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本章讨论pure virtual method called异常,目前遇到了两种场景:

  • 多线程race condition导致pure virtual method被调用了
  • constructor、destructor中调用pure virtual method

多线程竞争导致pure virtual method called



1、Create(ICallback* Callback) 创建连接对象

2、Send(const void* Data, int32_t Len) 发送数据

对于每个network connection,需要调用其Create方法向其注册ICallback类对象。这样关于这个network connection对象的消息,底层网络库就通过回调ICallback对象的成员方法通知到用户;

ICallback是接口类,所以它将OnConnectOnReceiveOnClose等方法都声明为pure virtual method;


这种模式(多线程+不清晰的ownership of object),带来的一个问题是:对Derived类对象的lifetime的管理的麻烦;如果programmer删除了Derived类对象(显然,会调用destructor),而底层网络库又继续使用这个对象,显然这就会导致问题,由于存在数据竞争,所以这多种可能:

  • Derived类对象被完全析构了,则导致dangling pointer
  • Derived类对象被部分析构,则导致pure virtual method
  • ......



tombarta GCC pure virtual method called

I spent about two hours today trying to debug a race condition in a multi-threaded C++ app today… definitely not a fun thing to do.

At one point, I saw this error pop up:

pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception

What? I know I can’t instantiate a class that has any pure-virtual methods, so how did this error show up? To debug it, I decided to replace all of the potentially-erroneous pure virtuals with stub functions that printed warnings to stderr. Lo and behold, I confirmed that polymorphism wasn’t working in my application. I had a bunch of Deriveds sitting in memory, and yet, the Base methods were being called.

Why was this happening? Because I was deleting objects while they were still in use. I don’t know if this is GCC-specific or not, but something very curious happens inside of destructors. Because the object hierarchy’s destructors get called from most-derived to least-derived, the object’s vtable switches up through parent classes. As a result, at some point in time (nondeterministic from a separate thread), my Derived objects were all really Bases. Calling a virtual member function on them in this mid-destruction state is what caused this situation.

NOTE: "deleting objects while they were still in use",需要联系上下文来理解:作者描述的场景是在一个multiple thread中,一个thread,删除了另外一个thread正在使用的object;

上面这一段中的最后一句话揭示了根本原因所在:Calling a virtual member function on them in this mid-destruction state is what caused this situation.

Here’s about the simplest example I can think of that reproduces this situation:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct base
    virtual ~base() { sleep(1); }
    virtual void func() = 0;
struct derived : public base
    virtual ~derived() { }
    virtual void func() { return; }
static void *thread_func(void* v)
    base *b = reinterpret_cast<base*>(v);
    while (true) b->func();
    return 0;
int main()
    pthread_t t;
    base *b = new derived();
    pthread_create(&t, 0, thread_func, b);
    delete b;
    return 0;

NOTE: 编译: g++ test.cpp -lpthread,运行:

pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception

So what’s the moral of the story? If you ever see the error message pure virtual method called / terminate called without an active exception, check your object lifetimes! You may be trying to call members on a destructing (and thus incomplete) object. Don’t waste as much time as I did.


  • 使用virtual method来替换pure virtual method
  • 避免race condition

constructor、destructor中调用pure virtual method


Constructor call pure virtual method

#include <iostream>

class BaseWithPureFunction
        // 此处调用了纯虚拟函数,该虚拟函数由派生类
    virtual void PureFunc() = 0;

    void CallPureFunc()



class  Derived: public  BaseWithPureFunction

    virtual void PureFunc()


int main()
    Derived d;

编译: g++ test.cpp,输出如下:

pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception

Destructor call pure virtual method

#include <iostream>

class BaseClassWithDestructorCallPureFun
    virtual void PureFunc() = 0;

    void CallPureFunc()

    virtual ~BaseClassWithDestructorCallPureFun()
        std::cout << "~BaseClassWithDestructorCallPureFun destructor call" << std::endl;


class Derived: public BaseClassWithDestructorCallPureFun
    virtual void PureFunc()
        std::cout << "PureFunc Call From Derived" << std::endl;

    virtual ~Derived()
        std::cout << "~Derived destructor call" << std::endl;

void Test()
    Derived d;
int main()

编译: g++ test.cpp,输出如下:

~Derived destructor call
~BaseClassWithDestructorCallPureFun destructor call
pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception


wiki.c2.com Pure Virtual Function Called