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Non-type template parameters

“non-type template parameters”即非类型模板参数。

cppreference Template parameters and template arguments

Non-type template parameter

NOTE: Non-type template parameter即非类型模板参数,显然,它所参数化的不是type,而是value,显然non-type template parameter相当于function parameter,而对应的template entity其实相当于一个function,关于此的最最典型的例子是维基百科Template metaprogramming的Compile-time class generation段所枚举的factorial例子。使用Non-type template parameter可以实现functional programming,这是一种compile-time computation,这个观点在维基百科Template metaprogramming中已经提出。

Non-type template的一个典型的例子就是Boost.Array,源码路径:

type name(optional) (1)
type name(optional) = default (2)
type ... name(optional) (3) (since C++11)
placeholder name (4) (since C++17)


1、通过上述syntax可以看出,name是optional的,我们将省略了name的称为anonymous non type template parameter,典型的例子为:

a、detection idiom

A non-type template parameter must have a structural type, which is one of the following types (optionally cv-qualified, the qualifiers are ignored):

1、lvalue reference type (to object or to function);

2、an integral type;

3、a pointer type (to object or to function);

4、a pointer to member type (to member object or to member function);

5、an enumeration type;

6、std::nullptr_t; (since C++11)

7、a floating-point type;

8、a literal class type with the following properties: (since C++20)

NOTE: 关于此的例子参见Literal Classes as Non-type Template Parameters in C++20

NOTE: 需要将上述的type和下面的argument进行对应:

上述floating-point typeintegral typeenumeration type对应的是下面的integral and arithmetic types

上述pointer type (to object or to function),分别对应下面的For pointers to objects、For pointers to functions

上述a pointer to member type (to member object or to member function)对应的是下面的For pointers to members

上述lvalue reference type对应的是下面的For lvalue reference parameters

Template non-type arguments

(until C++17)

  • For integral and arithmetic types, the template argument provided during instantiation must be a converted constant expression of the template parameter's type (so certain implicit conversion applies).
  • For pointers to objects, the template arguments have to designate the address of a complete object with static storage duration and a linkage (either internal or external), or a constant expression that evaluates to the appropriate null pointer or std::nullptr_t value.
  • For pointers to functions, the valid arguments are pointers to functions with linkage (or constant expressions that evaluate to null pointer values).
  • For lvalue reference parameters, the argument provided at instantiation cannot be a temporary, an unnamed lvalue, or a named lvalue with no linkage (in other words, the argument must have linkage).
  • For pointers to members, the argument has to be a pointer to member expressed as &Class::Member or a constant expression that evaluates to null pointer or std::nullptr_t value.

In particular, this implies that string literals, addresses of array elements, and addresses of non-static members cannot be used as template arguments to instantiate templates whose corresponding non-type template parameters are pointers to objects.

NOTE: 上述给出了冗杂的限制,其实总的来说,只要compiler能够在compile-time或者这个value,那么它就可以用做argument。正如在stackoverflow Non-type template parameters # A中所总结的:

A non-type template argument provided within a template argument list is an expression whose value can be determined at compile time. Such arguments must be:

stackoverflow Non-type template parameters

I understand that the non-type template parameter should be a constant integral expression. Can someone shed light why is it so ?

template <std::string temp>
void foo()
     // ...
error C2993: 'std::string' : illegal type for non-type template parameter 'temp'.

I understand what a constant integral expression is. What are the reasons for not allowing non-constant types like std::string as in the above snippet ?


#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <std::string * temp> //pointer to object
void f()
   cout << *temp << endl;

template <std::string & temp> //reference to object
void g()
     cout << temp << endl;
     temp += "...appended some string";

std::string s; //must not be local as it must have external linkage!

int main() {
        s = "can assign values locally";
        cout << s << endl;
        return 0;


A non-type template argument provided within a template argument list is an expression whose value can be determined at compile time. Such arguments must be:

constant expressions, addresses of functions or objects with external linkage, or addresses of static class members.

Also, string literals are objects with internal linkage, so you can't use them as template arguments. You cannot use a global pointer, either. Floating-point literals are not allowed, given the obvious possibility of rounding-off errors.

Pointer and reference as non-type template argument example

stackoverflow Non-type template parameters # A 中给出了例子

stackoverflow How do you pass a templated class instance as a template parameter to another template?

NOTE: 其中给出了一些例子

String literal and non-type template parameter

c++ string can not be non type template parameter,在下面文章中对此进行了讨论:

keha Literal Classes as Non-type Template Parameters in C++20

stackoverflow String literals not allowed as non type template parameters

NOTE: 这篇文章的解释是非常好的

Because string literals are objects with internal linkage (two string literals with the same value but in different modules are different objects), you can't use them as template arguments either:


NOTE: 这个解释是非常好的,目前还没有阅读