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open-std P1144R2 Object relocation in terms of move plus destroy




其实,它就是一个复合操作,这是非常容易理解的;从目前来看,我觉得它的重要意义是 "github remove move constructor for not_null. #842 #hsutter commented on 5 Feb 2020 "中提及的: 不break class invariant

2、 trivially relocatable

这是作者着重讨论的内容,其中作者着重讨论了"1.1. Optimizations enabled by trivial relocatability"


We define a new verb, "relocate," which is equivalent to a move and a destroy (analogous to the existing verb "swap," which is equivalent to a move, two move-assignments, and a destroy). For many C++ types, the "relocate" operation is implementable as a single memcpy. We provide a standard trait to detect types which are trivially relocatable, for the benefit of library writers. Finally, we provide a portable way for a user-defined type (e.g. boost::shared_ptr) to warrant(保证) to the implementation that it is trivially relocatable.


1、在 github remove move constructor for not_null. #842 #hsutter commented on 5 Feb 2020 中,提出了"The correct long-term answer for this would be if C++ gets something along the lines of the relocation / destructive move semantics proposals, where roughly "relocation/destructive-move leaves an object that is guaranteed to be no longer used" "

问题: 如何保证" object that is guaranteed to be no longer used"?

1. Introduction and motivation




C++17 knows the verbs "move," "copy," "destroy," and "swap," where "swap" is a higher-level operation composed of several lower-level operations. To this list we propose to add the verb "relocate," which is a higher-level operation composed of exactly two lower-level operations. Given an object type T and memory addresses src and dst, the phrase "relocate a T from src to dst" means no more and no less than "move-construct dst from src, and then immediately destroy the object at src."

Relocatable and trivially relocatable

Just as the verb "swap" produces the adjective "swappable," the verb "relocate" produces the adjective "relocatable." Any type which is both move-constructible and destructible is relocatable. The notion can be modified by adverbs: we say that a type is nothrow relocatable if its relocation operation is noexcept, and we say that a type is trivially relocatable if its relocation operation is trivial (which, just like trivial move-construction and trivial copy-construction, means "the operation is tantamount(等同于) to a memcpy").

Almost all relocatable types are trivially relocatable: std::unique_ptr<int>, std::vector<int>, std::string. Non-trivially relocatable types exist but are rare; see Appendix C: Examples of non-trivially relocatable class types.

1.1. Optimizations enabled by trivial relocatability

1.1.1. Vector resize

If we have a reliable way of detecting "trivial relocatability," we can optimize any routine that performs the moral equivalent of realloc, including


[Bench] (presented at C++Now 2018) shows a 3x speedup on std::vector<std::unique_ptr<int>>::resize. This Reddit thread demonstrates a similar 3x speedup using the online tool Quick-Bench.

As observed in [CppChat] (@21:55): Just as with C++11 move semantics, you can write benchmarks to show whatever speedup you like. The more complicated your types' move-constructors and destructors, the more time you save by eliminating calls to them.


1、性能的提升源自于消除对"move-constructors and destructors"的调用,因此最终的实现,就相当于memory copy,实现上可以直接使用类似于realloc的操作,关于realloc,参见 cppreference realloc

其实,这体现了C VS C++,当一个type是trivial的时候,可以直接使用C的memory API对其进行操作

1.1.2. Swap



Given a reliable way of detecting trivial relocatability, we can optimize any routine that uses the moral equivalent of std::swap, such as

    std::vector<R>::insert (arguably)

1.1.3. More efficient small-buffer type-erasure

Given a reliable way of detecting trivial relocatability, we can de-duplicate the code generated by small-buffer-optimized (SBO) type-erasing wrappers such as std::function and std::any. For these types, a move of the wrapper object is implemented in terms of a relocation of the contained object. (See for example libc++'s std::any, where the function that performs the relocation operation is confusingly named __move.) In general, the relocate operation for a contained type C must be uniquely codegenned for each different C, leading to code bloat. But a single instantiation suffices(足够) to relocate every trivially relocatable C in the program. A smaller number of instantiations means faster compile times, a smaller text section, and "hotter" code (because a relatively higher proportion of your code now fits in icache).


1、"codegenned"的含义是code generate


1.2. The most important benefit


1、理解这段话的关键是: 读懂 [FollyIssue889] ,其中在其中已经对本节的内容进行了深入讨论了。

Many real-world codebases already contain templates which require trivial relocatability of their template parameters, but currently have no way to verify trivial relocatability. For example, [Folly] requires the programmer to warrant the trivial relocatability of any type stored in a folly::fbvector:

    class Widget {
        std::vector<int> lst_;

    folly::fbvector<Widget> vec;  // FAILS AT COMPILE TIME for lack of warrant

But this merely encourages the programmer to add the warrant and continue. An incorrect warrant will be discovered only at runtime, via undefined behavior. (See Allocated memory contains pointer to self and [FollyIssue889].)

    class Gadget {
        std::list<int> lst_;
    // sigh, add the warrant on autopilot
    template<> struct folly::IsRelocatable<Gadget> : std::true_type {};

    folly::fbvector<Gadget> vec;  // CRASHES AT RUNTIME due to fraudulent warrant

If this proposal is adopted, then Folly can start using static_assert(std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<T>) in the implementation of fbvector, and the programmer can stop writing explicit warrants. Finally, the programmer can start writing assertions of correctness, which aids maintainability and can even find real bugs. Example:

    class Widget {
        std::vector<int> lst_;
    static_assert(std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<Widget>);  // correctly SUCCEEDS

    class Gadget {
        std::list<int> lst_;
    static_assert(std::is_trivially_relocatable_v<Gadget>);  // correctly ERRORS OUT

The improvement in user experience for real-world codebases (such as [Folly], [EASTL], BDE, Qt, etc.) is the most important benefit to be gained by this proposal.



CppCoreGuidelines P.4: Ideally, a program should be statically type safe

CppCoreGuidelines P.5: Prefer compile-time checking to run-time checking

Appendix C: Examples of non-trivially relocatable class types


一、有data member的值,是依赖于object的,那么这就导致了新的object的value,不能够直接copy自源object,而是要重新计算

1、Class contains pointer to self

2、Allocated memory contains pointer to self

3、Class invariant depends on this


Class contains pointer to self

This fictional short_string illustrates a mechanism that can apply to any small-buffer-optimized class. libc++'s std::function uses this mechanism (on a 24-byte buffer) and is thus not trivially relocatable.

However, different mechanisms for small-buffer optimization exist. libc++'s std::any also achieves small-buffer optimization on a 24-byte buffer, without (necessarily) sacrificing trivial relocatability.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <utility>

struct short_string
    char *data_ = buffer_; // pointer to self
    size_t size_ = 0;
    char buffer_[8] = { };

    const char* data() const
        return data_;

    short_string() = default;
    short_string(const char *s) :
        if (size_ < sizeof buffer_)
            strcpy(buffer_, s);
            data_ = strdup(s);
    short_string(short_string &&s)
        memcpy(this, &s, sizeof(*this));
        // 这里进行修正,这是非常重要的
        if (s.data_ == s.buffer_)
            data_ = buffer_;
            s.data_ = nullptr;
        if (data_ != buffer_)

int main()
    short_string s("hello world");
    short_string s2(std::move(s));
    return 0;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


1、当构造一个新的object的时候,这个object无法直接使用memcpy source object的内容而构造,这是因为新的object中的pointer的value还是source object的,那么一旦source object end,则这就导致dangling

2、stackoverflow c++ type trait to say “trivially movable” - examples of # A 中,也展示了类似的例子:

#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>

struct A
    int a;
    int b;
    int* p{&a};

int main()
   auto p = std::make_unique<A>();
   A a = std::move(*p.get());  // gets moved here, a.p is dangling.

   return  std::is_move_assignable<A>::value;  // <-- yet, this returns true.

Allocated memory contains pointer to self

std::list needs somewhere to store its "past-the-end" node, commonly referred to as the "sentinel node," whose prev pointer points to the list’s last node. If the sentinel node is allocated on the heap, then std::list can be trivially relocatable; but if the sentinel node is placed within the list object itself (as happens on libc++ and libstdc++), then relocating the list object requires fixing up the list’s last node’s next pointer so that it points to the new sentinel node inside the destination list object. This fixup of an arbitrary heap object cannot be simulated by memcpy.

Traditional implementations of std::set and std::map also store a "past-the-end" node inside themselves and thus also fall into this category.

struct node
    node *prev_ = nullptr;
    node *next_ = nullptr;
struct list
    node n_; // sentinel node
    iterator begin()
        return iterator(n_.next_);
    iterator end()
        return iterator(&n_);
    list(list &&l)
        if (l.n_.next_)
            l.n_.next_->prev_ = &n_;  // fixup
        if (l.n_.prev_)
            l.n_.prev_->next_ = &n_;  // fixup
        n_ = l.n_;
        l.n_ = node { };
    // ...
// g++ test.cpp --std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall

Class invariant depends on this

The offset_ptr provided by [Boost.Interprocess] is an example of this category.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>

struct offset_ptr
    uintptr_t value_;

    uintptr_t here() const
        return uintptr_t(this);
    uintptr_t distance_to(void *p) const
        return uintptr_t(p) - here();
    void* get() const
        return (void*) (here() + value_);

    offset_ptr() :
    offset_ptr(void *p) :
    offset_ptr(const offset_ptr &rhs) :
    offset_ptr& operator=(const offset_ptr &rhs)
        value_ = distance_to(rhs.get());
        return *this;
    ~offset_ptr() = default;

int main()
    offset_ptr p;
    std::cout << p.value_ << std::endl;
    return 0;
// g++ test.cpp --std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall


1、上述程序中的class invariant是什么?value_

2、需要在constructor中,establish class invariant

Program invariant depends on this

In the following snippet, struct Widget is relocatable, but not trivially relocatable, because the relocation operation of destroying a Widget at point A and constructing a new Widget at point B has behavior that is observably different from a simple memcpy.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>

std::set<void*> registry;

struct registered_object
    registered_object(registered_object&&) = default;
    registered_object(const registered_object&) = default;
    registered_object& operator=(registered_object&&) = default;
    registered_object& operator=(const registered_object&) = default;

struct Widget: registered_object

int main()
// g++ test.cpp --std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall