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hannes A beginner's guide to C++ Ranges and Views.


Since none of the large standard libraries ship C++ Ranges right now, you need to use the range-v3 library if you want to try any of this. If you do, you need to replace the std::ranges:: prefixes with just ranges:: and any std::views:: prefixes with ranges::views::.


Traditionally most generic algorithms in the C++ standard library, like std::sort, take a pair of iterators (e.g. the object returned by begin()). If you want to sort a std::vector v, you have to call std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()) and not std::sort(v). Why was this design with iterators chosen? It is more flexible, because it allows e.g.:

  • sorting only all elements after the fifth one:
1std::sort(v.begin() + 5, v.end())
  • using non-standard iterators like reverse iterators (sorts in reverse order):
1std::sort(v.rbegin(), v.rend());
  • combine both (sorts all elements except the last 5 in reverse order):
1std::sort(v.rbegin() + 5, v.rend());

But this interface is less intuitive than just calling std::sort on the entity that you wish to sort and it allows for more mistakes, e.g. mixing two incompatible iterators. C++20 introduces the notion of ranges and provides algorithms that accept such in the namespace std::ranges::, e.g. std::ranges::sort(v) now works if v is range – and vectors are ranges!

NOTE: 相比于range,iterator更容易出现错误

What about the examples that suggest superiority of the iterator-based approach? In C++20 you can do the following:

  • sorting only all elements after the fifth one:
1std::ranges::sort(std::views::drop(v, 5));
  • sorting in reverse order:
  • combine both:
1std::ranges::sort(std::views::drop(std::views::reverse(v), 5));

We will discuss later what std::views::reverse(v) does, for now it is enough to understand that it returns something that appears like a container and that std::ranges::sort can sort it. Later you will see that this approach offers even more flexibility than working with iterators.

NOTE: 都flexible


Ranges are an abstraction of “a collection of items”, or “something iterable”. The most basic definition requires only the existence of begin() and end() on the range.

Range concepts

Concept Description
std::ranges::input_range can be iterated from beginning to end at least once
std::ranges::forward_range can be iterated from beginning to end multiple times
std::ranges::bidirectional_range iterator can also move backwards with --
std::ranges::random_access_range you can jump to elements in constant-time []
std::ranges::contiguous_range elements are always stored consecutively in memory
std::forward_list std::list std::deque std::array std::vector

Storage behaviour

Containers are the ranges most well known, they own their elements. The standard library already provides many containers, see above.

Views are ranges that are usually defined on another range and transform the underlying range via some algorithm or operation. Views do not own any data beyond their algorithm and the time it takes to construct, destruct or copy them should not depend on the number of elements they represent. The algorithm is required to be lazy-evaluated so it is feasible to combine multiple views. More on this below.

The storage behaviour is orthogonal to the range concepts defined by the iterators mentioned above, i.e. you can have a container that satisfies std::ranges::random_access_range (e.g. std::vector does, but std::list does not) and you can have views that do so or don’t.



A key feature of views is that whatever transformation they apply, they do so at the moment you request an element, not when the view is created.

1std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
2auto v = std::views::reverse(vec);

Here v is a view; creating it neither changes vec, nor does v store any elements. The time it takes to construct v and its size in memory is independent of the size of vec.

1std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
2auto v = std::views::reverse(vec);
3std::cout << *v.begin() << '\n';

This will print “6”, but the important thing is that resolving the first element of v to the last element of vec happens on-demand. This guarantees that views can be used as flexibly as iterators, but it also means that if the view performs an expensive transformation, it will have to do so repeatedly if the same element is requested multiple times.


You may have wondered why I wrote

1auto v = std::views::reverse(vec);

and not

1std::views::reverse v{vec};

That’s because std::views::reverse is not the view itself, it’s an adaptor that takes the underlying range (in our case the vector) and returns a view object over the vector. The exact type of this view is hidden behind the auto statement. This has the advantage, that we don’t need to worry about the template arguments of the view type, but more importantly the adaptor has an additional feature: it can be chained with other adaptors!

1std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
2auto v = vec | std::views::reverse | std::views::drop(2);
4std::cout << *v.begin() << '\n';

modernescpp C++20: The Ranges Library

// rangesFilterTransform.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <vector>

int main() {

    std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};

    auto results = numbers | std::views::filter([](int n){ return n % 2 == 0; })
                           | std::views::transform([](int n){ return n * 2; });

    for (auto v: results) std::cout << v << " ";     // 4 8 12
