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可能的class hierarchy

C++ Subtype polymorphism的实现需要考虑如下可能的情况:

1、single inheritance

2、multiple inheritance

3、virtual inheritance

Object memory layout

参见 Class-memory-layout 章节




dispatch table + method resolution order + pointer fixup(thunk)

compiler会自动为polymorphic type添加上述方案的实现。

Method selection

对于single inheritance、multiple inheritance

使用 dispatch table即可。

对于virtual inheritance

对于virtual inheritance,则需要使用dispatch table + method resolution order;


1、stackoverflow Method resolution order in C++ # A

There is no MRO in C++ like Python. If a method is ambiguous, it is a compile-time error. Whether a method is virtual or not doesn't affect it, but virtual inheritance will.

The algorithm is described in the C++ standard §[class.member.lookup] (10.2). Basically it will find the closest unambiguous implementation in the superclass graph.

Subobject(static type) 和 entire object(dynamic type) 之间的转换

1、entire object -> subobject

2、subobject -> entire object


1、在 wikipedia Thunk # Applications # Object-oriented programming 中对此进行了详细说明。

2、在cppreference Object#Polymorphic objects中提及了这个topic:

Within each polymorphic object, the implementation stores additional information (in every existing implementation, it is one pointer unless optimized out), which is used by virtual function calls and by the RTTI features (dynamic_cast and typeid) to determine, at run time, the type with which the object was created, regardless of the expression it is used in.

对于polymorphic object的,在使用它的时候,一个非常重要的topic是: 得到dynamic type entire object,因为它们一般都是通过static type subobject来进行使用的。

stackoverflow Why do we need virtual table?


Without virtual tables you wouldn't be able to make runtime polymorphism work since all references to functions would be bound at compile time. A simple example

struct Base {
  virtual void f() { }

struct Derived : public Base {
  virtual void f() { }

void callF( Base *o ) {

int main() {
  Derived d;
  callF( &d );

Inside the function callF, you only know that o points to a Base object. However, at runtime, the code should call Derived::f (since Base::f is virtual). At compile time, the compiler can't know which code is going to be executed by the o->f() call since it doesn't know what o points to.

Hence, you need something called a "virtual table" which is basically a table of function pointers. Each object that has virtual functions has a "v-table pointer" that points to the virtual table for objects of its type.

The code in the callF function above then only needs to look up the entry for Base::f in the virtual table (which it finds based on the v-table pointer in the object), and then it calls the function that table entry points to. That might be Base::f but it is also possible that it points to something else - Derived::f, for instance.

This means that due to the virtual table, you're able to have polymorphism at runtime because the actual function being called is determined at runtime by looking up a function pointer in the virtual table and then calling the function via that pointer - instead of calling the function directly (as is the case for non-virtual functions).

vtable的本质: table of function pointer

virtual table其实就是一个dispatch table

wikipedia Polymorphism (computer science)


Object-oriented programming languages offer subtype polymorphism using subclassing (also known as inheritance). In typical implementations, each class contains what is called a virtual table—a table of functions that implement the polymorphic part of the class interface—and each object contains a pointer to the "vtable" of its class, which is then consulted whenever a polymorphic method is called. This mechanism is an example of:

1、late binding, because virtual function calls are not bound until the time of invocation;

2、single dispatch (i.e. single-argument polymorphism), because virtual function calls are bound simply by looking through the vtable provided by the first argument (the this object), so the runtime types of the other arguments are completely irrelevant.

NOTE: 这一段从实现层面详细描述了C++仅仅支持single dispatch的原因。

stackoverflow What is vtable in C++ [duplicate]


V-tables (or virtual tables) are how most C++ implementations do polymorphism. For each concrete implementation of a class, there is a table of function pointers to all the virtual methods. A pointer to this table (called the virtual table) exists as a data member in all the objects. When one calls a virtual method, we lookup the object's v-table and call the appropriate derived class method.


1、每个polymorphic object,都有一个执行virtual table的pointer

2、最后一段话描述的是late binding、dynamic binding的过程


For all it's worth, it is not a standard C++ terminology. It is just an implementation detail used by the implementation to implement virtual functions/dynamic binding


1、standard and implementation

stackoverflow Type erasure techniques # A

The "different" methods simply differ in the way they add semantic sugar. Virtual functions, e.g., are just semantic sugar for

struct Class {
    struct vtable {
        void (*dtor)(Class*);
        void (*func)(Class*,double);
    } * vtbl

iow: function pointers.

当前,virtual table是compile time生成的

CppCoreGuidelines T.83: Do not declare a member function template virtual


C++ does not support that. If it did, vtbls could not be generated until link time. And in general, implementations must deal with dynamic linking.


1、当前,virtual table是compile time生成的;如果支持template virtual function,那么virtual table需要直到link time才能够生成,并且还需要支持dynamic linking。

2、参见 Template-and-virtual 章节

为什么reference semantic才能够实现dynamic polymorphism

1、value semantic时,它的concrete type是已知的,compiler能够直接选择implementation,显然这样是符合optimization principle的

2、一般,implementation是需要进行pointer fixup




wikipedia Virtual method table

most derived class


For example, if a class has virtual functions, all the instances of that class might share a single virtual function table

需要对比c++ runtime polymorphysim的实现和Python的runtime polymorphysim的实现,两者都需要存储 映射关系。c++的vtbl和Python的__dict__类似的。Python仅仅有reference semantic的。

这本质是是对function call的实现,即根据function name,调用对应的function。compiler编译过程中,的scope resolution过程,与上述过程也是非常类似的,都是逐级搜索;我应该根据compiler-time、runtime来进行区分,对两者的实现逻辑进行对比;它们本质上都是建立起映射关系:function name到function的映射;它们的搜索过程,都是逐级进行的。

在文章artima "Pure Virtual Function Called": An Explanation中对此进行了解释。


pabloariasal Understandig Virtual Tables in C++