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2、当有object的时候,在expression SFINAE中,可以直接书写valid expression;当没有object,只有type的时候,在expression SFINAE中,需要使用std::declval

boost Declval

NOTE: 这篇文章说明了C++11引入std::decltype的意图:

C++11引入了declval,从而允许**expression SFINAE**;为了便于书写expression,需要std::declval

它们的组合,能够让我们在C++11中实现C++20 concept的部分功能。


The motivation for declval was introduced in N2958: Moving Swap Forward. Here follows a rewording of this chapter.

With the provision(规定) of decltype, late-specified return types, and default template-arguments for function templates a new generation of SFINAE patterns will emerge to at least partially compensate(补偿) the lack of concepts on the C++0x timescale. Using this technique, it is sometimes necessary to obtain an object of a known type in a non-using context, e.g. given the declaration

NOTE: 上面这段话的总结是非常好的,它让明确说明了C++ 11 引入 decltypestd::declval 的意图,掌握**意图**是我们准确使用的前提:

1) 显然,decltypestd::declval 在一定程度上补偿了 C++0x 中 lack of concepts 的局限,显然在C++11中, 我们可以使用 decltypestd::declval 来实现 C++20 concept 的功能,从我目前的认知来看,detection idiom( 基于decltypestd::declvalstd::enalble_ifstd::void_ ) + SFINAE能够实现C++20 concept一部分的功能。

2) "obtain an object of a known type in a non-using context, e.g. given the declaration" 意味着: unevaluated contexts

3) "new generation of SFINAE pattern"指的是expression template,在expression template中,我们常常是需要"obtain an object of a known type in a non-using context"才能够完整的表达一个expression。

template<class T>
T&& declval(); // not used

as part of the function template declaration

template<class To, class From>
decltype(static_cast<To>(declval<From>())) convert(From&&);

or as part of a class template definition

template<class> class result_of;

template<class Fn, class... ArgTypes>
struct result_of<Fn(ArgTypes...)> 
  typedef decltype(declval<Fn>()(declval<ArgTypes>()...)) type;

The role of the function template declval() is a transformation of a type T into a value without using or evaluating this function. The name is supposed to direct the reader's attention to the fact that the expression declval<T>() is an lvalue if and only if T is an lvalue-reference, otherwise an rvalue. To extend the domain of this function we can do a bit better by changing its declaration to

template<class T>
typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval(); // not used

which ensures that we can also use cv void as template parameter. The careful reader might have noticed that declval() already exists under the name create() as part of the definition of the semantics of the type trait is_convertible in the C++0x standard.

The provision(提供) of a new library component that allows the production of values in unevaluated expressions is considered important to realize constrained templates in C++0x where concepts are not available. This extremely light-weight function is expected to be part of the daily tool-box of the C++0x programmer.

NOTE: 这段话总结的非常好

cppreference std::declval

template<class T>
typename std::add_rvalue_reference<T>::type declval() noexcept;

Converts any type T to a reference type, making it possible to use member functions in decltype expressions without the need to go through constructors.

NOTE: 这段已经将 std::declval 的用途 总结得非常好了,结合下面的例子来看: NonDefault 是 没有 constructor的,通过

decltype(std::declval<NonDefault>().foo()) n2 = n1;

可以实现: "use member functions in decltype expressions without the need to go through constructors"。

std::declval 是一个抽象层: 它屏蔽了 T 是否有 constructor 的细节,使programmer以 generic 的方式来 "use member functions in decltype expressions",显然它是对generic programming的enhance。

declval is commonly used in templates where acceptable template parameters may have no constructor in common, but have the same member function whose return type is needed.

Note that declval can only be used in unevaluated contexts and is not required to be defined; it is an error to evaluate an expression that contains this function. Formally, the program is ill-formed if this function is odr-used.

NOTE: decltypeunevaluated contexts ,显然 unevaluated contexts 意味中 并不会有 object 会被创建。

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

struct Default
    int foo() const
        return 1;

struct NonDefault
    NonDefault() = delete;
    int foo() const
        return 1;

int main()
    decltype(Default().foo()) n1 = 1;                   // type of n1 is int
//  decltype(NonDefault().foo()) n2 = n1;               // error: no default constructor
    decltype(std::declval<NonDefault>().foo()) n2 = n1; // type of n2 is int
    std::cout << "n1 = " << n1 << '\n' << "n2 = " << n2 << '\n';
// g++ --std=c++11 test.cpp


在 "Ben's Blog C++ Detection Idiom Through the Years # Pre-C++11 Detection Idiom:" 章节中,给出了一个样例实现:

template<typename T>
T declval();

template<typename T>
struct has_get
    typedef char yes[1];
    typedef char no[2];

    template<typename U>
    static yes& test_get(int (*)[sizeof(declval<U>().get(), 1)]);

    template<typename U>
    static no& test_get(...);

    static const bool value = sizeof(test_get<T>(NULL)) == sizeof(yes);