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External Polymorphism and Internal Polymorphism


1、在阅读 stackoverflow Type erasure techniques 时,它的comment中,有这样的描述:

Side note: the pattern used i.a. by Boost.Any is called the external polymorphism pattern – wmamrak Dec 4

其中提及了"external polymorphism",于是我Google了一下,检索结果中包含 wiki.c2 External Polymorphism ,这篇文章总结地不错,通过其中的内容,我发现我之前很多的做法其实都可以归为 external polymorphism,显然我们使用 external polymorphism 的目的是为了实现 custom polymorphism,即自定义polymorphism。我又联想到了之前总结的custom virtual table,显然它也是为了实现 custom polymorphism;我又联想到了之前阅读的visitor pattern中实现multiple dispatch,其中是明确反对custom polymorphism、external polymorphism的,因此这就是导致了我编写本文。



1、agnihotris External Polymorphism (Adapter Design pattern) vs InternalPolymorphism

Internal Polymorphism :- When you call a function based on its dynamic type of objects by using virtual table or vtable . The only methods declared as virtual are polymorphic in c++.

In internal polymorphism function bindings are part of class definition of the object .

NOTE: internal polymorphism是指C++ programming language内置支持的

External polymorphism :- Here functions and their bindings are defined independently of a class.

This allows classes which are not related by inheritance and/or have no virtual methods to be treated polymorphically. Thus unrelated classes can be treated in common manner by s/w that uses them.

NOTE: external polymorphism其实是custom polymorphism,是由programmer自己创建的

This pattern capitalizes on both c++ features and on other basic patterns (Adapter or Decorator) to give appearance of polymorphic behavior of otherwise unrelated class.


参见 wiki.c2-External-Polymorphism 章节。