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stackoverflow Implementation C++14 make_integer_sequence


Here's a log N implementation that doesn't even need an increased max-depth for template instantiations and compiles pretty fast:

// using aliases for cleaner syntax
template<class T> using Invoke = typename T::type;

 * @brief 它的type就是它本身
 * @tparam
struct seq
    using type = seq;

template<class S1, class S2> 
struct concat;

template<unsigned ... I1, unsigned ... I2>
struct concat<seq<I1...>, seq<I2...>> : seq<I1..., (sizeof...(I1)+I2)...>

template<class S1, class S2>
using Concat = Invoke<concat<S1, S2>>;

template<unsigned N> struct gen_seq;
template<unsigned N> using GenSeq = Invoke<gen_seq<N>>;

template<unsigned N>
struct gen_seq: Concat<GenSeq<N / 2>, GenSeq<N - N / 2>>

template<> struct gen_seq<0> : seq<>
template<> struct gen_seq<1> : seq<0>



seq(N) = seq(N/2) + seq(N-N/2)

2、(sizeof...(I1)+I2)... 要如何理解?



GenSeq<5>=Concat<GenSeq<2>, GenSeq<3>>;

GenSeq<2>=Concat<GenSeq<1>, GenSeq<1>>
=Concat<Seq<0>, Seq<0>>
=Seq<0, 1>;

GenSeq<3>=Concat<GenSeq<1>, GenSeq<2>>
=Concat<Seq<0>, Seq<0, 1>>;
=Seq<0, 1, 2>;

GenSeq<5>=Concat<Seq<0, 1>, Seq<0, 1, 2>>
=Seq<0, 1, 2, 3, 4>;


@Xeo I would read Concat as "take two lists and put them one after the other". Adding "and add the the length of the leftmost list to the contents of the rightmost list" to what Concat does would surprise me.

template<class S, unsigned I = 1> struct inc;
template<unsigned ... Is, unsigned I> struct inc<seq<Is...>, I> : seq<(Is+I)...>
template<class S, unsigned I = 1> using Inc=Invoke<inc<S,I>>;


template<unsigned N> struct gen_seq: Concat<GenSeq<N / 2>, Inc<GenSeq<N - N / 2>, N / 2>>

, where Concat doesn't add anything to second list, would decouple that operation from concatenation.


This is basically me hacking around Xeo's solution: Making community wiki - if appreciative, please upvote Xeo.

...just modified until I felt it couldn't get any simpler, renamed and added value_type and size() per the Standard (but only doing index_sequence not integer_sequence), and code working with GCC 5.2 -std=c++14 could run otherwise unaltered under older/other compilers I'm stuck with. Might save someone some time / confusion.

// based on by Xeo
namespace std  // WARNING: at own risk, otherwise use own namespace
    template <size_t... Ints>
    struct index_sequence
        using type = index_sequence;
        using value_type = size_t;
        static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept { return sizeof...(Ints); }

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    template <class Sequence1, class Sequence2>
    struct _merge_and_renumber;

    template <size_t... I1, size_t... I2>
    struct _merge_and_renumber<index_sequence<I1...>, index_sequence<I2...>>
      : index_sequence<I1..., (sizeof...(I1)+I2)...>
    { };

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    template <size_t N>
    struct make_index_sequence
      : _merge_and_renumber<typename make_index_sequence<N/2>::type,
                            typename make_index_sequence<N - N/2>::type>
    { };

    template<> struct make_index_sequence<0> : index_sequence<> { };
    template<> struct make_index_sequence<1> : index_sequence<0> { };


1、the "magic" of Xeo's solution is in the declaration of _merge_and_renumber (concat in his code) with exactly two parameters, while the specialization effectively exposes their individual parameter packs

2、the typename...::type in...

struct make_index_sequence
  : _merge_and_renumber<typename make_index_sequence<N/2>::type,
                        typename make_index_sequence<N - N/2>::type>

avoids the error:

invalid use of incomplete type 'struct std::_merge_and_renumber<std::make_index_sequence<1ul>, std::index_sequence<0ul> >'