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Template argument deduction

cppreference Template argument deduction

Template argument deduction takes place after the function template name lookup (which may involve argument-dependent lookup) and before template argument substitution (which may involve SFINAE) and overload resolution.

NOTE: 需要将这些流程给串联起来

Deduction from a function call

If there are multiple parameters, each P/A pair is deduced separately and the deduced template arguments are then combined. If deduction fails or is ambiguous for any P/A pair or if different pairs yield different deduced template arguments, or if any template argument remains neither deduced nor explicitly specified, compilation fails.

NOTE: 上面这段话非常重要,它描述了deduction的机制

Non-deduced contexts

NOTE: 关于non-deduced contexts,是我在阅读如下文章时碰到的:

bajamircea C++ std::move and std::forward,其中对std::forward的实现的分析中有如下描述:

The type T is not deduced, therefore we had to specify it when using std::forward.

thegreenplace Perfect forwarding and universal references in C++,其中对std::forward的实现的分析中有如下描述:

Another thing I want to mention is the use of std::remove_reference<T>. In fact, if you think about it, forward could do without it. Reference collapsing does the job already, so std::remove_reference<T> is superfluous(多余的). It's there to turn the T& t into a non-deducing context (according to the C++ standard, section, thus forcing us to explicitly specify the template parameter when calling std::forward.



Disable argument-based template parameter deduction for functions

stackoverflow Better way to disable argument-based template parameter deduction for functions?

You can do it by putting T in non deducible context (to the left of ::), and use std::common_type from <type_traits>.


template <typename T> void f(typename std::common_type<T>::type obj) {std::cout << obj;}

In the following cases, the types, templates, and non-type values that are used to compose P do not participate in template argument deduction, but instead use the template arguments that were either deduced elsewhere or explicitly specified. If a template parameter is used only in non-deduced contexts and is not explicitly specified, template argument deduction fails.

1) The nested-name-specifier (everything to the left of the scope resolution operator ::) of a type that was specified using a qualified-id:

Example 1
#include <vector>
#include <complex>
// the identity template, often used to exclude specific arguments from deduction
// (available as std::type_identity as of C++20)
template<typename T> struct identity
    typedef T type;
template<typename T> void bad(std::vector<T> x, T value = 1)
template<typename T> void good(std::vector<T> x, typename identity<T>::type value = 1)

int main()
    std::vector<std::complex<double>> x;
    // bad(x, 1.2);  // P1 = std::vector<T>, A1 = std::vector<std::complex<double>>
                  // P1/A1: deduced T = std::complex<double>
                  // P2 = T, A2 = double
                  // P2/A2: deduced T = double
                  // error: deduction fails, T is ambiguous
    good(x, 1.2); // P1 = std::vector<T>, A1 = std::vector<std::complex<double>>
                  // P1/A1: deduced T = std::complex<double>
                  // P2 = identity<T>::type, A2 = double
                  // P2/A2: uses T deduced by P1/A1 because T is to the left of :: in P2
                  // OK: T = std::complex<double>

NOTE: 上述identity<T>::type就是 non-deduced contexts

Example 2

关于此的另外一个例子就是std::forward,这在bajamircea C++ std::move and std::forward、thegreenplace Perfect forwarding and universal references in C++中都有描述;

2) The expression of a decltype-specifier(since C++11):

NOTE: 关于这一点,是在阅读stackoverflow How does void_t work 时,其中提及的。这一点,收录在C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\decltype\ 中。

Deduction from a type

Other contexts