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Function overload

本文讨论function overload。

What is function overload

在cppreference Functions中的介绍如下:

Multiple functions in the same scope may have the same name, as long as their parameter lists and, for non-static member functions, cv/ref (since C++11)-qualifications are different. This is known as function overloading. Function declarations that differ only in the return type and the noexcept specification (since C++17) cannot be overloaded.

关于non-static member functions,参见C++\Language-reference\Classes\Members\Non-static-member\Function-member

需要注意的是: function overload是不考虑return type的,这和function type不同。

Overload is a kind of static polymorphism


Overload is multiple dispatch

按照Theory\Programming-paradigm\Abstraction-and-polymorphism\Polymorphism\Implementation中的理论,我们可以认为: overload is multiple dispatch,因为: compiler overload resolution需要考虑所有的function argument,所以可以看做是multiple dispatch。


Overload resolution

Address of an overloaded function