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Copyable and movable

对于resource wrapper需要明确copyable、movable


1、resource handler是来源自第三方的network library,resource wrapper使用RAII,但是没有指定它的copyable 和 movable,而是依赖于implicit defined implementation;

显然我的这种做法是没有遵循The rule of three/five/zero的,因为我custom了destructor,但是没有对它的copyable、movable进行指定

2、我推测compiler会执行copy-elision,即不会发生copy,然而在复杂的C++规则面前,programmer可能无法准确的预测compiler的行为,结果发生了copy,而implicit defined copy是shallow copy,并且在定义了destructor的情况下,compiler是不会生成movable的 ,这就导致了"implicit-define-copy-constructor-shallow-copy-double-free"错误。


对于resource wrapper,需要明确指定它的copyable、movable,下面是一些example:

Copyable and movable: std::string

Non-copyable but movable: 很多resource wrapper都是这种类型的、std::unique_ptr

Copyable but non-movable: ?

Neither copyable nor movable: std::mutex

作为programmer,需要考虑class是否copyable、movable,并进行显式地指定(比如使用delete),不要推测、过分依赖于compiler的行为。不应该死板的套用rule of three/five/zero,而是根据具体的情况进行准确的阐明。

本质是对resource ownership的阐明


1、在resource ownership章节,对这问题已经进行了探讨。

其实对copyable、movable的思考,本质上是对ownership的思考,"implicit defined copy constructor shallow copy double free"问题,其实就是典型对ownership描述不清而导致的问题,它到底是unique ownership还是shared ownership?显然raw pointer无法描述清楚,shallow copy对应的更多是shared ownership,而raw pointer无法表达shared ownership,它会导致double free、dangling。

因此在使用resource handle的时候,一定要同时阐明清楚它的ownership,最好是使用unique_ptrshared_ptr,它们已经明确的阐明清楚了ownership。

What is "Copyable concept"、"Movable concept"?

本文首先说明清楚"Copyable concept"、"Movable concept",简而言之:


copy constructor、copy assignment operator


move constructor、move assignment operator

Copyable concept

cppreference C++ named requirements: CopyConstructible

Specifies that an instance of the type can be copy-constructed from an lvalue expression.

Expression Post-conditions
T u = v; The value of u is equivalent to the value of v.The value of v is unchanged
T(v) The value of T(v) is equivalent to the value of v.The value of v is unchanged.



1、这一段内容其实所讨论的是"address of idiom",将它放到了Address-of-idiom章节了

cppreference C++ named requirements: CopyAssignable

Specifies that an instance of the type can be copy-assigned from an lvalue expression.

Expression Return type Return value Post-conditions
t = v T& t The value of t is equivalent to the value of v.The value of v is unchanged.

Movable concept

cppreference C++ named requirements: MoveConstructible (since C++11)

Expression Post-conditions
T u = rv; The value of u is equivalent to the value of rv before the initialization.The new value of rv is unspecified.
T(rv) The value of T(rv) is equivalent to the value of rv before the initialization.The new value of rv is unspecified.


A class does not have to implement a move constructor to satisfy this type requirement: a copy constructor that takes a const T& argument can bind rvalue expressions.


1、虽然可以"bind rvalue expression",但是无法对它进行修改。也就无法发挥move semantic

If a MoveConstructible class implements a move constructor, it may also implement move semantics to take advantage of the fact that the value of rv after construction is unspecified.

cppreference C++ named requirements: MoveAssignable (since C++11)

Expression Return type Return value Post-conditions
t = rv T& t If t and rv do not refer to the same object , the value of t is equivalent to the value of rv before the assignment.The new value of rv is unspecified


The type does not have to implement move assignment operator in order to satisfy this type requirement: a copy assignment operator that takes its parameter by value or as a const Type&, will bind to rvalue argument.

If a MoveAssignable class implements a move assignment operator, it may also implement move semantics to take advantage of the fact that the value of rv after assignment is unspecified.

Google C++ Style Guide Copyable and Movable Types

boost Movable but Non-Copyable Types



二、polymorphic class


1、cppreference std::lock_guard

The lock_guard class is non-copyable.

Movable but non-copyable

Resource wrapper

一、一般,一个resource wrapper,它own(拥有) resource(ownership),它的lifetime会和resource进行绑定,一般采用RAII、resource handle的方式来进行实现,这就是之前所总结的Object-based resource management。

二、对于这样的resource wrapper,它们一般都是non-copyable but movable的,因为,一旦允许copy,那么久可能导致多个object同时share同一个resource,在这种情况下,就需要考虑shared ownership了:

1、raw pointer无法实现shared ownership,如果其中的一个object end,那么在它的destructor中就会将resource给release,这就可能导致其他的依然存活的object使用这个resource的时候,出现错误,这会导致:

dangling pointer、double free

2、std::shared_ptr可以实现shared ownership



No two std::thread objects may represent the same thread of execution; std::thread is not CopyConstructible or CopyAssignable, although it is MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable.

ariya C++ Class and Preventing Object Copy

A class that represents a wrapper stream of a file should not have its instance copied around. It will cause a confusion in the handling of the actual I/O system.

In a similar spirit, if an instance holds a unique private object, copying the pointer does not make sense.

redis-plus-plus class Redis

在阅读redis client redis-plus-plus 的时候,其中介绍到:

Redis class is movable but NOT copyable.


The class satisfies the requirements of MoveConstructible and MoveAssignable, but of neither CopyConstructible nor CopyAssignable.

Neither copyable nor movable



std::mutex is neither copyable nor movable.

stackoverflow Why is std::mutex neither copyable nor movable? [duplicate]

stackoverflow Why is there no need to mark the move constructor of a type with a deleted copy constructor as deleted?

stackoverflow Move constructor for std::mutex


cppreference2015 std::atomic

std::atomic is neither copyable nor movable.