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Pointers to Member Functions

isocpp FAQ Pointers to Member Functions Δ


下面的例子展示了pointers to Member Functions的用法。

sourcemaking Adapter in C++: External Polymorphism

  1. Specify the new desired interface
  2. Design a "wrapper" class that can "impedance match" the old to the new
  3. The client uses (is coupled to) the new interface
  4. The adapter/wrapper "maps" to the legacy implementation
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class ExecuteInterface
    // 1. Specify the new interface
    virtual ~ExecuteInterface()
    virtual void execute() = 0;

// 2. Design a "wrapper" or "adapter" class
template<class TYPE>
class ExecuteAdapter: public ExecuteInterface
    ExecuteAdapter(TYPE *o, void (TYPE::*m)())
        object = o;
        method = m;
        delete object;

    // 4. The adapter/wrapper "maps" the new to the legacy implementation
    void execute()
    { /* the new */
    TYPE *object; // ptr-to-object attribute

    void (TYPE::*method)(); /* the old */     // ptr-to-member-function attribute

// The old: three totally incompatible classes
// no common base class,
class Fea
    // no hope of polymorphism
        cout << "Fea::dtor" << endl;
    void doThis()
        cout << "Fea::doThis()" << endl;

class Feye
        cout << "Feye::dtor" << endl;
    void doThat()
        cout << "Feye::doThat()" << endl;

class Pheau
        cout << "Pheau::dtor" << endl;
    void doTheOther()
        cout << "Pheau::doTheOther()" << endl;

/* the new is returned */
ExecuteInterface** initialize()
    ExecuteInterface **array = new ExecuteInterface*[3];

    /* the old is below */
    array[0] = new ExecuteAdapter<Fea>(new Fea(), &Fea::doThis);
    array[1] = new ExecuteAdapter<Feye>(new Feye(), &Feye::doThat);
    array[2] = new ExecuteAdapter<Pheau>(new Pheau(), &Pheau::doTheOther);
    return array;

int main()
    ExecuteInterface **objects = initialize();
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

    // 3. Client uses the new (polymporphism)
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        delete objects[i];
    delete objects;
    return 0;
// g++ -Wall -pedantic test.cpp && ./a.out




fax & print something
print internal printJob

3、上述例子是不及 informit Design Patterns with Signature-Based Polymorphism: A C++ Approach # External Polymorphism 的


a、generic invoke、call pointer to member function

b、OOP interface + template implementation

Template pointer to member function

1、github macmade/CPPTraits

#define XS_TYPE_TRAITS_DEF_HAS_PUBLIC_METHOD( _N_, _F_ )                                                        \
    template< typename _T_, typename _R_, typename ... _A_ >                                                    \
    class _N_                                                                                                   \
    {                                                                                                           \
        private:                                                                                                \
            struct _Y { char _[ 1 ]; };                                                                         \
            struct _N { char _[ 2 ]; };                                                                         \
            template< typename _U_, _U_ > struct _S;                                                            \
            template< typename _C_ > static _Y & _T( _S< _R_ ( _C_::* )( _A_ ... ), ( &_C_::_F_ ) > * );        \
            template< typename _C_ > static _N & _T( ... );                                                     \
        public:                                                                                                 \
            enum { value = sizeof( _T< _T_ >( nullptr ) ) == sizeof( _Y ) };                                    \

2、cppreference std::is_member_function_pointer

template<class T>
struct is_member_function_pointer_helper: std::false_type

template<class T, class U>
struct is_member_function_pointer_helper<T U::*> : std::is_function<T>

template<class T>
struct is_member_function_pointer: is_member_function_pointer_helper<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>

3、sourcemaking Adapter in C++: External Polymorphism

4、Check if a class has a member function of a given signature # A

template<typename T>
struct HasUsedMemoryMethod
    template<typename U, size_t (U::*)() const> struct SFINAE {};
    template<typename U> static char Test(SFINAE<U, &U::used_memory>*);
    template<typename U> static int Test(...);
    static const bool Has = sizeof(Test<T>(0)) == sizeof(char);

template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m, std::true_type)
        // We may call used_memory() on m here.
template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap&, std::false_type)
template<typename TMap>
void ReportMemUsage(const TMap& m)
        std::integral_constant<bool, HasUsedMemoryMethod<TMap>::Has>());
