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stackexchange Polymorphic (owned) reference wrapper for class hierarchies


1、典型的 Polymorphic-containers-with-value-semantic

#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <functional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>

namespace stdex
inline namespace details

/// @brief Deep copy construct from (Specialized&)*src
/// @retval nullptr if src is nullptr
/// @retval Specialized clone of *src
/// @note Undefined behavior if src does not point to a Specialized*
template<typename Base, typename Specialized>
Base* polymorphic_clone(const Base *src)
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, Specialized>::value,
                    "Specialized is not a specialization of Base");

    if (src == nullptr)
        return nullptr;
    return new Specialized { static_cast<const Specialized&>(*src) };

/// @brief polymorphic reference interface over a base class
/// Respects polymorphic behavior of class ref.
/// Instances have deep copy semantics (clone) and
/// "[const] Base&" interface
/// @note Not regular: no trivial way to implement non-intrusive equality
/// @note safe to use with standard containers
template<typename Base>
class polymorphic final

    /// Functor capable to convert a Base* to it's specialized type
    /// and clone it (intrusive implementation can be used)
    /// example intrusive implementation (if supported by Base):
    /// []( const Base* src ) { return src->clone(); }
    typedef std::function<Base* (const Base*)> clone_functor;

    /// @brief construct (takes ownership of ptr)
    template<typename Specialized, typename CloneSpecialized>
    polymorphic(Specialized *ptr, CloneSpecialized functor) noexcept :
                    instance_ { ptr }, clone_ { std::move(functor) }
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, Specialized>::value,
                        "Specialized is not a specialization of Base");
                        std::is_constructible<clone_functor, CloneSpecialized>::value,
                        "CloneSpecialized is not valid for a clone functor");

    // not implemented: UB cloning in case client provides specialized ptr
    // polymorphic(Base* ptr);

    // @note empty constructor for std:: containers support
    polymorphic() = default;

    polymorphic(polymorphic&&) = default;

    polymorphic(const polymorphic &other)
    // : polymorphic{std::move(other.clone())}
                    polymorphic { other.clone() } // comment by @dyp

    // polymorphic& operator=(polymorphic other)
    polymorphic& operator=(polymorphic other) noexcept // comment by @dyp
        std::swap(instance_, other.instance_);
        std::swap(clone_, other.clone_);
        return *this;

    ~polymorphic() = default;

    /// @brief Cast to contained type
    /// @pre instance not moved
    /// @pre *this initialized with valid instance
    operator Base&() const
        return *instance_.get();

    /// @brief Cast to contained type
    /// @pre instance not moved
    /// @pre *this initialized with valid instance
    operator const Base&() const
        return *instance_.get();

    polymorphic clone() const
        {   clone_(instance_.get()), clone_functor
            {   clone_}};

    std::unique_ptr<Base> instance_;
    clone_functor clone_;

// edited after comment by @dyp
template<typename Base, typename Specialized, typename CF>
polymorphic<Base> to_polymorphic(Specialized &&temp, CF functor)
        new Specialized
        {   std::move(temp)},
        typename polymorphic<Base>::clone_functor
        {   std::move(functor)}

template<typename Base, typename Specialized>
polymorphic<Base> to_polymorphic(Specialized &&temp)
    static_assert(std::is_base_of<Base, Specialized>::value,
                    "Specialized is not a specialization of Base");

    return to_polymorphic<Base, Specialized>(std::move(temp), polymorphic_clone<Base, Specialized>);

template<typename Base, typename Specialized, typename ...Args>
// polymorphic<Base> to_polymorphic(Args ...args)
polymorphic<Base> to_polymorphic(Args &&...args) // comment by @dyp
    static_assert(std::is_constructible<Specialized, Args...>::value,
                    "Cannot instantiate Specialized from arguments");

    return to_polymorphic<Base, Specialized>(std::move(Specialized { std::forward<Args...>(args...) }));

template<typename Base> using polymorphic_vector =

template<typename Base, typename ...Args>
polymorphic_vector<Base> to_polymorphic_vector(Args &&...args)
    // comment by @dyp (add std::forward)

} // stdex

Example use (using a class hierarchy based on view, a generic responder for HTTP requests - the implementation of view is not important here, I just had it in existing code):

stdex::polymorphic_vector<view> views = // explicit type for clarity
        echo_view{"/echo"}, // class echo_view : public view
        directory_view{"/static_files", "~/http-server/static"}
            // class directory_view : public view

for(auto& v: views)
    if(v.matches(reuqest.url())) // bool view::matches(...);
        auto response = v.handle(request); // virtual view::handle(...) = 0;