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cppreference Parameter pack(since C++11)

A template parameter pack is a template parameter that accepts zero or more template arguments (non-types, types, or templates).

NOTE: 需要注意的是:

1) 它的名称是**parameter** pack,它是**parameter**,这种语法是告诉compiler,这个parameter可以接受多个argument的,它是一个**pack**,这是template parameter pack的内涵。

2) 既然是parameter,它可以用于如下template:

显然,一旦使用了parameter pack,那么它就是variadic template。

3) 既然有pack,那么肯定有对应的unpack过程,在原文中,将unpack过程称为“Parameter pack expansion”。

A template with at least one parameter pack is called a variadic template.


Template parameter pack (appears in alias template, class template, variable template and function template parameter lists)

NOTE: 在下面可以看到,上述三种类型的argument(non-types, types, or templates)的对应的template parameter pack的声明方式是不同的。

Syntax Explanation
1 type ... Args(optional) A non-type template parameter pack with an optional name template<std::size_t... Is>
2 typename|class ... Args(optional) A type template parameter pack with an optional name
3 template < parameter-list > typename | class ... Args(optional) A template template parameter pack with an optional name
4 Args ... args(optional) A function parameter pack with an optional name
5 pattern ... Parameter pack expansion:
expands to comma-separated list of zero or more patterns.
Pattern must include at least one parameter pack.


关于 expand的grammar,在下面的pack expansion章节会进行介绍;

关于(3)的例子,参见 joboccara/NamedType ,其中有着运用。


Variadic class template

template<class ... Types>
struct Tuple
int main()
    Tuple<> t0;           // Types contains no arguments
    Tuple<int> t1;        // Types contains one argument: int
    Tuple<int, float> t2; // Types contains two arguments: int and float
    // Tuple<0> error;       // error: 0 is not a type


Variadic function template

template<class ... Types>
void f(Types ... args)

int main()
    f();       // OK: args contains no arguments
    f(1);       // OK: args contains one argument: int
    f(2, 1.0);       // OK: args contains two arguments: int and double

Pack expansion


"parameter pack是linear structure"

之所以强调此的原因是: 我们应该将parameter pack看做是一个linear structure,后续对它的computation都是基于traverse on linear structure。

对Pack expansion的解释

将pattern看做是一个function/operation,则pack expansion的过程其实就是对其中的所有的parameter pack(是一个linear structure)**顺序**执行这个function/operation,其实这个过程非常类似于functional programming中的apply: apply a function(pattern) to linear structure(s);显然这个function/pattern的入参个数需要和出现在pack expansion中的parameter pack的个数相同。


按照上述描述,pack expansion的grammar: pattern ...中,将pattern放在前面,因此它可以简记为: apply pattern to linear structure。


expansion的结果: comma-separated list of zero or more patterns。

Parameter and argument


1、type/parameter pack

2、argument pack

下面介绍的operation一般作用于argument pack


可以对parameter pack这些的一些常见pattern/operation:

Operaton on multiple pack

对multiple pack可能的expand情况:

1、expand multiple pack simultaneously

将一个pattern共识expand到multiple pack

2、nesting expand: 先expand inner,然后expand outer

嵌套: 内部一个expand,然后外部一个expand


A pattern followed by an ellipsis, in which the name of at least one parameter pack appears at least once, is expanded into zero or more comma-separated instantiations of the pattern, where the name of the parameter pack is replaced by each of the elements from the pack, in order.

template<class ...Us> void f(Us ... pargs)
template<class ...Ts> void g(Ts ... args)
    f(&args...); // “&args...” is a pack expansion
                 // “&args” is its pattern
int main()
    g(1, 0.2, "a"); // Ts... args expand to int E1, double E2, const char* E3
                    // &args... expands to &E1, &E2, &E3
                    // Us... pargs expand to int* E1, double* E2, const char** E3

Expand multiple pack simultaneously

If the names of two parameter packs appear in the same pattern, they are expanded simultaneously, and they must have the same length:

template<typename ...> struct Tuple
template<typename T1, typename T2> struct Pair

template<class ...Args1> struct zip
    template<class ...Args2> struct with
        typedef Tuple<Pair<Args1, Args2> ...> type;
//        Pair<Args1, Args2>... is the pack expansion
//        Pair<Args1, Args2> is the pattern

typedef zip<short, int>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T1;
// Pair<Args1, Args2>... expands to
// Pair<short, unsigned short>, Pair<int, unsigned int>
// T1 is Tuple<Pair<short, unsigned short>, Pair<int, unsigned>>

// typedef zip<short>::with<unsigned short, unsigned>::type T2;
// error: pack expansion contains parameter packs of different lengths
int main()

// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 上面就是 parameter pack Args1Args2 一起出现在Pair<Args1, Args2> pattern中。

Nesting expand

If a pack expansion is nested within another pack expansion, the parameter packs that appear inside the innermost pack expansion are expanded by it, and there must be another pack mentioned in the enclosing pack expansion, but not in the innermost one:

NOTE: 规则是怎样的?是从内向外进行expand?从下面的的f(h(args...) + args...)例子来看,它是先expand h(args...),然后将它的结构和+ args...进行expand,看似是从内向外。

template<class ...Args>
void g(Args ... args)
    f(const_cast<const Args*>(&args)...);
    // const_cast<const Args*>(&args) is the pattern, it expands two packs
    // (Args and args) simultaneously

    f(h(args...) + args...); // Nested pack expansion:
    // inner pack expansion is "args...", it is expanded first
    // outer pack expansion is h(E1, E2, E3) + args..., it is expanded
    // second (as h(E1,E2,E3) + E1, h(E1,E2,E3) + E2, h(E1,E2,E3) + E3)
int main()

// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: f(h(args...) + args...);的expansion结果在原文的"Expansion loci#Function argument lists"章节中介绍了,如下:

f(h(args...) + args...); // expands to 
// f(h(E1,E2,E3) + E1, h(E1,E2,E3) + E2, h(E1,E2,E3) + E3)

Expansion loci

NOTE: "loci"的意思是"点"

Depending on where the expansion takes place, the resulting comma-separated list is a different kind of list:

1) function parameter list

2) member initializer list

3) attribute list, etc.

The following is the list of all allowed contexts

Function argument lists

A pack expansion may appear inside the parentheses of a function call operator, in which case the largest expression or braced-init-list to the left of the ellipsis is the pattern that is expanded.

f(&args...); // expands to f(&E1, &E2, &E3)
f(n, ++args...);// expands to f(n, ++E1, ++E2, ++E3);
f(++args..., n);// expands to f(++E1, ++E2, ++E3, n);
f(const_cast<const Args*>(&args)...);
// f(const_cast<const E1*>(&X1), const_cast<const E2*>(&X2), const_cast<const E3*>(&X3))
f(h(args...) + args...);// expands to
// f(h(E1,E2,E3) + E1, h(E1,E2,E3) + E2, h(E1,E2,E3) + E3)

Parenthesized initializers

A pack expansion may appear inside the parentheses of a direct initializer, a function-style cast, and other contexts (member initializer, new-expression, etc.) in which case the rules are identical to the rules for a function call expression above

Class c1(&args...);             // calls Class::Class(&E1, &E2, &E3)
Class c2 = Class(n, ++args...); // calls Class::Class(n, ++E1, ++E2, ++E3);
::new((void *)p) U(std::forward<Args>(args)...) // std::allocator::allocate

Brace-enclosed initializers

In a braced-init-list (brace-enclosed list of initializers and other braced-init-list*s, used in list-initialization and some other contexts), a **pack expansion* may appear as well:

#include <iostream>
template<typename ... Ts>
void func(Ts ... args)
    const int size = sizeof...(args) + 2;
    int res[size] = { 1, args..., 2 };
    // since initializer lists guarantee sequencing, this can be used to
    // call a function on each element of a pack, in order:
    int dummy[sizeof...(Ts)] = { (std::cout << args <<" ", 0)... };
    std::cout << std::endl;
    for (auto &&i : dummy)
        std::cout << i << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

int main()
    func(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 输出如下:

1 2 3 4 5 6 
0 0 0 0 0 0

重点是理解: int dummy[sizeof...(Ts)] = { (std::cout << args <<" ", 0)... };

1) std::cout << args <<" ", 0comma expression ,它的返回值是 0

Template argument lists

Pack expansions can be used anywhere in a template argument list, provided the template has the parameters to match the expansion.

template<class A, class B, class...C> void func(A arg1, B arg2, C...arg3)
    container<A,B,C...> t1;  // expands to container<A,B,E1,E2,E3> 
    container<C...,A,B> t2;  // expands to container<E1,E2,E3,A,B> 
    container<A,C...,B> t3;  // expands to container<A,E1,E2,E3,B> 

Function parameter list

In a function parameter list, if an ellipsis appears in a parameter declaration (whether it names a function parameter pack (as in, Args **...** args) or not) the parameter declaration is the pattern:

#include <iostream>
template<typename ...Ts>
void f(Ts...)

template<typename ...Ts, int ... N>
void g(Ts (&...arr)[N])

int main()
    f('a', 1);  // Ts... expands to void f(char, int)
    f(0.1);     // Ts... expands to void f(double)
    int n[1];
    g<const char, int>("a", n); // Ts (&...arr)[N] expands to
                                // const char (&)[2], int(&)[1]
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

Note: In the pattern Ts (&...arr)[N], the ellipsis is the innermost element, not the last element as in all other pack expansions.

Note: Ts (&...)[N] is not allowed because the C++11 grammar requires the parenthesized ellipsis to have a name: CWG #1488.

Template parameter list

Pack expansion may appear in a template parameter list:

template<typename... T> struct value_holder
    template<T... Values> // expands to a non-type template parameter 
    struct apply { };     // list, such as <int, char, int(&)[5]>

Base specifiers and member initializer lists



1、Variadic multiple inheritance

二、使用它的一个例子是: fluentcpp strong type,参见:

1、Curiously-recurring-template-pattern\Variadic-CRTP 章节


三、它可以用于实现mixin multiple

A pack expansion may designate the list of base classes in a class declaration. Typically, this also means that the constructor needs to use a pack expansion in the member initializer list to call the constructors of these bases:

#include <iostream>
template<class ... Mixins>
class X: public Mixins...
    X(const Mixins &... mixins) :
        std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__  << std::endl;
class T1
        std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__  << std::endl;

class T2
        std::cout << __FILE__ << " " << __LINE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__  << std::endl;
int main()
    T1 t1;
    T2 t2;
    X<T1, T2> x(t1, t2);
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 输出如下:

test.cpp 17 T1::T1()
test.cpp 26 T2::T2()
test.cpp 9 X<Mixins>::X(const Mixins& ...) [with Mixins = {T1, T2}]

Lambda captures (since C++14)

A parameter pack may appear in the capture clause of a lambda expression

#include <iostream>

void print_all()
    // base case
    std::cout << std::endl;

template<class T, class ... Ts>
void print_all(T const &first, Ts const &... rest)
    std::cout << first << " ";


template<class ...Args>
void g(Args ...args)
template<class ...Args>
void f(Args ... args)
//  auto lm = [&, args ...] {   return g(args...);};
//  lm();
int main()
    f("hello", "world");
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

The sizeof... operator

The sizeof... operator is classified as a pack expansion as well

#include <iostream>

template<class ... Types>
struct count
    static const std::size_t value = sizeof...(Types);

int main()
    std::cout << count<int, double>::value << std::endl;
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

Alignment specifier

Pack expansions are allowed in both the lists of types and the lists of expressions used by the keyword alignas

Attribute list

Pack expansions are allowed in the lists of attributes, as in [[attributes...]]. For example: void [[attributes...]] function()

Fold-expressions (since C++17)

In fold-expressions, the pattern is the entire subexpression that does not contain an unexpanded parameter pack.

Using-declarations (since C++17)

In using declaration, ellipsis may appear in the list of declarators, this is useful when deriving from a parameter pack:

template<typename ... bases>
struct X: bases...
    using bases::g...;
X<B, D> x; // OK: B::g and D::g introduced