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BFS uses two data structures to to implement the traversal: a color marker for each vertex and a queue. White vertices are undiscovered while gray vertices are discovered but have undiscovered adjacent vertices. Black vertices are discovered and are adjacent to only other black or gray vertices. The algorithm proceeds by removing a vertex u from the queue and examining each out-edge (u,v). If an adjacent vertex v is not already discovered, it is colored gray and placed in the queue. After all of the out-edges are examined, vertex u is colored black and the process is repeated. Pseudo-code for the BFS algorithm is a listed below.

BFS(G, s)
  for each vertex u in V[G]
    color[u] := WHITE
    d[u] := infinity
    p[u] := u
  end for
  color[s] := GRAY
  d[s] := 0
  while (Q != Ø)
    u := DEQUEUE(Q)
    for each vertex v in Adj[u]
      if (color[v] = WHITE)
        color[v] := GRAY
        d[v] := d[u] + 1
        p[v] := u
        ENQUEUE(Q, v)
        if (color[v] = GRAY)
    end for
    color[u] := BLACK
  end while
  return (d, p)
