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Programming language

我的工程中,与programming language相关的有:



3、文章AbstractionAbstraction in programming language小节

wikipedia Programming language

Abstraction in programming language history

NOTE: 本节从programming language的发展史来思考abstraction。

纵观 programming language的发展史,我们发现:语言越来越高级,越来越抽象,越来越易用。最底层的语言:machine language 晦涩难懂,计算机科学的先驱在machine language 的基础上抽象出了 function 概念,又抽象出了 class 的概念,创建了非常多 高级的语言,比如C。不管多么高级的语言最终都需要被翻译(compiler或interpreter)为machine language才能够被机器执行,显然这个翻译的过程是与前面的抽象的过程相逆的。

与machine language相比,我们发现高级语言往往伴随着非常多的概念,而且越高级的语言貌似概念越多(这是我的直觉,可能并非如此),当然也越容易使用。与此类似的是,各种library为了简化某个领域的问题, 也创造了各种直观易懂的概念,使得software engineer在解决这类问题时,非常轻松容易,因此获得了software engineer的喜爱。

TODO: 底层的programming language,比如C,由于它们是面向hardware,无法描述抽象的概念,这就限制了language的express power


  • 隐藏了底层的细节
  • 越抽象,越易用,概念也就越多
  • machine-independent,通用性更加,开发效率更高

参见: Abstraction(computer science)#Rationale

A central form of abstraction in computing is language abstraction: new artificial languages are developed to express specific aspects of a system. Modeling languages help in planning. Computer languages can be processed with a computer. An example of this abstraction process is the generational development of programming languages from the machine language to the assembly language and the high-level language. Each stage can be used as a stepping stone for the next stage. The language abstraction continues for example in scripting languages and domain-specific programming languages.

参见:龙书 Chapter 7 Run-Time Environments


关于programming language的发展史,需要将thinking in Java的内容添加到其中。


1) more expressive

programming language变得越来越expressive、表现力更强;

2) more powerful

programming language变得越来越powerful,在一定程度上降低了开发成本