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Release-Acquire ordering

首先介绍 Acquire-release semantic,然后阅读 cppreference 中的说明。

Acquire-release semantic

1、在介绍acquire-release的时候,都以这样的一个例子: 只有当flag被write thread置位后,read thread才能够执行操作,这其实就是"synchronizes-with",按照在 "cppreference std::memory_order # Formal description" 中总结的理论: "synchronizes-with"-> "Inter-thread happens-before"->"Happens-before","Happens-before"能够保证 "Visible side-effects",我们将它的实现方式简记为: write-release-flag-notify-read-acquire-model,可以看到,其中的实现方式都是: read-acquire-write-release;

2、需要ready之后才能够去读,需要禁止的操作: 在未ready之前就去read,即禁止CPU/compiler将acquire之后的read、write reorder到它之前;

3、acquire and release是memory ordering semantic

在 microsoft Interlocked Variable Access 中有如下描述:

acquire and release memory ordering semantics

stackoverflow How to understand acquire and release semantics?



I'll take a stab at that.

NOTE: 我来试一试。

Something to remember is that the compiler, or the CPU itself, may reorder memory reads and writes if they appear to not deal with each other.

This is useful, for instance, if you have some code that, maybe is updating a structure:

if ( playerMoved ) {
  playerPos.X += dx;
  playerPos.Y += dy; 

  // Keep the player above the world's surface.
  if ( playerPos.Z + dz > 0 ) {
     playerPos.Z += dz;
  else {
     playerPos.Z = 0;

Most of above statements may be reordered because there's no data dependency between them, in fact, a superscalar(超标量) CPU may execute most of those statements simultaneously, or maybe would start working on the Z section sooner, since it doesn't affect X or Y, but might take longer.


1、没有dependency,则compiler/CPU是可以free to reorder的

2、上述 Z section 指的是:

  // Keep the player above the world's surface.
  if ( playerPos.Z + dz > 0 ) {
     playerPos.Z += dz;
  else {
     playerPos.Z = 0;

Here's the problem with that - lets say that you're attempting lock-free programming. You want to perform a whole bunch of memory writes to, maybe, fill in a shared queue. You signal that you're done by finally writing to a flag.


1、需要注意,这段话的前提是**lock-free programming**;如果使用lock的话,则就不存在这个问题了;

2、作者此处所列举的例子就是: write-flag-notify-read-model,解决方法就是: read-acquire-write-release

Well, since that flag appears to have nothing to do with the rest of the work being done, the compiler and the CPU may reorder those instructions, and now you may set your 'done' flag before you've actually committed the rest of the structure to memory, and now your "lock-free" queue doesn't work.

This is where Acquire(获得) and Release(释放) ordering semantics come into play:

I set(设置) that I'm doing work by setting a flag or so with an Acquire semantic, and the CPU guarantees that any memory games I play after that instruction stay actually below that instruction.

I set(设置) that I'm done by setting a flag or so with a Release semantic, and the CPU guarantees that any memory games I had done just before the release actually stay before the release.

NOTE: 画一条线,它能够区分两个方向: before、after;因此需要两个instruction来分别标识这两个方向:

1、Acquire semantic: after; 它之前的还是可以reorder到它的后面

2、Release semantic: before; 它之后的还是可以reorder到它的前面


Normally, one would do this using explicit locks - mutexes, semaphores, etc, in which the CPU already knows it has to pay attention to memory ordering. The point of attempting to create 'lock free' data structures is to provide data structures that are thread safe (for some meaning of thread safe), that don't use explicit locks (because they are very slow).

Creating lock-free data structures is possible on a CPU or compiler that doesn't support acquire/release ordering semantics, but it usually means that some slower memory ordering semantic is used. For instance, you could issue a full memory barrier - everything that came before this instruction has to actually be committed before this instruction, and everything that came after this instruction has to be committed actually after this instruction. But that might mean that I wait for a bunch of actually irrelevant memory writes from earlier in the instruction stream (perhaps function call prologue) that has nothing to do with the memory safety I'm trying to implement.

Acquire says "only worry about stuff after me". Release says "only worry about stuff before me". Combining those both is a full memory barrier.

NOTE: 前面这两段话说明了: full memory barrierAcquire semanticRelease semantic 三者之间的关联。

microsoft Acquire and release sound like bass fishing terms, but they also apply to memory models

Many of the normal interlocked operations come with variants called InterlockedXxxAcquire and InterlockedXxxRelease. What do the terms Acquire and Release mean here?

They have to do with the memory model and how aggressively the CPU can reorder operations around it.

An operation with acquire semantics is one which does not permit subsequent memory operations to be advanced before it. Conversely, an operation with release semantics is one which does not permit preceding memory operations to be delayed past it. (This is pretty much the same thing that MSDN says on the subject of Acquire and Release Semantics.)


1、作者此处所列举的例子就是: write-flag-notify-read-model,解决方法就是: read-acquire-write-release

Consider the following code fragment:

int adjustment = CalculateAdjustment();
while (InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire(&lock, 1, 0) != 0)
  { /* spin lock */ }
for (Node *node = ListHead; node; node = node->Next)
   node->value += adjustment;
InterlockedExchangeRelease(&lock, 0);

Applying Acquire semantics to the first operation operation ensures that the operations on the linked list are performed only after the lock variable has been updated. This is obviously desired here, since the purpose of the updating the lock variable is ensure that no other threads are updating the list while we’re walking it. Only after we have successfully set the lock to 1 is it safe to read from ListHead. On the other hand, the Acquire operation imposes no constraints upon when the store to the adjustment variable can be completed to memory. (Of course, there may very well be other constraints on the adjustment variable, but the Acquire does not add any new constraints.)

Conversely, Release semantics for an interlocked operation prevent pending(未决的) memory operations from being delayed past the operation. In our example, this means that the stores to node->value must all complete before the interlocked variable’s value changes back to zero(release保证之前的操作不能够移到后面). This is also desired, because the purpose of the lock is to control access to the linked list. If we had completed the stores after the lock was released, then somebody else could have snuck in, taken the lock, and, say, deleted an entry from the linked list. And then when our pending writes completed, they would end up writing to memory that has been freed. Oops.

NOTE: 这段话没有读懂,其实就是release没有读懂

The easy way to remember the difference between Acquire and Release is that Acquire is typically used when you are acquiring a resource (in this case, taking a lock), whereas Release is typically used when you are releasing the resource.


1、前面的code fragment其实是一个典型的lock critical section,它是通过Acquire、Release实现的;

2、结合上述code example,它的resource就是lock,其实就是一个flag,显然,它就非常符合我们平时所说的read-acquire-write-release;

As the MSDN article on acquire and release semantics already notes, the plain versions of the interlocked functions impose both acquire and release semantics.

Bonus reading: Kang Su discusses how VC2005 converts volatile memory accesses into acquires and releases.

[Raymond is currently away; this message was pre-recorded.]

cppreference std::memory_order # Explanation # Release-Acquire ordering

If an atomic store in thread A is tagged memory_order_release and an atomic load in thread B from the same variable is tagged memory_order_acquire, all memory writes (non-atomic and relaxed atomic) that happened-before the atomic store from the point of view of thread A, become visible side-effects in thread B. That is, once the atomic load is completed, thread B is guaranteed to see everything thread A wrote to memory.


1、关于这段话的翻译、理解,参见 "Acquire-release semantic" 段的1,那段话是我按照上面这段话编写的。

使用modification order来进行描述

The synchronization is established only between the threads releasing and acquiring the same atomic variable. Other threads can see different order of memory accesses than either or both of the synchronized threads.


1、这段话总结地非常好,它是使用modification order来描述的:

在参与"Release-Acquire synchronization"(实现inter-thread happens before)的thread之间建立modification order,因此这些参与的thread会看到相同的modification order,而未参与的thread则无法保证看到这个modification order。

需要注意的是,release semantic 和 acquire semantic仅仅是关于memory reordering的,它们需要结合其它的控制语句(典型的是while)才能够实现"inter-thread happens before"。

2、"order of write to shared data may be different among different threads"


On strongly-ordered systems — x86, SPARC TSO, IBM mainframe, etc. — release-acquire ordering is automatic for the majority of operations. No additional CPU instructions are issued for this synchronization mode; only certain compiler optimizations are affected (e.g., the compiler is prohibited from moving non-atomic stores past the atomic store-release or performing non-atomic loads earlier than the atomic load-acquire).

On weakly-ordered systems (ARM, Itanium, PowerPC), special CPU load or memory fence instructions are used.



a、preshing Weak vs. Strong Memory Models

b、preshing This Is Why They Call It a Weakly-Ordered CPU

Example of release-acquire synchronization

Mutual exclusion locks, such as std::mutex or atomic spinlock, are an example of release-acquire synchronization: when the lock is released by thread A and acquired by thread B, everything that took place in the critical section (before the release) in the context of thread A has to be visible to thread B (after the acquire) which is executing the same critical section.

NOTE: 1、lock、mutex implementation

2、inter-thread happens before

Example: producer-consumer

#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>

std::atomic<std::string*> ptr;
int data;

void producer()
    std::string* p  = new std::string("Hello");
    data = 42;, std::memory_order_release);

void consumer()
    std::string* p2;
    while (!(p2 = ptr.load(std::memory_order_acquire)))
    assert(*p2 == "Hello"); // never fires
    assert(data == 42); // never fires

int main()
    std::thread t1(producer);
    std::thread t2(consumer);
    t1.join(); t2.join();

// g++   --std=c++11 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp && ./a.out

Example: transitive release-acquire ordering across three threads

The following example demonstrates transitive release-acquire ordering across three threads

#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>

std::vector<int> data;
std::atomic<int> flag = {0};

void thread_1()
    data.push_back(42);, std::memory_order_release);

void thread_2()
    int expected=1;
    while (!flag.compare_exchange_strong(expected, 2, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) {
        expected = 1;

void thread_3()
    while (flag.load(std::memory_order_acquire) < 2)
    assert( == 42); // will never fire

int main()
    std::thread a(thread_1);
    std::thread b(thread_2);
    std::thread c(thread_3);
    a.join(); b.join(); c.join();



1、double checked locking

2、reference counting