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Object Swapping

NOTE: Andrew Koenig的这个系列文章向我们揭示了swap的重要性

Object Swapping Part 1: Its Surprising Importance

I am beginning to believe that swapping is as fundamental an operation as copying, and that it may even be more fundamental than assignment.




Object Swapping, Part 2: Algorithms Can Often Swap Instead of Copy

Swapping is often faster than assignment — a fact that often allows algorithms that swap to be dramatically faster than they would be if they used assignment. Here's why.


1、assignment VS copy

2、上面这段话,让我想起了: Erase-remove

Object Swapping, Part 3: Swapping and Moving

I would like to continue this series by discussing the notion of moving, rather than copying, values.

Object Swapping, Part 7: How Do You Call It?

We've talked about why swapping is important, and about how to use it to implement other operations such as assignment. We shall now look more closely at how to use it.