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Operator expression and statement

大多数programming language都会涉及到这三个概念,本文对它们进行分析,我觉得从expression作为切入点是最好的,一是因为它是我们最最熟悉的(我们从小就学习数学,数学表达式的概念我们早已根深蒂固了),二是因为expression由operator构成,且expression也可以构成statement。

Expression and operator


An expression is a sequence of operators and their operands, that specifies a computation.

Expression evaluation may produce a result (e.g., evaluation of 2+2 produces the result 4) and may generate side-effects (e.g. evaluation of std::printf("%d",4) prints the character '4' on the standard output).


显然expression是涉及到***operators***,提及***operators***,我们的第一反应就是数学中的一些常见的operator,+-*/,它们是一门programming language中最最基础的*operator*;其实这也揭示了programming language其实是深深的扎根于math的,programming language中的很多expression就是直接的math expression,programming language中的expression遵循着math expression系统的规律,这是因为programming language是起源自math,或者按照在文章Language 中所述的观点:使用programming language来描述计算。

但是programming language毕竟不是math,它还有很多其他的需求,因此,programming language扩展出了非常多的***operator***,如在cc++中非常常见的type conversion,如所有的programming language中都是支持的function call(c++ function callpython function call ),如class member的access(python Attribute references ,c++ member access)等;

其实,programming language和math都是在使用***operator***,***operator***往往都是一些符号,programming language的能够使用的符号仅仅局限于ASCII符号,而math中能够使用的符号则是非常广泛的,它不仅仅局限于ASCII;所有programming language为了摆脱这个限制,只能够使用一些字母组合来表示一些operator,比如c++ newpython await ,这些表示operator的字母组合往往被programming language作为key word来使用。对于这些使用字母组合来表示的operator,是programmer非常任意忽视的;

NOTE: c++ new是一个operator,但是c malloc是一个function;

提及*operators*,就涉及到Operator precedence,Wikipedia Order of operationsc++ operator precedencepython precedence

math expression一样,programming language中的expression也是可以进行evaluation,这一点在Expression (computer science)中进行了介绍;如第一段所属,Expression evaluation may produce a result and may generate side-effects。

提及operator,就会涉及到operator overloading,c++ operator overloadingpython Emulating numeric types 等;

总的来说,programming language的expression其实非常类似于math expression,programmer使用它们来表达如何进行运算;



维基百科Expression (computer science)


维基百科Statement (computer science)的介绍是比较好的:

In computer programming, a statement is a syntactic unit of an imperative programming language that expresses some action to be carried out. A program written in such a language is formed by a sequence of one or more statements. A statement may have internal components (e.g., expressions).




在维基百科Statement (computer science)Syntax段介绍了描述(定义)statement的语法,比如python中使用indentation,c和c++中使用;


在维基百科Statement (computer science)Kinds of statements段介绍了描述(定义)statement的分类,大多数programming language都将statement分为:

  • Simple statements
  • Compound statements

python statement

在python中将***statement***分为simple statementCompound statements

python中对simple statement的定义如下:

A simple statement is comprised within a single logical line. Several simple statements may occur on a single line separated by semicolons.

python中对Compound statements的定义如下:

Compound statements contain (groups of) other statements; they affect or control the execution of those other statements in some way. In general, compound statements span multiple lines, although in simple incarnations a whole compound statement may be contained in one line.

其实python中的simple statementCompound statements的界定是非常简单的,

需要注意的是,上面我对statement的理解是:***statement***控制着程序执行的**流程**,其实这是不完备的,如python Function definitionspython Class definitions都是statement,所以在python中statement还具备**定义**的功能。

那应该如何理解python中的**函数定义语句**呢?在python中,并没有declaration,函数定义语句在python中是name bind参看 python Function definitions ,其中的解释是非常清楚的:

A function definition is an executable statement. Its execution binds the function name in the current local namespace to a function object (a wrapper around the executable code for the function). This function object contains a reference to the current global namespace as the global namespace to be used when the function is called.

两者之间的本质差别在于python program最终是由python interpreter来解释执行的,并且python中everything is an object;而c++ program则需要由compiler进行compile,它的declaration都是向compiler进行declare;

TODO : 关于python lack declaration,需要再去查阅查阅资料,以下是一些重要资料:

Python variable declaration

python lacks declaration

c++ statement

c++ statement的分类与界定比python要复杂地多,如下是c++中的statement的分类 :

C++ includes the following types of statements:

1) expression statements;

2) compound statements;

3) selection statements;

4) iteration statements;

5) jump statements;

6) declaration statements;

7) try blocks;

8) atomic and synchronized blocks (TM TS).

c++中有declaration statements,如int n = 1;// declaration statement,而python中却没有,python lack declaration ,我觉得python中的declaration statement其实对应这python中的name bind;显然这是python和c++的显著差别;


  • ***statement***控制着程序执行的**流程**(显然**expression**并不具备这样的功能),如顺序执行,循环执行(forwhile),return,条件分支执行(if-else);
  • 定义与声明


Operator associativity中有这样的描述:

In many imperative programming languages, the assignment operator is defined to be right-associative, and assignment is defined to be an expression (with a value), not just a statement. This allows chained assignment by using the value of one assignment expression as the input (right operand) of the next.

For example, in C, the assignment a = b is an expression that returns a value (namely, b converted to the type of a) with the side effect of setting a to this value. An assignment can be performed in the middle of an expression. The right-associativity of the = operator allows expressions such as a = b = c to be interpreted as a = (b = c), thereby setting both a and b to the value of c. In C, the alternative (a = b) = c does not make sense because a = b is not an l-Value, just an r-value. However, in C++ an assignment a = b returns a value referring to the left term in the assignment. Therefore, (a = b) = c can be interpreted as a = b; a = c;.