Program to an abstraction/interface principle
"Program to abstraction"现代programming language中的核心思想。
依赖于抽象而不是具体,即上层依赖于抽象的接口,底层实现具体。上层到底层的映射,依赖于多态,它可以是compiler time完成,也可以是run time完成。比如get_token,实现静态多态,实现了多个具体实现版本,由compiler进行派发,进行选择
上述"依赖于抽象而不是具体",其实就是program to abstraction。
OOP: program to interface not on implementation
它是"Program to abstraction principle"在OOP中的体现,参见Theory\Programming-paradigm\Object-oriented-programming\Design-pattern\Principle
1、program to an abstraction,其实本质上是program to an interface,因为interface是 对abstraction的描述;
2、subtyping的本质是interface inheritance,显然它是program to an interface;
3、在wikipedia Composition over inheritance中有这样的描述:
Composition and interfaces
The C++ examples in this section demonstrate the principle of using composition and interfaces to achieve code reuse and polymorphism.
显然,无论是subtyping 还是 composition,都是program to an abstraction,所以 最终都是program to an interface。
Interface in OOP
1、 Interfaces
2、stackoverflow What is the definition of “interface” in object oriented programming
wikipedia Interface (computing) # Programming to the interface
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