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aherrmann Unpacking Tuples in C++14

C++11 introduced tuples to the C++ standard library. As the documentation says they offer a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values.

Unfortunately, tuples can be a little bit tricky to deal with in a generic fashion. The C++14 standard introduced a few features that greatly reduce the necessary boilerplate. In this post I will discuss how to deal with tuples with very compact code.

If you would like to follow along you can find the code examples on GitHub. Build instructions can be found in the Readme file.

Introducing Tuples

The difficulty with tuples in C++ is that they can only be indexed at compile time. The standard library function get accepts the index as a template parameter (i.e. at compile time) and returns a reference to the value at that index. The index has to be a constant expression. It cannot be dynamically generated as e.g. in a for-loop. Furthermore, since tuples can have heterogeneous values and C++ is a statically typed language there is no way to dynamically iterate over the values in a generic tuple. We wouldn’t know their types.

#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
int main()
    tuple<int, bool, char> t = make_tuple(1, true, 'a');

    int n = get<0>(t); // ok
    bool b = get<1>(t); // ok
    char c = get<2>(t); // ok

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        get<i>(t); // error: `i` is not `constexpr`
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 上述代码编译报错如下:

/usr/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple:773:5: 附注:template<long unsigned int __i, class ... _Elements> constexpr typename std::__add_r_ref<typename std::tuple_element<__i, std::tuple<_Elements ...> >::type>::type std::get(std::tuple<_Elements ...>&&)
     get(tuple<_Elements...>&& __t) noexcept
/usr/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple:773:5: 附注:  template argument deduction/substitution failed:
test.cpp:13:11: 错误:the value of i is not usable in a constant expression
   get<i>(t); // error: `i` is not `constexpr`
test.cpp:11:11: 附注:‘int i’不是 const
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
test.cpp:13:11: 附注:in template argument for type long unsigned int 
   get<i>(t); // error: `i` is not `constexpr`

The problem can be circumvented by exploiting variadic templates, and parameter pack expansion. A feature that was also introduced in C++11. It allows to, in a way, iterate over tuple elements at compile time. First, we need to define a type that can hold a parameter pack of indices for a given tuple.

template <size_t... Is>
struct index_sequence;

Next, we can use parameter pack expansion to index into a generic tuple.

template<class Tuple, size_t ... Is>
void function(Tuple t, index_sequence<Is...>)

Which would call some_func with the tuple’s elements unpacked into its argument list.

What’s left is to construct an index_sequence that contains the appropriate parameter pack of indices. The C++14 standard introduced make_index_sequence for that purpose. Before that C++ programmers had to implement it themselves or pick one of the many implementations available on the Internet. E.g. this O(\log(N)) implementation on Stack Overflow.

Implementing Functions on Tuples

With all these tools available in the standard-library we can stop worrying, go ahead, and play with tuples to our heart’s content.


Suppose we wanted to implement a function that takes an arbitrary tuple and returns a new tuple that holds the first N elements of the original tuple. Let’s call it take_front. Since tuples have fixed size the parameter N will have to be a template parameter.

template<class Tuple, size_t ... Is>
constexpr auto take_front_impl(Tuple t, index_sequence<Is...>)
    return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

template<size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t)
    return take_front_impl(t, make_index_sequence<N> { });

The function take_front_impl takes the input tuple and an index_sequence. As before that second parameter is only there so that we can get our hands on a parameter pack of indices. We then use these indices to get the elements of the input tuple and pass them to make_tuple which will construct the result. However, at that point we haven’t actually defined, yet, which elements should be put into that new tuple. This happens within take_front, which constructs an index-sequence consisting of the indices 0 to N-1 and passes it to take_front_impl.

We can use that function like so.

auto t = take_front < 2 > (make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4));
assert(t == make_tuple(1, 2));

At this point I should mention that all the code in this article is optimized for readability. In production code you would probably want to qualify members of the std namespace, and use perfect forwarding. You should also be aware that the function make_tuple applies non-trivial transformations to its arguments, such as converting references to values and reference_wrapper to references.


With that out of the way, let’s implement another function on tuples. A very useful function that we might want to implement is apply. It takes a tuple and a callable and calls the callable with the elements of the tuple as arguments. It could for example be used in the following way.

auto x = apply(make_tuple(1, 2), plus<> { });
assert(x == 3);

The implementation uses the same trick as take_front before. We construct a parameter pack of integers and use a helper function to extract all the tuple elements.

template<class Tuple, class F, size_t ... Is>
constexpr auto apply_impl(Tuple t, F f, index_sequence<Is...>)
    return f(get<Is>(t)...);

template<class Tuple, class F>
constexpr auto apply(Tuple t, F f)
    return apply_impl(t, f, make_index_sequence<tuple_size<Tuple> { }> { });

This function is actually part of the library fundamentals technical specification. Note, however, that I swapped the order of the arguments. It’s a matter of taste but I prefer callable arguments in the end of the parameter list because it allows for more readable in-line lambda definitions.

Don’t Split Your Functions

Both of the above functions take_front, and apply are implemented using the same pattern. We first call make_index_sequence to construct an index_sequence which holds a parameter pack of indices. Then we call a helper function that accesses and unpacks that parameter pack. Unfortunately, this splits the function’s body in two pieces which makes the code harder to read. It is often said that patterns hint at(暗示着) a missing language feature. One could argue that the inability to create(parameter pack) and immediately unpack parameter packs in the same place is a lacking language feature. However, here I want to discuss how to, at least, localize that pattern such that we don’t need to define helper functions outside of scope.

NOTE: 前面描述的patter是"split"的含义是: 必须定义两个函数,第一个函数创建**parameter pack of indices**(index_sequence<Is...>),将这个pack作为入参传入到第二个函数(helper functions)中,在第二个函数中"accesses and unpacks that parameter pack",显然这就要求programmer "splits the function’s body in two pieces which makes the code harder to read"

在这一段,作者提出了一个新的更好的思路: "create(parameter pack) and immediately unpack parameter packs in the same place"

C++14 introduced another great feature, namely, variadic lambdas. That feature allows to define a lambda that behaves like a variadic template function. For example the following lambda returns the smallest absolute value of all given parameters.

    auto minabs = [](auto... xs) {
        return min({abs(xs)...});

    assert(1 == minabs(-1, 2, -3));

This implementation uses the initializer list overload of min.

Now, how could we use variadic lambdas to avoid the *_impl pattern from above?

First, naive, approach

A first, naive, approach follows. First, we try to separate the idea of constructing an index sequence in one place and unpacking it in another.

template <class F, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto index_apply_impl(F f,
                                index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return f(Is...);

template <size_t N, class F>
constexpr auto index_apply(F f) {
    return index_apply_impl(f, make_index_sequence<N>{});

The function index_apply expects a callable and passes it to a helper function alongside a parameter pack of indices from 0 to N-1. That helper function then passes these indices as arguments to the callable. We could now try to implement take_front as follows.

template <size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t) {
    return index_apply<N>([&](auto... Is) {
        return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

This already looks very promising. We have eliminated the need for a specific helper function and can instead rely on one general helper for (hopefully) all cases. However, unfortunately, that code will not compile. The get template takes the index as a template parameter. Template parameters can only be constant expressions. However, the arguments Is... to the lambda are ordinary (run-time) values of type size_t. Therefore, we cannot use them as template parameters.

Second, complete, approach

Fortunately, there is an easy way around that problem. The standard library defines the template class integral_constant which encapsulates a static constant of a specified type. Since it carries its value in a template parameter that value is a constant expression that can also be used as a parmeter to other templates. Conveniently, it also defines an implicit constexpr conversion operator such that we can use an integral_constant object in most places where we need a constant expression of the corresponding value type. With this little helper we can implement index_apply as follows.

template <class F, size_t... Is>
constexpr auto index_apply_impl(F f,
                                index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return f(integral_constant<size_t, Is> {}...);

template <size_t N, class F>
constexpr auto index_apply(F f) {
    return index_apply_impl(f, make_index_sequence<N>{});

This, finally, allows us to implement take_front, and apply without the need for any further helper functions.

template <size_t N, class Tuple>
constexpr auto take_front(Tuple t) {
    return index_apply<N>([&](auto... Is) {
        return make_tuple(get<Is>(t)...);

template <class Tuple, class F>
constexpr auto apply(Tuple t, F f) {
    return index_apply<tuple_size<Tuple>{}>(
        [&](auto... Is) { return f(get<Is>(t)...); });

Both functions call index_apply, specifying how many elements we want to extract. Then they pass a variadic lambda that expects a parameter pack of indices. These indices are passed as instances of integral_constant. Therefore, they can be used right away as a template argument to get.

A Few More Examples

Now that we have index_apply let’s write two more functions on tuples with its help.

Reverse a tuple

First, let’s write a function that takes a tuple and returns a new tuple that contains the original tuple’s elements in reversed order.

template<class Tuple>
constexpr auto reverse(Tuple t)
    return index_apply<tuple_size<Tuple>{ }>(
        [&](auto ... Is)
            return make_tuple(get<tuple_size<Tuple>{} - 1 - Is>(t)...);

That function is nearly identical to tuple_front just that this time we take the full length, and count the indices that we pass to get backwards.

    auto t = reverse(make_tuple(1, 2, 3, 4));
    assert(t == make_tuple(4, 3, 2, 1));


Now, let’s move on to a more complex example. We will write a function that takes an arbitrary number of tuples and returns a tuple of tuples, where the first contains all the first elements of the input tuples, the second all the second elements, and so on. We’ll call this function zip. We also specify that when called with zero arguments it just returns an empty tuple. If the tuples are of differing length then we will crop all inputs to match the shortest one. All in all we expect zip to fulfill the following assertions.

assert(make_tuple() = zip());

auto t1 = zip(make_tuple(1, 2), make_tuple(3, 4), make_tuple(5, 6));
assert(t1 == make_tuple( make_tuple(1, 3, 5), make_tuple(2, 4, 6) ));

auto t2 = zip(make_tuple(1, 2, 3), make_tuple(4));
assert(t2 == make_tuple( make_tuple(1, 4) ));

It would also make sense to implement the function transpose in terms of zip, which takes a tuple of tuples, interprets it like a matrix, and returns a transposed tuple of tuples.

template<class Tuple>
constexpr auto transpose(Tuple t)
    return apply(t, [](auto ... ts)
    {   return zip(ts...);});

How could we implement zip? There are a few things that we need. First, we need the length of the shortest tuple. For that purpose we can use min again.

constexpr size_t len = min({tuple_size<Tuples>{}...});

Where we used the fact that min is a constexpr function since C++14.

Next, we need to find a way to go through every tuple and every tuple’s elements simultaneously. Unfortunately, the following, naive, implementation will not compile.

template<class ... Tuples>
constexpr auto zip(Tuples ... ts)
    constexpr size_t len = min( { tuple_size<Tuples> {}... });
    return index_apply<len>([&](auto ... Is)
        return make_tuple(make_tuple(get<Is>(ts)...)...);

We somehow need to nest two parameter pack expansions. However, in the above code it is ambiguous which pack to expand first. Instead of taking a guess for us the compiler will (thankfully) simply refuse to accept this code.

We can circumvent that problem by splitting the task in two. We can think of the result as a tuple of rows where each row contains the I-th elements of all input tuples. For each row the index is fixed. The outer tuple then contains all those rows. In code that reads as follows.

template <class... Tuples>
constexpr auto zip(Tuples... ts) {
    constexpr size_t len = min({tuple_size<Tuples>{}...});
    auto row =
        [&](auto I) { return make_tuple(get<I>(ts)...); };
    return index_apply<len>(
        [&](auto... Is) { return make_tuple(row(Is)...); });

The lambda row constructs a single row of I-th elements of all tuples. To that end it takes one integral_constant as an argument and uses it to extract one element from each tuple. Within index_apply we then construct a tuple of all rows.

Finally, to handle the empty case we simply provide the following overload.

constexpr auto zip() { return make_tuple(); }

With that we have implemented zip to the specification above.


In this article we saw how to reduce the boilerplate when extracting elements out of generic tuples. The presented pattern allows to write the full implementation of a function that deals with generic patterns in one place without having to resort to external helper functions.

If you have any comments, thoughts, or criticism please leave a comment. In any case I hope you enjoyed the article. Thanks for reading!