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cppreference Objects and alignment

C programs create, destroy, access, and manipulate objects.

NOTE: 在Basic concepts中有这样的一段话:Declarations and expressions create, destroy, access, and manipulate objects.

NOTE: 到底哪些是object呢?比如**variable**是object(从这个角度来看,identifier更加偏向于是一个compile time概念,而variable则是一个run time概念),array是object,malloc出来的是object,正如下面这段话中所描述的:

An object, in C, is region of data storage in the execution environment, the contents of which can represent values (a value is the meaning of the contents of an object, when interpreted as having a specific type).

NOTE: 在Memory model中对data storage的解释为:The data storage (memory) available to a C program is one or more contiguous sequences of bytes. 其实所谓的 data storage 就是memory;

NOTE: object是runtime概念,而identifier是compiler概念;objects是runtime 概念,因此与object相关的概念都是runtime概念;它是c 语言的设计者对c程序运行时的描述;

Every object has

  • size (can be determined with sizeof)

  • alignment requirement (can be determined by alignof) (since C11)

NOTE: 在c中alignment requirement是由type决定的;

NOTE : storage duration 是一个runtime 概念,显然, storage duration 和 lifetime密切相关;

  • lifetime (equal to storage duration or temporary)

NOTE: lifetime即生命周期,显然这是一个动态的概念,是c设计者创走出来用以描述object的

  • effective type (see below)

  • value (which may be indeterminate)

  • optionally, an identifier that denotes this object

Objects are created by declarations, allocation functions, string literals, compound literals, and by non-lvalue expressions that return structures or unions with array members.

NOTE: 在c中,function不是object,显然function没有storage duration,并且function没有size,没有alignment;在Type的Type groups章节中提及:object types: all types that aren't function types;显然我们是无法malloc一个function的,而其他的都是可以malloc出来的;function是由compiler编译生成的,并且我们在进行program的时候,所编写的大多数都是function,如main()等,如果允许用户来修改function,或者删除function,则显然一切都会乱了套;

NOTE : 查看lifetime 章节可知,Objects are created by declarations 和Objects are created by allocation functions两者的lifetime规则是不同的;查看下面的Effective type章节可知,这两种对象的effective type的规则也是不同的;

Object representation

Except for bit fields, objects are composed of contiguous sequences of one or more bytes, each consisting of CHAR_BIT bits, and can be copied with memcpy into an object of type unsigned char[n], where n is the size of the object. The contents of the resulting array are known as object representation.

NOTE: 在Memory model中也提及了上面这一段中的观点;c中使用unsigned char[n]来表示object,在其他更加高级的语言中也都提供了类似的功能,如:python的Binary Sequence Types — bytes, bytearray, memoryview

NOTE: 这篇文章也描述了类似的问题Data alignment: Straighten up and fly right

NOTE: 上面这一段中的n是否等于sizeof呢?是的

If two objects have the same object representation, they compare equal (except if they are floating-point NaNs). The opposite is not true: two objects that compare equal may have different object representations because not every bit of the object representation needs to participate in the value. Such bits may be used for padding to satisfy alignment requirement, for parity checks, to indicate trap representations, etc.

NOTE: 上面这段话提及了object representation和value之间的关系,其实很明显,两者是关联的, 在c++的Object的对应段落中,这一段的名称叫做Object representation and value representation

NOTE : 关于padding to satisfy alignment requirement,参见Data structure alignment

NOTE: 关于parity checks, 参见Parity bit

NOTE: 关于trap representation,参见trap representation

If an object representation does not represent any value of the object type, it is known as trap representation. Accessing a trap representation in any way other than reading it through an lvalue expression of character type is undefined behavior. The value of a structure or union is never a trap representation even if any particular member is one.

NOTE: 关于**the object type**,在Type的Type groups章节中有给出其定义;

For the objects of type char, signed char, and unsigned char, every bit of the object representation is required to participate in the value representation and each possible bit pattern represents a distinct value (no padding, trap bits, or multiple representations allowed).

When objects of integer types (short, int, long, long long) occupy multiple bytes, the use of those bytes is implementation-defined, but the two dominant implementations are big-endian (POWER, Sparc, Itanium) and little-endian (x86, x86_64): a big-endian platform stores the most significant byte at the lowest address of the region of storage occupied by the integer, a little-endian platform stores the least significant byte at the lowest address. See Endianness for detail. See also example below.

Although most implementations do not allow trap representations, padding bits, or multiple representations for integer types, there are exceptions; for example a value of an integer type on Itanium may be a trap representation.

Effective type

Every object has an effective type, which determines which lvalue accesses are valid and which violate the strict aliasing rules.

If the object was created by a declaration, the declared type of that object is the object's effective type.

If the object was created by an allocation function (including realloc), it has no declared type. Such object acquires an effective type as follows:

  • The first write to that object through an lvalue that has a type other than character type, at which time the type of that lvalue becomes this object's effective type for that write and all subsequent reads.

  • memcpy or memmove copy another object into that object, at which time the effective type of the source object (if it had one) becomes the effective type of this object for that write and all subsequent reads.

  • Any other access to the object with no declared type, the effective type is the type of the lvalue used for the access.

NOTE: 看到了effective type,我想到了在Unix中的effective user ID;

NOTE: c++中并没有effective type的概念;其实主要原因在于c++中使用了new,而c中则是malloc,显然这是c++在type safety上的一些改善,这一点在Type safety中有解释;

Strict aliasing

Given an object with effective type T1, using an lvalue expression (typically, dereferencing a pointer) of a different type T2 is undefined behavior, unless:

SUMMARY : 要想理解 cvr-qualified ,就需要首先知道Type qualifier

  • T2 is a signed or unsigned version of a type that is compatible with T1.

  • T2 is an aggregate type or union type type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union).

  • T2 is a character type (char, signed char, or unsigned char).

int i = 7;
char* pc = (char*)(&i);
if(pc[0] == '\x7') // aliasing through char is ok
    puts("This system is little-endian");
    puts("This system is big-endian");

float* pf = (float*)(&i);
float d = *pf; // UB: float lvalue *p cannot be used to access int

These rules control whether a function that receives two pointers must re-read one after writing through another:

// int* and double* cannot alias
void f1(int *pi, double *pd, double d)
  // the read from *pi can be done only once, before the loop
  for (int i = 0; i < *pi; i++) *pd++ = d;
SUMMARY : 如果pipd相互alias,则它们指向同一memory,在代码中,*pd++ = d write了这个memory,for (int i = 0; i < *pi; i++)每次都re-read;

struct S { int a, b; };
// int* and struct S* may alias because S is an aggregate type with a member of type int
void f2(int *pi, struct S *ps, struct S s)
  // read from *pi must take place after every write through *ps
  for (int i = 0; i < *pi; i++) *ps++ = s;

SUMMARY : 上面的这些代码是function that receives two pointers 函数的典范;

Note that restrict qualifier can be used to indicate that two pointers do not alias even if the rules above permit them to be.

Note that type-punning may also be performed through the inactive member of a union.


Every complete object type has a property called alignment requirement, which is an integer value of type size_t representing the number of bytes between successive addresses at which objects of this type can be allocated. The valid alignment values are non-negative integral powers of two.

The alignment requirement of a type can be queried with alignof. (since C11)

In order to satisfy alignment requirements of all members of a struct, padding may be inserted after some of its members.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdalign.h>

// objects of struct S can be allocated at any address
// because both S.a and S.b can be allocated at any address
struct S {
  char a; // size: 1, alignment: 1
  char b; // size: 1, alignment: 1
}; // size: 2, alignment: 1

// objects of struct X must be allocated at 4-byte boundaries
// because X.n must be allocated at 4-byte boundaries
// because int's alignment requirement is (usually) 4
struct X {
  int n;  // size: 4, alignment: 4
  char c; // size: 1, alignment: 1
  // three bytes padding
}; // size: 8, alignment: 4

int main(void)
    printf("sizeof(struct S) = %zu\n", sizeof(struct S));
    printf("alignof(struct S) = %zu\n", alignof(struct S));
    printf("sizeof(struct X) = %zu\n", sizeof(struct X));
    printf("alignof(struct X) = %zu\n", alignof(struct X));

Possible output:

sizeof(struct S) = 2
alignof(struct S) = 1
sizeof(struct X) = 8
alignof(struct X) = 4

Each object type imposes its alignment requirement on every object of that type. The strictest (largest) fundamental alignment of any type is the alignment of max_align_t. The weakest (smallest) alignment is the alignment of the types char, signed char, and unsigned char, and equals 1.

If an object's alignment is made stricter (larger) than max_align_t using alignas, it has extended alignment requirement. A struct or union type whose member has extended alignment is an over-aligned type. It is implementation-defined if over-aligned types are supported, and their support may be different in each kind of storage duration.