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Clang - Features and Goals

This page describes the features and goals of Clang in more detail and gives a more broad explanation about what we mean. These features are:

End-User Features:

1、Fast compiles and low memory use

2、Expressive diagnostics

NOTE: 从使用上来看,的确比gcc的报错要友好

3、GCC compatibility

Utility and Applications:

1、Library based architecture



2、Support diverse clients

3、Integration with IDEs

End-User Features

Fast compiles and Low Memory Use


a、clang的这种架构是值得学习的,它是非常符合dragon- book中给出的架构的,这种架构的优势有:

1、combination、assemble、N M code reuse

有很多的programming language都将clang作为它的后端

A major focus of our work on clang is to make it fast, light and scalable. The library-based architecture of clang makes it straight-forward to time and profile the cost of each layer of the stack, and the driver has a number of options for performance analysis. Many detailed benchmarks can be found online.

Compile time performance is important, but when using clang as an API, often memory use is even more so: the less memory the code takes the more code you can fit into memory at a time (useful for whole program analysis tools, for example).

In addition to being efficient when pitted head-to-head against GCC in batch mode, clang is built with a library based architecture that makes it relatively easy to adapt it and build new tools with it. This means that it is often possible to apply out-of-the-box thinking and novel techniques to improve compilation in various ways.



Expressive Diagnostics



Here is one simple example that illustrates the difference between a typical GCC and Clang diagnostic:

  $ gcc-4.9 -fsyntax-only t.c
  t.c: In function 'int f(int, int)':
  t.c:7:39: error: invalid operands to binary + (have 'int' and 'struct A')
     return y + func(y ? ((SomeA.X + 40) + SomeA) / 42 + SomeA.X : SomeA.X);
  $ clang -fsyntax-only t.c
  t.c:7:39: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('int' and 'struct A')
    return y + func(y ? ((SomeA.X + 40) + SomeA) / 42 + SomeA.X : SomeA.X);
                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~

Here you can see that you don't even need to see the original source code to understand what is wrong based on the Clang error: Because Clang prints a caret, you know exactly which plus it is complaining about. The range information highlights the left and right side of the plus which makes it immediately obvious what the compiler is talking about, which is very useful for cases involving precedence issues and many other situations.

Clang diagnostics are very polished and have many features. For more information and examples, please see the Expressive Diagnostics page.

GCC Compatibility



Utility and Applications

Library Based Architecture

NOTE: 一、这是值得学习借鉴的,它让我想起了:


2、single responsibility principle

3、Unix philosophy 中的 "The Unix philosophy favors composability as opposed to monolithic design"

4、N M code reuse

A major design concept for clang is its use of a library-based architecture. In this design, various parts of the front-end can be cleanly divided into separate libraries which can then be mixed up for different needs and uses. In addition, the library-based approach encourages good interfaces and makes it easier for new developers to get involved (because they only need to understand small pieces of the big picture).

"The world needs better compiler tools, tools which are built as libraries. This design point allows reuse of the tools in new and novel ways. However, building the tools as libraries isn't enough: they must have clean APIs, be as decoupled from each other as possible, and be easy to modify/extend. This requires clean layering, decent design, and keeping the libraries independent of any specific client."

Currently, clang is divided into the following libraries and tool:

1、libsupport - Basic support library, from LLVM.

2、libsystem - System abstraction library, from LLVM.

3、libbasic - Diagnostics, SourceLocations, SourceBuffer abstraction, file system caching for input source files.

4、libast - Provides classes to represent the C AST, the C type system, builtin functions, and various helpers for analyzing and manipulating the AST (visitors, pretty printers, etc).


1、abstract syntax tree + visitor pattern是 compiler的标配

5、liblex - Lexing and preprocessing, identifier hash table, pragma handling, tokens, and macro expansion.

NOTE: 1、词法分析

6、libparse - Parsing. This library invokes coarse-grained 'Actions' provided by the client (e.g. libsema builds ASTs) but knows nothing about ASTs or other client-specific data structures.

7、libsema - Semantic Analysis. This provides a set of parser actions to build a standardized AST for programs.

8、libcodegen - Lower the AST to LLVM IR for optimization & code generation.

9、librewrite - Editing of text buffers (important for code rewriting transformation, like refactoring).

10、libanalysis - Static analysis support.

11、clang - A driver program, client of the libraries at various levels.

As an example of the power of this library based design.... If you wanted to build a preprocessor, you would take the Basic and Lexer libraries. If you want an indexer, you would take the previous two and add the Parser library and some actions for indexing. If you want a refactoring, static analysis, or source-to-source compiler tool, you would then add the AST building and semantic analyzer libraries.

For more information about the low-level implementation details of the various clang libraries, please see the clang Internals Manual.

Support Diverse Clients

Clang is designed and built with many grand plans for how we can use it. The driving force is the fact that we use C and C++ daily, and have to suffer due to a lack of good tools available for it. We believe that the C and C++ tools ecosystem has been significantly limited by how difficult it is to parse and represent the source code for these languages, and we aim to rectify this problem in clang.



The problem with this goal is that different clients have very different requirements. Consider code generation, for example: a simple front-end that parses for code generation must analyze the code for validity and emit code in some intermediate form to pass off to a optimizer or backend. Because validity analysis and code generation can largely be done on the fly, there is not hard requirement that the front-end actually build up a full AST for all the expressions and statements in the code. TCC and GCC are examples of compilers that either build no real AST (in the former case) or build a stripped down and simplified AST (in the later case) because they focus primarily on codegen.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, some clients (like refactoring) want highly detailed information about the original source code and want a complete AST to describe it with. Refactoring wants to have information about macro expansions, the location of every paren expression '(((x)))' vs 'x', full position information, and much more. Further, refactoring wants to look across the whole program to ensure that it is making transformations that are safe. Making this efficient and getting this right requires a significant amount of engineering and algorithmic work that simply are unnecessary for a simple static compiler.

The beauty of the clang approach is that it does not restrict how you use it. In particular, it is possible to use the clang preprocessor and parser to build an extremely quick and light-weight on-the-fly code generator (similar to TCC) that does not build an AST at all. As an intermediate step, clang supports using the current AST generation and semantic analysis code and having a code generation client free the AST for each function after code generation. Finally, clang provides support for building and retaining fully-fledged ASTs, and even supports writing them out to disk.

Designing the libraries with clean and simple APIs allows these high-level policy decisions to be determined in the client, instead of forcing "one true way" in the implementation of any of these libraries. Getting this right is hard, and we don't always get it right the first time, but we fix any problems when we realize we made a mistake.

Integration with IDEs

We believe that Integrated Development Environments (IDE's) are a great way to pull together various pieces of the development puzzle, and aim to make clang work well in such an environment. The chief advantage of an IDE is that they typically have visibility across your entire project and are long-lived processes, whereas stand-alone compiler tools are typically invoked on each individual file in the project, and thus have limited scope.

There are many implications of this difference, but a significant one has to do with efficiency and caching: sharing an address space across different files in a project, means that you can use intelligent caching and other techniques to dramatically reduce analysis/compilation time.

A further difference between IDEs and batch compiler is that they often impose very different requirements on the front-end: they depend on high performance in order to provide a "snappy" experience, and thus really want techniques like "incremental compilation", "fuzzy parsing", etc. Finally, IDEs often have very different requirements than code generation, often requiring information that a codegen-only frontend can throw away. Clang is specifically designed and built to capture this information.

Use the LLVM 'BSD' License

We actively intend for clang (and LLVM as a whole) to be used for commercial projects, not only as a stand-alone compiler but also as a library embedded inside a proprietary application. The BSD license is the simplest way to allow this. We feel that the license encourages contributors to pick up the source and work with it, and believe that those individuals and organizations will contribute back their work if they do not want to have to maintain a fork forever (which is time consuming and expensive when merges are involved). Further, nobody makes money on compilers these days, but many people need them to get bigger goals accomplished: it makes sense for everyone to work together.

For more information about the LLVM/clang license, please see the LLVM License Description for more information.

Internal Design and Implementation

A real-world, production quality compiler

Clang is designed and built by experienced compiler developers who are increasingly frustrated with the problems that existing open source compilers have. Clang is carefully and thoughtfully designed and built to provide the foundation of a whole new generation of C/C++/Objective C development tools, and we intend for it to be production quality.

Being a production quality compiler means many things: it means being high performance, being solid and (relatively) bug free, and it means eventually being used and depended on by a broad range of people. While we are still in the early development stages, we strongly believe that this will become a reality.

A simple and hackable code base

Our goal is to make it possible for anyone with a basic understanding of compilers and working knowledge of the C/C++/ObjC languages to understand and extend the clang source base. A large part of this falls out of our decision to make the AST mirror the languages as closely as possible: you have your friendly if statement, for statement, parenthesis expression, structs, unions, etc, all represented in a simple and explicit way.

In addition to a simple design, we work to make the source base approachable by commenting it well, including citations of the language standards where appropriate, and designing the code for simplicity. Beyond that, clang offers a set of AST dumpers, printers, and visualizers that make it easy to put code in and see how it is represented.

A single unified parser for C, Objective C, C++, and Objective C++

Clang is the "C Language Family Front-end", which means we intend to support the most popular members of the C family. We are convinced that the right parsing technology for this class of languages is a hand-built recursive-descent parser. Because it is plain C++ code, recursive descent makes it very easy for new developers to understand the code, it easily supports ad-hoc rules and other strange hacks required by C/C++, and makes it straight-forward to implement excellent diagnostics and error recovery.

We believe that implementing C/C++/ObjC in a single unified parser makes the end result easier to maintain and evolve than maintaining a separate C and C++ parser which must be bugfixed and maintained independently of each other.

NOTE: GCC also adopts hand-built recursive-descent parser.