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thegreenplace Perfect forwarding and universal references in C++

The perfect forwarding problem

Let func(E1, E2, ..., En) be an arbitrary function call with generic parameters E1, E2, ..., En. We'd like to write a function wrapper such that wrapper(E1, E2, ..., En) is equivalent to func(E1, E2, ..., En). In other words, we'd like to define a function with generic parameters that forwards its parameters perfectly to some other function.

NOTE: perfectly 的 含义是什么?其实就是 保持入参的**value category**。

To have something concrete to relate this definition to, think of the emplace_back method discussed above. vector<T>::emplace_back forwards its parameters to a constructor of T, without actually knowing how T looks like.

Next, I'm going to show a few examples of how we might approach this in pre-11 C++. For simplicity's sake, I'll put variadic templates aside; let's assume all we need to forward is two arguments.

First approach: pass-by-value

The first approach that comes to mind is:

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1 e1, T2 e2) {
    func(e1, e2);

This will obviously not work if func accepts its parameters by reference, since wrapper introduces a by-value passing step. If func modifies its by-reference parameter, it won't be visible in the caller of wrapper (only the copy created by wrapper itself will be affected).

Second approach: pass-by-reference

OK, then, we can make wrapper accept its parameters by reference. This should not interfere with func's taking parameters by value, because the call to func within wrapper will create the required copy.

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1& e1, T2& e2) {
    func(e1, e2);

This has another problem, though. Rvalues cannot be bound to function parameters that are references, so the following completely reasonable calls will now fail:

wrapper(42, 3.14f);                  // error: invalid initialization of
                                     //        non-const reference from
                                     //        an rvalue

wrapper(i, foo_returning_float());   // same error

And no, making those reference parameters const won't cut it either, because func may legitimately want to accept non-const reference parameters.

Third approach: brute-force

What remains is the brute-force approach taken by some libraries: define overloads for both const and non-const references:

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1& e1, T2& e2)                { func(e1, e2); }

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(const T1& e1, T2& e2)          { func(e1, e2); }

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1& e1, const T2& e2)          { func(e1, e2); }

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(const T1& e1, const T2& e2)    { func(e1, e2); }

Exponential explosion. You can imagine how much fun this becomes when we want to cover some reasonable amount of function parameters. To make things worse, C++11 adds rvalue references to the mix (which we'd also want to forward correctly), and this clearly isn't a scalable solution.

Reference collapsing and special type deduction for rvalues

To explain how C++11 solves the perfect forwarding problem, we have to first understand two new rules that were added to the language.

Reference collapsing rule

Reference collapsing is the easier one to explain, so let's start with it. Taking a reference to a reference is illegal in C++. However, it can sometimes arise in the context of templates and type deduction:

template <typename T>
void baz(T t) {
  T& k = t;

What happens if we call this function as follows:

int ii = 4;

In the template instantiation, T is explicitly set to int&. So what is the type of k inside? What the compiler "sees" is int& & - while this isn't something the user is allowed to write in code, the compiler simply infers a single reference from this. In fact, prior to C++11 this wasn't standardized, but many compilers accepted such code anyway because these cases occasionally arise in template metaprogramming. With the addition of rvalue references in C++11, it became important to define what happens when various reference types augment (e.g. what does int&& & mean?).

The result is the reference collapsing rule. The rule is very simple. & always wins. So & & is &, and so are && & and & &&. The only case where && emerges from collapsing is && &&. You can think of it as a logical-OR, with & being 1 and && being 0.

NOTE: 在 中,对其的总结如下:

  • && && = &&
  • && & = &
  • & && = &
  • & & = &

Special type deduction rules for rvalue references

The other addition to C++11 relevant to this article is special type deduction rules for rvalue references in some cases [1]. Given a function template like:

template <class T>
void func(T&& t) {

Don't let T&& fool you here - t is not an rvalue reference [2]. When it appears in a type-deducing context, T&& acquires a special meaning. When func is instantiated, T depends on whether the argument passed to func is an lvalue or an rvalue. If it's an lvalue of type U, T is deduced to U&. If it's an rvalue, T is deduced to U:

func(4);            // 4 is an rvalue: T deduced to int

double d = 3.14;
func(d);            // d is an lvalue; T deduced to double&

float f() {...}
func(f());          // f() is an rvalue; T deduced to float

int bar(int i) {
  func(i);          // i is an lvalue; T deduced to int&



上面的例子不够详细,在 中给出了一个更加详细的例子:

#include <iostream>

template<class T>
void foo(T&& t)
  std::cout << t << std::endl;
int main()
  const int i = 42;
  foo(i); // the compiler will defines T = const int &
          //          T&&  = const int & && = const int &
          // => the compiler instantiates void foo<const int &>(const int &);
  foo(6 * 7);          // the compiler will defines T = int
                       //          T&&  = int &&
                       // the compiler instantiates  void foo<int>(int &&);
// g++ --std=c++11  test.cpp



上述例子中,t就是所谓的**forwarding reference**,通过上述例子可以看出,t既可以bind to lvalue,也可以bind to rvalue,通过上述例子可以看出,**forwarding reference**的实现是有赖于前面提到的reference collapsing rule、special type deduction rules for rvalue references ,这就是在**内容梳理**中总结的:

forwarding reference = reference collapsing rule + special type deduction rules for rvalue references;

This rule may seem unusual and strange. That's because it is. However, it starts making sense when we realize it was designed to solve the perfect forwarding problem.

Solving perfect forwarding with std::forward

Let's get back to our original wrapper template. Here's how it should be written in C++11:

template <typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1&& e1, T2&& e2) {
    func(forward<T1>(e1), forward<T2>(e2));

And this is forward:

 *  @brief  Forward an lvalue.
 *  @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
 *  This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
template<class T>
T&& forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);
 *  @brief  Forward an rvalue.
 *  @return The parameter cast to the specified type.
 *  This function is used to implement "perfect forwarding".
template<class T>
T&& forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type&& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);

NOTE: 上述给出的其实是libstdc++ std::forward的实现;

Perfect forwarding lvalue

Let's say we call:

int ii ...;
float ff ...;
wrapper(ii, ff);

Examining the first argument (since the second is handled similarly): ii is an lvalue, so T1 is deduced to int& following the special deduction rules. We get the call func(forward<int&>(e1), ...). Therefore, forward is instantiated with int& and we get this version of it:

int& && forward(int& t) noexcept {
    return static_cast<int& &&>(t);

Now it's time to apply the reference collapsing rule:

int& forward(int& t) noexcept {
    return static_cast<int&>(t);

In other words, the argument is passed on by reference to func, as needed for lvalues.

Perfect forwarding rvalue

The other case to handle is:

wrapper(42, 3.14f);

Here the arguments are rvalues, so T1 is deduced to int. We get the call func(forward<int>(e1), ...). Therefore, forward is instantiated with int and we get this version of it [3]:

int&& forward(int&& t) noexcept {
    return static_cast<int&&>(t);

Source code


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

template<class T1, typename T2>
void func(T1&& t1, T2&& t2)
    std::cout << t1 << " " << t2 << std::endl;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1&& e1, T2&& e2)
    func(std::forward<T1>(e1), std::forward<T2>(e2));

int main()
    // forwarding lvalue
    int ii = 42;
    float ff = 3.14;
    wrapper(ii, ff);
    // forwarding rvalue
    wrapper(42, 3.14f);
// g++ --std=c++11  test.cpp


#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

template<class T1, typename T2>
void func(T1&& t1, T2&& t2)
    std::cout << t1 << " " << t2 << std::endl;

template<typename T1, typename T2>
void wrapper(T1&& e1, T2&& e2)
    func(e1, e2);
    // func(std::forward<T1>(e1), std::forward<T2>(e2));

int main()
    // forwarding lvalue
    int ii = 42;
    float ff = 3.14;
    wrapper(ii, ff);
    // forwarding rvalue
    wrapper(42, 3.14f);
// g++ --std=c++11  test.cpp



One can see forward as a pretty wrapper around static_cast<T&&>(t) when T can be deduced to either U& or U&&, depending on the kind of argument to the wrapper (lvalue or rvalue). Now we get wrapper as a single template that handles all kinds of forwarding cleanly.

The forward template exists in C++11, in the <utility> header, as std::forward.

Another thing I want to mention is the use of std::remove_reference<T>. In fact, if you think about it, forward could do without it. Reference collapsing does the job already, so std::remove_reference<T> is superfluous(多余的). It's there to turn the T& t into a non-deducing context (according to the C++ standard, section, thus forcing us to explicitly specify the template parameter when calling std::forward.

NOTE: 关于 non-deducing context ,参见cppreference Template argument deduction#Non-deduced contexts,显然std::forward符合第一条:

everything to the left of the scope resolution operator ::

Universal references

In his talks, blog posts and book, Scott Myers gave the name "universal references" to rvalues that appear in a type-deducing context. Whether this is a useful mnemonic(助记) or not depends on the beholder(旁观者); personally, when I first read the relevant chapters of the new "Effective C++", I found myself seriously confused on this topic. Only later, when I understood the underlying mechanisms (reference collapsing and special deduction rules), the topic became somewhat clearer.

The trap(问题) is that saying "universal references" [4] is surely more succinct(简明的) and nice than "rvalue references in a type deducing context", but once you want to really understand some piece of code (rather than just cargo-culting boilerplate), you'll find that avoiding the full definition is impossible.


Examples of using perfect forwarding

Perfect forwarding is extremely useful, because it enables a kind of higher order programming. Higher order functions are functions that may take other functions as arguments or return them. Without perfect forwarding, higher order functions are cumbersome(笨重的) because there is no convenient way to forward arguments to wrapped functions. And by "functions" here I mean classes as well, whose constructors are still functions.

In the beginning of the article I mentioned the emplace_back method of containers. Another good examples is make_unique, which I described in the previous article:

template<typename T, typename... Args>
unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args)
    return unique_ptr<T>(new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

There, I pleaded to ignore the strange && syntax and focus on the variadic template packs, but now there's no trouble fully understanding the code. It goes without saying that perfect forwarding and variadic templates very often go hand in hand, because we generally don't know how many arguments the functions or constructors we pass around accept.

For a significantly more complex use of perfect forwarding, you may also want to take a look at std::bind.