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CV type qualifiers

cppreference cv (const and volatile) type qualifiers

总结:其实看了这个之后,才发觉自己对c++的type system的认知是浅薄的,原来c++中,通过这些specifier是可以进一步对type进行修饰的,从而可以提供更加丰富的语义。

Appear in any type specifier, including decl-specifier-seq of declaration grammar, to specify constness or volatility of the object being declared or of the type being named.

  • const - defines that the type is constant.
  • volatile - defines that the type is volatile.
  • mutable - applies to non-static class members of non-reference non-const type and specifies that the member does not affect the externally visible state of the class (as often used for mutexes, memo caches, lazy evaluation, and access instrumentation). mutable members of const class instances are modifiable. (Note: the C++ language grammar treats mutable as a storage-class-specifier, but it does not affect storage class.)

总结:显然mutable和const的从语义来看是相反的,mutable和volatile的从字面含义上来看是相近的。但是实际上我看到mutable和const是是可以一起使用的,并且当涉及到对象和对象之间的关系(比如一个对象作为另外一个对象的成员变量),那么这三个specifier和这些关系的组合情况就是非常复杂的了,并且下面的介绍也是从这个角度来进行的。所以准确把握他们的语义是非常重要的。从后续的介绍来看,它主要是介绍constvolatile,而mutable仅仅是作为相关内容。显然,mutable并不属于**cv type qualifiers**之列,但mutable和**cv type qualifiers**又有非常重要的联系,从上面这段话可以看出:mutable和const的语义是相反的,并且,mutable members of const class instances are modifiable.


For any type T (including incomplete types), other than function type or reference type, there are three more distinct types in the C++ type system:

  • const-qualified T,
  • volatile-qualified T
  • const-volatile-qualified T.

Note: array types are considered to have the same cv-qualification as their element types.

When an object is first created, the cv-qualifiers used (which could be part of decl-specifier-seq or part of a declarator in a declaration, or part of type-id in a new-expression) determine the constness or volatility of the object, as follows:

  • const object - an object whose type is const-qualified, or a non-mutable subobject of a const object. Such object cannot be modified: attempt to do so directly is a compile-time error, and attempt to do so indirectly (e.g., by modifying the const object through a reference or pointer to non-const type) results in undefined behavior(可以通过使用const_cast将一个const object转换为non-const object,但是如果修改转换后的object,则是会导致undefined behavior的,在这篇文章中对这个内容有介绍).
  • volatile object - an object whose type is volatile-qualified, or a subobject of a volatile object, or a mutable subobject of a const-volatile object. Every access (read or write operation, member function call, etc.) made through a glvalue expression of volatile-qualified type is treated as a visible side-effect for the purposes of optimization (that is, within a single thread of execution, volatile accesses cannot be optimized out or reordered with another visible side effect that is sequenced-before or sequenced-after the volatile access. This makes volatile objects suitable for communication with a signal handler, but not with another thread of execution, see std::memory_order). Any attempt to refer to a volatile object through a non-volatile glvalue (e.g. through a reference or pointer to non-volatile type) results in undefined behavior.
  • const volatile object - an object whose type is const-volatile-qualified, a non-mutable subobject of a const volatile object, a const subobject of a volatile object, or a non-mutable volatile subobject of a const object. Behaves as both a const object and as a volatile object.

This section is incomplete Reason: should discuss more about the differences between cv-qualified objects and cv-qualified expressions |

There is partial ordering of cv-qualifiers by the order of increasing restrictions. The type can be said more or less cv-qualified then:

  • unqualified < const
  • unqualified < volatile
  • unqualified < const volatile
  • const < const volatile
  • volatile < const volatile

References and pointers to cv-qualified types may be implicitly converted to references and pointers to more cv-qualified types. In particular, the following conversions are allowed:

  • reference/pointer to unqualified type can be converted to reference/pointer to const
  • reference/pointer to unqualified type can be converted to reference/pointer to volatile
  • reference/pointer to unqualified type can be converted to reference/pointer to const volatile
  • reference/pointer to const type can be converted to reference/pointer to const volatile
  • reference/pointer to volatile type can be converted to reference/pointer to const volatile

Note: additional restrictions are imposed on multi-level pointers.

To convert a reference or a pointer to a cv-qualified type to a reference or pointer to a less cv-qualified type, const_cast must be used.


const, volatile, mutable


The const qualifier used on a declaration of a non-local non-volatile variable that is not declared extern gives it internal linkage. This is different from C where const file scope variables have external linkage.


Note, however, that cv-qualifiers applied to an array type actually apply to its elements.

The cv-qualified and cv-unqualified types are distinct. That is int is a distinct type from const int