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Name lookup

前面,我们已经讨论了organization的问题,知道了program的organization的重要性,我们往往是按照此对我们的project进行组织,我们的program是需要经过compile后,才能够被执行的,我们需要知道的一个非常重要的事实是:compiler的编译单位是source file(也就是我们在上篇中提及的file unit),即compiler一次只编译一个source file,在c++中,这被称为translation unit。compiler在编译一个source file的时候,需要知道它所碰到的每个name到底是什么,即找到这个name的declaration或者definition,这就是Name binding,这个查找的过程就是所谓的name look up。所以在各种programming language中,我们需要在source file中,说明清楚每个name的信息,以供compiler能够将它bind到正确的entity。


前面,我们已经讨论了organization的问题,知道了program的organization的重要性,我们往往是按照此对我们的project进行组织,我们的program是需要经过compile后,才能够被执行的,我们需要知道的一个非常重要的事实是:compiler的编译单位是source file(也就是我们在上篇中提及的file unit),即compiler一次只编译一个source file,在c++中,这被称为translation unit。

在各种program language中,都使用了scope的概念,需要强调的是, **最顶级**scope是file scope,即每个source file就是一个独立的scope,没有包含它的scope了,它被称为global scope,这个global scope中,包含了次一级别的scope,比如class scope、function scope。为什么是这样的呢?其实原因在上一段中已经已经说明清楚了:因为compiler一次只处理一个source file,它应该会为每个source file建立一个scope。



每种programming language都规定了自己的scope规则。关于scope的更加详细的介绍,参见维基百科Scope

Using name and name look up

在定义了一个name后,我们就可以使用它了,这就是本节标题using name的含义。compiler在进行compile的时候,就需要找到这个name的definition,这个过程就是name look up。

Using name within its scope

在一个name的scope中,引用它的时候,是可以直接使用的,大多数programming language都使用这种规则。

在c++中,将此称为Unqualified name lookup

Using name in other namespace/file unit

我们已经知道了,我们的project会包含多个source file,那么就出现了一种非常普遍的情况是:在某个source file中,需要引用另外一个source file中定义的name,那么此时就需要向compiler描述清楚这个来自另外一个source file的name的位置信息,以便compiler能够找到它,否则,你的program就无法编译通过。

显然要引用一个name,必须要提供这个name的位置信息,根据name的位置信息是否依赖于上下文,可以将name分为Fully qualified name和unqualified name;在一个organization中,当遇到一个name的时候,就需要找到这个是在什么地方声明或定义了这个name,这就引发了name lookup



from numpy import *


using namespace std;



import numpy as np


std::map<int, int> my_map


Fully qualified name

"fully qualified name"相当于一个path。

wikipedia Fully qualified name

In computer programming, a fully qualified name is an unambiguous name that specifies which object, function, or variable a call refers to without regard to the context of the call(**fully qualified name**是一个明确的name,它指定调用引用的对象,函数或变量,而不考虑调用的上下文。). In a hierarchical structure, a name is fully qualified when it "is complete in the sense that it includes

  • (a) all names in the hierarchic sequence above the given element and
  • (b) the name of the given element itself."


  • 在计算机科学中,是广泛采用hierarchical structure的,无论是文件系统的路径(显然相对路径就是context-related,而绝对路径就是context-free的) ,还是一些programming language,皆采用了这种组织方式。

Fully qualified names explicitly refer to namespaces that would otherwise be implicit because of the scope of the call.[2] While always done to eliminate ambiguity, this can mean different things dependent on context.

Commonly encountered applications of the notion(概念) have been given their own names, such as the fully qualified domain name and the fully qualified file name.


To distinguish a fully qualified name from a regular name, C++, Tcl, Perl and Ruby use two colons (::), and Java uses dots (.), as does Visual Basic .NET.[3] and C#.[4] In Java, ActionScript,[5] and other object-oriented languagesthe use of the dot is known as "dot syntax".[6] Other examples include:

  • As an example of a relational database, in Microsoft SQL Server the fully qualified name of an object is the one that specifies all four parts: server_name.[database_name].[schema_name].object_name.[7]

  • In Perl, a fully qualified scalar ($scalar) that is in the package package2 would be referred to as $package2::scalar

  • In Ruby, the fully qualified name of a class is the name of such class with all its parent modules, as Vehicles::Cars::Factory would be the fully qualified name of Factory class within Cars module within Vehicles module.

  • In COBOL, a fully qualified data item name can be created by suffixing a potentially ambiguous identifier with an IN (or OF) phrase. For example, multiple data item records might contain a member item named ACCOUNT-ID, so specifying ACCOUNT-ID IN CUSTOMER serves to disambiguate a specific ACCOUNT-ID data item, specifically, the one that is a member of the parent CUSTOMER data item. Multiple clauses may be necessary to fully disambiguate a given identifier, for example, ACCOUNT-ID IN CUSTOMER IN LAST-TRANSACTION. This syntax is equivalent to the "dotted" notation employed in many object-oriented programming languages, but with the identifiers specified in reverse order.

Filenames and paths

The term fully qualified file name means a file on a computer whose exact name is completely specified such that it is unambiguous and cannot be mistaken for any other file on that computer system.[9] It is somewhat equivalent on the Internet to a URL specifying the full name of the computer and the entire name of a particular document as a file. The alternative is an unqualified file name or a partially qualified file name.

  • On Unix-style systems, DOS, and Microsoft Windows, the name "sample" refers to a file in the current directory named "sample". If the current directory is changed, then the file referred to by the name "sample" is different. If you start the filename with "/" indicating the root directory as in "/Users/Name/sample", then on Unix this is a fully qualified file name. So, for example, instead of referring to ./foo/bar/ in /home/user/quz, which uses a relative pathname, the fully qualified name would be /home/user/quz/foo/bar/[10] In DOS, the name is still relative to the root directory of the current disk, so to get a fully qualified file name, the file name must be prefixed with the drive letter and a colon, as in "C:\Users\Name\sample", where "C:" specifies the "C" drive.
  • Also on the above systems, some programs such as the command-line shell will search a path for a file. Inserting a leading (back)slash, as in "./name", will stop the searching of the path. This is a partially qualified name, but not a fully qualified name as it still depends on the current directory. A fully qualified name, because it contains (back)slashes, will always stop a path search.
  • On the mainframe operating system MUSIC/SP, if one asks for the file name "X", one is making an unqualified reference either to the file X in the user's library, or to the file X in the common library if the user does not have a file named X and one does exist in the common library. If, however, one were to refer to "*COM:X" one is using a fully qualified file name reference to the file X in the common library even if they have a different file named X in their library. Similarly, a reference to "*USR:X" would mean the file in their own library, and "MA45:X" would be a fully qualified file name referring to the specific file X in the library of user MA45.
  • On the RSTS/E operating system on the PDP-11 minicomputer, specifying a file "X.X" would refer to a file in one's own directory. Referring to "X.X" would be referring to the file "[1,2]X.X" but to fully qualify the file name, one would have to indicate the device, so "SY:[46,145]MYFILE.TXT", "SY:X.X", or "SY:[1,2]X.X" (the last two examples meaning the same thing) would be a fully qualified file name under RSTS/E.
  • On the UNIVAC Series 90 mainframe operating system VS/9, specifying a file "X" could mean either the file X in the account of that user, or could mean the file X in the library of the system manager, TSOS. However, specifying "S0103.X" would be a fully qualified file name.
  • This term can also include the case where one prefixes a fully qualified file name with a specific computer name as a prefix to a file name (where the particular system permits referencing a file on another system), so long as the exact name is unambiguous.

Qualified name in programming language

python python qualified name

显然,python quantified name是按照quantify name来构造的。