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cppreference std::visit

fluentcpp On Design Patterns in C++ # Visitor with std::visit

C++17’s std::visit gives another example of implementing the Visitor design pattern. std::visit is a way to apply a function on a std::variant. But since, by definition, a std::variant can hold values of different type, we may need various functions to operate on it.

NOTE: 也是一种many-to-many

Consider the following example. This is one of the various techniques to create a function object that can operate on various types in C++:

struct Visitor
    std::string operator()(std::string const& s){ return s; }

    template<typename T>
    std::string operator()(T const& value) { return std::to_string(value);}

Let’s now assume that we have a function that allows to get a variant object:

std::variant<int, std::string, char> getNumber();

Then we can apply the visitor on the variant object with std::visit:

std::string s = std::visit(Visitor{}, getNumber());

Here the visited object (the variant) uses runtime polymorphism (even though without inheritance and virtual methods), and the visitor object (the Visitor) uses compile time polymorphism based on overload resolution.

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