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cppreference Reference declaration # Forwarding references (since C++11)

参见 C++11-forwarding-reference 章节。

stackoverflow What does auto&& tell us?


By using auto&& var = <initializer> you are saying:

I will accept any initializer regardless of whether it is an lvalue or rvalue expression and I will preserve its constness.

This is typically used for forwarding (usually with T&&). The reason this works is because a "universal reference", auto&& or T&&, will bind to anything.

const auto&

You might say, well why not just use a const auto& because that will also bind to anything? The problem with using a const reference is that it's const! You won't be able to later bind it to any non-const references or invoke any member functions that are not marked const.

As an example, imagine that you want to get a std::vector, take an iterator to its first element and modify the value pointed to by that iterator in some way:

auto&& vec = some_expression_that_may_be_rvalue_or_lvalue;
auto i = std::begin(vec);

This code will compile just fine regardless of the initializer expression. The alternatives to auto&& fail in the following ways:

auto         => will copy the vector, but we wanted a reference
auto&        => will only bind to modifiable lvalues
const auto&  => will bind to anything but make it const, giving us const_iterator
const auto&& => will bind only to rvalues

So for this, auto&& works perfectly! An example of using auto&& like this is in a range-based for loop. See my other question for more details.

use std::forward on your auto&&

If you then use std::forward on your auto&& reference to preserve the fact that it was originally either an lvalue or an rvalue, your code says: Now that I've got your object from either an lvalue or rvalue expression, I want to preserve whichever valueness it originally had so I can use it most efficiently - this might invalidate it. As in:

auto&& var = some_expression_that_may_be_rvalue_or_lvalue;
// var was initialized with either an lvalue or rvalue, but var itself
// is an lvalue because named rvalues are lvalues

This allows use_it_elsewhere to rip its guts out for the sake of performance (avoiding copies) when the original initializer was a modifiable rvalue.


"rip its guts out"的字面意思是 "把它的内脏掏出来",引申义为: move

What does this mean as to whether we can or when we can steal resources from var? Well since the auto&& will bind to anything, we cannot possibly try to rip out vars guts ourselves - it may very well be an lvalue or even const. We can however std::forward it to other functions that may totally ravage(毁坏) its insides. As soon as we do this, we should consider var to be in an invalid state.

auto&& var = foo();

Now let's apply this to the case of auto&& var = foo();, as given in your question, where foo returns a T by value. In this case we know for sure that the type of var will be deduced as T&&. Since we know for certain that it's an rvalue, we don't need std::forward's permission to steal its resources. In this specific case, knowing that foo returns by value, the reader should just read it as: I'm taking an rvalue reference to the temporary returned from foo, so I can happily move from it.

NOTE: temporary是可以被move的

As an addendum(补充), I think it's worth mentioning when an expression like some_expression_that_may_be_rvalue_or_lvalue might turn up, other than a "well your code might change" situation. So here's a contrived example:

std::vector<int> global_vec{1, 2, 3, 4};

template <typename T>
T get_vector()
  return global_vec;

template <typename T>
void foo()
  auto&& vec = get_vector<T>();
  auto i = std::begin(vec);
  std::cout << vec[0] << std::endl;

Here, get_vector<T>() is that lovely expression that could be either an lvalue or rvalue depending on the generic type T. We essentially change the return type of get_vector through the template parameter of foo.

When we call foo<std::vector<int>>, get_vector will return global_vec by value, which gives an rvalue expression. Alternatively, when we call foo<std::vector<int>&>, get_vector will return global_vec by reference, resulting in an lvalue expression.

If we do:

std::cout << global_vec[0] << std::endl;
std::cout << global_vec[0] << std::endl;

We get the following output, as expected:





std::vector<int> global_vec { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

template<typename T>
T get_vector()
  return global_vec;

template<typename T>
void foo()
  auto &&vec = get_vector<T>();
  auto i = std::begin(vec);
  std::cout << vec[0] << std::endl;
int main()
  std::cout << global_vec[0] << std::endl;
  std::cout << global_vec[0] << std::endl;
// g++ test.cpp --std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -g

If you were to change the auto&& in the code to any of auto, auto&, const auto&, or const auto&& then we won't get the result we want.

An alternative way to change program logic based on whether your auto&& reference is initialised with an lvalue or rvalue expression is to use type traits:

if (std::is_lvalue_reference<decltype(var)>::value) {
  // var was initialised with an lvalue expression
} else if (std::is_rvalue_reference<decltype(var)>::value) {
  // var was initialised with an rvalue expression