual void destroy() { d(p); } 

    template<class U>
    struct default_deleter
        void operator()(U* p) const { delete p; }

    aux* pa;
    T* pt;

    void inc() { if(pa) interlocked_inc(pa->count); }

    void dec() 
        if(pa && !interlocked_dec(pa->count)) 
        {  pa->destroy(); delete pa; }


    shared_ptr() :pa(), pt() {}

    template<class U, class Deleter>
    shared_ptr(U* pu, Deleter d) :pa(new auximpl<U,Deleter>(pu,d)), pt(pu) {}

    template<class U>
    explicit shared_ptr(U* pu) :pa(new auximpl<U,default_deleter<U> >(pu,default_deleter<U>())), pt(pu) {}

    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr& s) :pa(, pt( { inc(); }

    template<class U>
    shared_ptr(const shared_ptr<U>& s) :pa(, pt( { inc(); }

    ~shared_ptr() { dec(); }

    shared_ptr& operator=(const shared_ptr& s)
            pa =;;
        return *this;

    T* operator->() const { return pt; }
    T& operator*() const { return *pt; }

NOTE: 1、auxauximpl是典型的"OOP interface + template implementation"

Where weak_ptr interoperability is required a second counter (weak_count) is required in aux (will be incremented / decremented by weak_ptr), and delete pa must happen only when both the counters reach zero.

learncpp std::shared_ptr

Unlike std::unique_ptr, which uses a single pointer internally, std::shared_ptr uses two pointers internally. One pointer points at the resource being managed. The other points at a “control block”, which is a dynamically allocated object that tracks of a bunch of stuff, including how many std::shared_ptr are pointing at the resource. When a std::shared_ptr is created via a std::shared_ptr constructor, the memory for the managed object (which is usually passed in) and control block (which the constructor creates) are allocated separately. However, when using std::make_shared(), this can be optimized into a single memory allocation, which leads to better performance.

This also explains why independently creating two std::shared_ptr pointed to the same resource gets us into trouble. Each std::shared_ptr will have one pointer pointing at the resource. However, each std::shared_ptr will independently allocate its own control block, which will indicate that it is the only pointer owning that resource. Thus, when that std::shared_ptr goes out of scope, it will deallocate the resource, not realizing there are other std::shared_ptr also trying to manage that resource.

However, when a std::shared_ptr is cloned using copy assignment, the data in the control block can be appropriately updated to indicate that there are now additional std::shared_ptr co-managing the resource.

Implementation 1



/* class for counted reference semantics
 * - deletes the object to which it refers when the last CountedPtr
 *   that refers to it is destroyed
template <class T>
class CountedPtr {
    T* ptr;        // pointer to the value
    long* count;   // shared number of owners

    // initialize pointer with existing pointer
    // - requires that the pointer p is a return value of new
    explicit CountedPtr (T* p=0)
     : ptr(p), count(new long(1)) {

    // copy pointer (one more owner)
    CountedPtr (const CountedPtr<T>& p) throw()
     : ptr(p.ptr), count(p.count) {

    // destructor (delete value if this was the last owner)
    ~CountedPtr () throw() {

    // assignment (unshare old and share new value)
    CountedPtr<T>& operator= (const CountedPtr<T>& p) throw() {
        if (this != &p) {
            ptr = p.ptr;
            count = p.count;
        return *this;

    // access the value to which the pointer refers
    T& operator*() const throw() {
        return *ptr;
    T* operator->() const throw() {
        return ptr;

    void dispose() {
        if (--*count == 0) {
             delete count;
             delete ptr;


#endif /*COUNTED_PTR_HPP*/

Implementation 2

Boost.SmartPtr: The Smart Pointer Library