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std::shared_ptr and multithread

std::shared_ptr 具备shared semantic,因此它就需要考虑 multithread 的经典问题: thread safety。

std::shared_ptr thread_safety

一、对于std::shared_ptr,它的对于它的data race的考虑

1、control block(包括reference counting)的data race

2、同一个std::shared_ptr object的data race

同一个std::shared_ptr object可能被多个thread同时access

3、target object的thread safe

综合stackoverflow std::shared_ptr thread safety explained、cppreference std::shared_ptrBoost.SmartPtr: The Smart Pointer Library中的描述可知:

1、Standard guarantees that reference counting is handled thread safe and it's platform independent

2、standard guarantees that only one thread (holding last reference) will call delete on shared object

3、shared_ptr does not guarantee any thread safety for object stored in it

NOTE: 上述内容源自 stackoverflow std::shared_ptr thread safety explained

cppreference std::shared_ptr

All member functions (including copy constructor and copy assignment) can be called by multiple threads on different instances of shared_ptr without additional synchronization even if these instances are copies and share ownership of the same object.


1、对于具备shared ownership的所有shared_ptr,它们是共享同一个control block;通过上面这段话可知: shared_ptr的实现能够保证: **不同**的thread同时使用**不同**的shared_ptr object,control block是thread safe的;

If multiple threads of execution access the same shared_ptr without synchronization and any of those accesses uses a non-const member function of shared_ptr then a data race will occur; the shared_ptr overloads of atomic functions can be used to prevent the data race.

NOTE: 上面这段话所描述的是: 多个thread同时使用同一个shared_ptr object;

通过上面这段话的描述可以看出,同一个std::shared_ptr如果同时被multiple thread使用, 是存在data race的,此时是需要synchronization



1、多个thread同时使用同一个shared_ptr instance

2、多个thread,每个thread有一个自己的shared_ptr instance,这些instance执行同一个object

stackoverflow std::shared_ptr thread safety explained

I'm reading and some thread safety issues are still not clear for me:

1、Standard guarantees that reference counting is handled thread safe and it's platform independent, right?

2、Similar issue - standard guarantees that only one thread (holding last reference) will call delete on shared object, right? 3、shared_ptr does not guarantee any thread safety for object stored in it?

Pseudo code:

// Thread I
shared_ptr<A> a (new A (1));

// Thread II
shared_ptr<A> b (a);

// Thread III
shared_ptr<A> c (a);

// Thread IV
shared_ptr<A> d (a);

d.reset (new A (10));


As others have pointed out, you've got it figured out correctly regarding your original 3 questions.

But the ending part of your edit

Calling reset() in thread IV will delete previous instance of A class created in first thread and replace it with new instance? Moreover after calling reset() in IV thread other threads will see only newly created object?

is incorrect. Only d will point to the new A(10), and a, b, and c will continue to point to the original A(1). This can be seen clearly in the following short example.


Correct, shared_ptrs use atomic increments/decrements of a reference count value.

stackoverflow Atomic Reference Counting # A

To repeat it once more: Accessing a single shared_ptr instance from multiple threads where one of those accesses is a write to the pointer is still a race condition.

If you want to e.g. copy a std::shared_ptrin a threadsafe manner, you have to ensure that all loads and stores happen via std::atomic_... operations which are specialized for shared_ptr.


1、wrap the shared_ptr with a lock



NOTE: 上述内容是源自 What is the difference between std::shared_ptr and std::experimental::atomic_shared_ptr? # A

stackoverflow What is the difference between std::shared_ptr and std::experimental::atomic_shared_ptr?

template <class T>
class lock_free_stack
  void push(const T& data)
    const std::shared_ptr<node> new_node = std::make_shared<node>(data);
    new_node->next = std::atomic_load(&head_);
    while (!std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&head_, &new_node->next, new_node));

  std::shared_ptr<T> pop()
    std::shared_ptr<node> old_head = std::atomic_load(&head_);
    while(old_head &&
          !std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak(&head_, &old_head, old_head->next));
    return old_head ? old_head->data : std::shared_ptr<T>();

  struct node
    std::shared_ptr<T> data;
    std::shared_ptr<node> next;

    node(const T& data_) : data(std::make_shared<T>(data_)) {}

  std::shared_ptr<node> head_;


The atomic "thing" in shared_ptr is not the shared pointer itself, but the control block it points to. meaning that as long as you don't mutate the shared_ptr across multiple threads, you are ok. do note that copying a shared_ptr only mutates(改变) the control block, and not the shared_ptr itself.

std::shared_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_shared<int>(4);
for (auto i =0;i<10;i++){
   std::thread([ptr]{ auto copy = ptr; }).detach(); //ok, only mutates the control block 

Mutating the shared pointer itself, such as assigning it different values from multiple threads, is a data race, for example:

std::shared_ptr<int> ptr = std::make_shared<int>(4);
std::thread threadA([&ptr]{
   ptr = std::make_shared<int>(10);
std::thread threadB([&ptr]{
   ptr = std::make_shared<int>(20);

Here, we are mutating the control block (which is ok) but also the shared pointer itself, by making it point to a different values from multiple threads. This is not ok.

A solution to that problem is to wrap the shared_ptr with a lock, but this solution is not so scalable under some contention, and in a sense, loses the automatic feeling of the standard shared pointer.

Another solution is to use the standard functions you quoted, such as std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak. This makes the work of synchronizing shared pointers a manual one, which we don't like.

This is where atomic shared pointer comes to play. You can mutate the shared pointer from multiple threads without fearing a data race and without using any locks. The standalone functions will be members ones, and their use will be much more natural for the user. This kind of pointer is extremely useful for lock-free data structures.


1、tag-performance-lock VS lockless-scalability