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Covariant return type

在阅读fluentcpp Polymorphic clones in modern C++这篇文章的时候,其中提及了

Notice that the return type of the clone method differ between the interface in the implementation. It is because C++ allows overriding a virtual method with one that has a different return type, provided this return type is a pointer (resp. reference) to a class convertible to the one pointed to (resp. referenced by) the return type of the base class. This is called covariance.

cppreference virtual function specifier # Covariant return types

More C++ Idioms Covariant Return Types

lwithers HOWTO: Covariant Return Types in C++

class Base {
    virtual Base* clone() const
        return new Base(this);

class Derived : public Base {
    virtual Base* clone() const
        return new Derived(this);

However, now consider a bit of code that knows it specifically has a Derived instance, and wishes to clone it. This code must retrieve a base class pointer and then dynamically upcast it(转换为Derived instance). We could assume that the upcast always succeeds and not perform check, but this is bad practice (what if somebody changes the underlying function, or somebody copies and pastes the dynamic cast line?).

This leads to the following code:

    Derived* d = new Derived;
    Base* b = d->clone();
    Derived* d2 = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(b);
    if(!d2) {
        delete b;
        throw SomeCrazyException();

As you can see, this is pretty long-winded given that we know d2 should be a Derived instance.

Fortunately, a language feature does exist to do this: covariant return types. If a derived class method returns a more-derived type than its overridden base class method, the derived class return type is said to be covariant.

class Base {
    virtual Base* clone() const
        return new Base(this);

class Derived : public Base {
    virtual Derived* clone() const
        return new Derived(this);

Of course, the return type does not have to be connected with the class in which the method resides. A perhaps illuminating example:

/* Inheritance hierarchies

            / \
NetServerTCP   NetServerSCTP

            / \
NetClientTCP   NetClientSCTP


class NetServer {
    virtual NetClient* acceptConnection() = 0;

class NetServerTCP : public NetServer {
    virtual NetClientTCP* acceptConnection();

class NetServerSCTP : public NetServer {
    virtual NetClientSCTP* acceptConnection();

stackoverflow When is C++ covariance the best solution?

NOTE: 讨论的是,何时使用covariance

  1. Virtual constructor


  3. Factory pattern

quuxplusone Covariance and contravariance in C++


Summary of C++ covariance


1、pointer to polymorphic type

2、virtual function

3、只能怪是return type


1、C++ 原生并不支持smart pointer的covariant return type,programmer如果想实现covariant return smart pointer,需要进行特殊的实现,参见 Guideline-covariance 章节

2、C++原生并不支持 Covariant function parameter,关于此,参见

a、sonarsource Assignment operators should not be "virtual"