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Scope guard


ricab/scope_guard 中给出了总结:

The concept of "scope guard" was proposed by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean and it is well known in the C++ community. It has been proposed for standardization (see N4189) but is still not part of the standard library, as of March 2018.


时间: 1998/2000

time 简介 作者
2000 首次提出ScopeGuard Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean drdobbs Generic: Change the Way You Write Exception-Safe Code — Forever

时间: 2012

time 简介 作者
2012 ScopeGuard C++11 Andrei Alexandrescu - channel9 C++ and Beyond 2012: Andrei Alexandrescu - Systematic Error Handling in C++


1、parameter pack

2、perfect forwarding

时间: 2015

time 简介 作者
2015 CppCon 2015 提出 "Declarative Control Flow" Andrei Alexandrescu - channel9 Declarative Control Flow
- youtu Andrei Alexandrescu “Declarative Control Flow"

实现automatic commit/rollback,使用C++17:


stackoverflow What is ScopeGuard in C++?


1、What is unclear about the existing SO questions regarding this topic? If you read them you'll also see that this may be referred to as RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization). For example, Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code?. – James Adkison Jul 12 '15 at 6:33

NOTE: stackoverflow Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code? 也是一篇非常好的文章,下面收录了这篇文章。

2、No, scope guards are based on RAII, just as e.g. a for loop is based on jumps, but you wouldn't call a for loop a jump, would you? for loops are at a higher level of abstraction, and are a more specialized concept, than jumps. Scope guards are at a higher level of abstraction, and are a more specialized concept, than RAII. – Cheers and hth. - Alf Jul 12 '15 at 7:57

NOTE: 这一段对"Scope guard and RAII"的总结是非常好的,显然scope guard是一个非常好的abstraction

3、I have a modern, simple, documented, and carefully tested implementation herericab Aug 15 '18 at 22:20

NOTE: 收录了这个implementation


ScopeGuard was once a particular implementation of scope guards by Petru Marginean and Andrei Alexandrescu. The idea is to let the destructor of a guard object call a user specified cleanup action at the end of a scope (read: block), unless the scope guard is dismissed. Marginean came up with an ingenious(有独创性的) idea of declaring a scope guard object for C++03, based on lifetime extension of a reference to const.

Today “scope guard” is more the general idea.

Scope guards are based on RAII (automatic destructor calls used for cleanup), just as e.g. a for loop is based on jumps, but one wouldn't ordinarly call a for loop a jump-based piece of code, because that loses most of the information of what it is about, and likewise one does not ordinarily refer to scope guards as RAII. for loops are at a higher level of abstraction, and are a more specialized concept, than jumps. Scope guards are at a higher level of abstraction, and are a more specialized concept, than RAII.

NOTE: 和前面的comment 2重复;

In C++11 scope guards can be trivially implemented in terms of std::function, with the cleanup action supplied in each place via a lambda expression.


#include <functional>       // std::function
#include <utility>          // std::move

namespace my {
    using std::function;
    using std::move;

    class Non_copyable
        auto operator=( Non_copyable const& ) -> Non_copyable& = delete;
        Non_copyable( Non_copyable const& ) = delete;
        auto operator=( Non_copyable&& ) -> Non_copyable& = default;
        Non_copyable() = default;
        Non_copyable( Non_copyable&& ) = default;

    class Scope_guard
        : public Non_copyable
        function<void()>    cleanup_;

        void dismiss( Scope_guard& g ) { g.cleanup_ = []{}; }

        ~Scope_guard() { cleanup_(); }

        template< class Func >
        Scope_guard( Func const& cleanup )
            : cleanup_( cleanup )

        Scope_guard( Scope_guard&& other )
            : cleanup_( move( other.cleanup_ ) )
        { dismiss( other ); }

}  // namespace my

#include <iostream>
void foo() {}
auto main() -> int
    using namespace std;
    my::Scope_guard const final_action = []{ wclog << "Finished! (Exit from main.)\n"; };

    wcout << "The answer is probably " << 6*7 << ".\n";
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 上述程序编译报错如下:

test.cp: In function int main():
test.cp:48:88: error: use of deleted function my::Scope_guard::Scope_guard(const my::Scope_guard&)
     my::Scope_guard const final_action = []{ wclog << "Finished! (Exit from main.)\n"; };
test.cp:19:11: note: my::Scope_guard::Scope_guard(const my::Scope_guard&) is implicitly declared as deleted because my::Scope_guard declares a move constructor or move assignment operator
     class Scope_guard


#include <functional>       // std::function
#include <utility>          // std::move

namespace my {
    using std::function;
    using std::move;

    class Non_copyable
        auto operator=( Non_copyable const& ) -> Non_copyable& = delete;
        Non_copyable( Non_copyable const& ) = delete;
        auto operator=( Non_copyable&& ) -> Non_copyable& = default;
        Non_copyable() = default;
        Non_copyable( Non_copyable&& ) = default;

    class Scope_guard
        : public Non_copyable
        function<void()>    cleanup_;

        void dismiss( Scope_guard& g ) { g.cleanup_ = []{}; }

        ~Scope_guard() { cleanup_(); }

        template< class Func >
        Scope_guard( Func const& cleanup )
            : cleanup_( cleanup )

        Scope_guard( Scope_guard&& other )
            : cleanup_( move( other.cleanup_ ) )
        { dismiss( other ); }

}  // namespace my

#include <iostream>
void foo() {}
auto main() -> int
    using namespace std;
    my::Scope_guard const final_action([]{ wclog << "Finished! (Exit from main.)\n"; });

    wcout << "The answer is probably " << 6*7 << ".\n";
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp

NOTE: 输出如下:

The answer is probably 42.
Finished! (Exit from main.)

The rôle of the function here is to avoid templating so that Scope_guard instances can be declared as such, and passed around. An alternative, slightly more complex and with slightly constrained usage, but possibly marginally more efficient, is to have a class templated on a functor type, and use C++11 auto for declarations, with the scope guard instance created by a factory function. Both these techniques are simple C++11 ways to do what Marginean did with reference lifetime extension for C++03.

NOTE: 比较了两种实现first-class function的方式。

stackoverflow Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code?


NOTE: 作者的观点是: 使用RAII,而不是try...catch...

It definitely improves your code. Your tentatively(短暂的) formulated claim, that it's obscure and that code would merit(值得) from a catch block is simply not true in C++ because RAII is an established idiom. Resource handling in C++ is done by resource acquisition and garbage collection is done by implicit destructor calls.

On the other hand, explicit catch blocks would bloat the code and introduce subtle errors because the code flow gets much more complex and resource handling has to be done explicitly.

RAII (including ScopeGuards) isn't an obscure technique in C++ but firmly established best-practice.



If there is one single piece of C++ code that I could recommend every C++ programmer spend 10 minutes learning, it is ScopeGuard (now part of the freely available Loki library).

I decided to try using a (slightly modified) version of ScopeGuard for a smallish Win32 GUI program I was working on. Win32 as you may know has many different types of resources that need to be closed in different ways (e.g. kernel handles are usually closed with CloseHandle(), GDI BeginPaint() needs to be paired with EndPaint(), etc.) I used ScopeGuard with all these resources, and also for allocating working buffers with new (e.g. for character set conversions to/from Unicode).

What amazed me was how much shorter the program was. Basically, it's a win-win: your code gets shorter and more robust at the same time. Future code changes can't leak anything. They just can't. How cool is that?


NOTE: 比较了Scope guard and RAII

Scope guard and RAII

1、stackoverflow What is ScopeGuard in C++?

其中阐述了scope guard 和 RAII之间的关系

2、stackoverflow Does ScopeGuard use really lead to better code? # A

其中比较了Scope guard and RAII





1、pizer.wordpress. scope guards revisited [C++0x style]





stackoverflow C++11 scope exit guard, a good idea?