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Visitor pattern

Principle in visitor pattern

Visitor pattern是典型的遵循:

1 separation of algorithm and structure principle

2 program to abstraction principle

Abstract visitor class抽象地表示behavior/algorithm,它可以有多种实现。

遵循上述separation principle和 abstraction principle的visitor pattern能够实现:

1 open-closed:对于已知的structure(所有的node type是已知的),可以扩展新的algorithm(添加新的concrete visitor),而无需修改structure。

2 N * M code reuse: 对于已有的structure,可以添加新的visitor,扩展新的algorithm



1 Traverse: 对structure进行traverse,以遍历(iteration)的方式来实现

NOTE: 对structure的iteration是一种非常常见的computation,参见工程discrete的Relation-structure-computation\Computation\Computation-on-structure章节

2 Many-to-many: structure由多种类型的node组成(所有的node type是已知的),对每种类型的node,可以执行多种类型的behavior/algorithm;每种behavior/algorithm,需要支持所有类型的node。

3 由visitor来抽象地表示behavior/algorithm,对每种类型的node,它定义了**visiting method**来统一描述对该类型node的的computation,显然,visitor class中,会定义一系列的visiting method:

对于支持overload的programming language,显然这些visiting method的name可以一致;

对于不支持overload的programming language,显然这些visiting method的name无法一致;

Dispatch in visitor pattern


1 abstract visitor to concrete visitor(select visitor implementation),通常采用subtyping polymorphism来实现

2 为node选择**visiting method**(select visiting method)


Conditional if + subtyping polymorphism (cumbersome)

1 Client 根据 node type 进行conditional if,select visiting method,在Refactoring.Guru # Visitor # Solution 段中给出了样例代码:

foreach (Node node in graph)
    if (node instanceof City)
        exportVisitor.doForCity((City) node)
    if (node instanceof Industry)
        exportVisitor.doForIndustry((Industry) node)
    // ...

2 abstract visitor class的subtyping polymorphism

Double dispatch (clean)

由node来accept abstract visitor object,在 node的accept method中,由于它知道node的static type,因此它可以select proper visiting method:

对于支持 function overload 的programming language:

Mix static polymorphism(function overload) 和 dynamic polymorphism(virtual function)。

对于不支持 function overload 的programming language:

无法使用 static polymorphism,可以使用 dynamic polymorphism。

这样做的好处是能够实现clean client;

Refactoring.Guru # Visitor

NOTE: 这篇文章非常好,循序渐进地介绍visitor pattern:

首先介绍 conditional if + subtyping polymorphism 的方式,然后介绍double dispatch的方式;

Visitor is a behavioral design pattern that lets you separate algorithms from the objects on which they operate.



NOTE: 原文所描述的例子是: Exporting the graph into XML

At some point, you got a task to implement exporting the graph into XML format. At first, the job seemed pretty straightforward. You planned to add an export method to each node class and then leverage recursion to go over each node of the graph, executing the export method. The solution was simple and elegant: thanks to polymorphism, you weren’t coupling the code which called the export method to concrete classes of nodes.

NOTE: 上诉思路是: 所有的node class都继承自同一个base node class,在这base node class中定义有virtual export方法,各个node subclass override virtual export方法。然后在上层application,遍历 graph,每个node都调用export方法。

Unfortunately, the system architect refused to allow you to alter existing node classes. He said that the code was already in production and he didn’t want to risk breaking it because of a potential bug in your changes.

Besides, he questioned whether it makes sense to have the XML export code within the node classes. The primary job of these classes was to work with geodata. The XML export behavior would look alien there.

There was another reason for the refusal. It was highly likely that after this feature was implemented, someone from the marketing department would ask you to provide the ability to export into a different format, or request some other weird stuff. This would force you to change those precious and fragile classes again.

NOTE: 上述原因1、原因3是典型的 open/close principle。

The XML export method had to be added into all node classes

The XML export method had to be added into all node classes, which bore the risk of breaking the whole application if any bugs slipped through along with the change.


NOTE: 在visitor pattern中需要解决的一个问题是:如何构建node class到visiting method(export)的映射,即为不同的node class指定对应的export方法。原文给出了两种方式:

显然Double Dispatch有着明显优势,下面对此进行分析

The Visitor pattern suggests that you place the new behavior into a separate class called visitor, instead of trying to integrate it into existing classes. The original object that had to perform the behavior is now passed to one of the visitor’s methods as an argument, providing the method access to all necessary data contained within the object.

NOTE: 上诉 "behavior" 其实就是 algorithm。

Now, what if that behavior can be executed over objects of different classes? For example, in our case with XML export, the actual implementation will probably be a little bit different across various node classes. Thus, the visitor class may define not one, but a set of methods, each of which could take arguments of different types, like this:

NOTE: 对每类node,可以指定不同的behavior/algorithm。

class ExportVisitor implements Visitor is
    method doForCity(City c) { ... }
    method doForIndustry(Industry f) { ... }
    method doForSightSeeing(SightSeeing ss) { ... }
    // ...

But how exactly would we call these methods, especially when dealing with the whole graph? These methods have different signatures, so we can’t use polymorphism. To pick a proper visitor method that’s able to process a given object, we’d need to check its class. Doesn’t this sound like a nightmare?

NOTE: 由于 subtyping polymorphism 要求function signature的一致,所以"we can’t use polymorphism"。

foreach (Node node in graph)
    if (node instanceof City)
        exportVisitor.doForCity((City) node)
    if (node instanceof Industry)
        exportVisitor.doForIndustry((Industry) node)
    // ...

You might ask, why don’t we use method overloading? That’s when you give all methods the same name, even if they support different sets of parameters. Unfortunately, even assuming that our programming language supports it at all (as Java and C# do), it won’t help us. Since the exact class of a node object is unknown in advance, the overloading mechanism won’t be able to determine the correct method to execute. It’ll default to the method that takes an object of the base Node class.

NOTE: 下面是采用overload的样例代码:

class ExportVisitor implements Visitor is
    method do(City c) { ... }
    method do(Industry f) { ... }
    method do(SightSeeing ss) { ... }
    // ...
foreach (Node node in graph)
  // ...

overload mechanism是static polymorphism,compiler只有知道准确的type才能够进行准确的static dispatch,在foreach中,node的static type是Node类型(abstract),不是CityIndustrySightSeeing等 concrete type,因此compiler无法进行准确的static dispatch。

关于static type,参见 C++\Language-reference\Basic-concept\Type-system\Type-system\OOP-class-type

Double dispatch

However, the Visitor pattern addresses this problem. It uses a technique called Double Dispatch, which helps to execute the proper method on an object without cumbersome conditionals.

Instead of letting the client select a proper version of the method to call, how about we delegate this choice to objects we’re passing to the visitor as an argument? Since the objects know their own classes, they’ll be able to pick a proper method on the visitor less awkwardly. They “accept” a visitor and tell it what visiting method should be executed.

NOTE: 这段总结的非常好

// Client code
foreach (Node node in graph)

// City
class City is
    method accept(Visitor v) is
    // ...

// Industry
class Industry is
    method accept(Visitor v) is
    // ...

I confess(承认). We had to change the node classes after all. But at least the change is trivial and it lets us add further behaviors without altering the code once again.

NOTE: 不可能完全不修改node classes,而是少量修改,可控修改。

Open-close principle;

Now, if we extract a common interface for all visitors, all existing nodes can work with any visitor you introduce into the app. If you find yourself introducing a new behavior related to nodes, all you have to do is implement a new visitor class.

NOTE: abstract visitor class



In this example, the Visitor pattern adds XML export support to the class hierarchy of geometric shapes.

// The element interface declares an `accept` method that takes
// the base visitor interface as an argument.
interface Shape is
    method move(x, y)
    method draw()
    method accept(v: Visitor)

// Each concrete element class must implement the `accept`
// method in such a way that it calls the visitor's method that
// corresponds to the element's class.
class Dot implements Shape is
    // ...

    // Note that we're calling `visitDot`, which matches the
    // current class name. This way we let the visitor know the
    // class of the element it works with.
    method accept(v: Visitor) is

class Circle implements Shape is
    // ...
    method accept(v: Visitor) is

class Rectangle implements Shape is
    // ...
    method accept(v: Visitor) is

class CompoundShape implements Shape is
    // ...
    method accept(v: Visitor) is

// The Visitor interface declares a set of visiting methods that
// correspond to element classes. The signature of a visiting
// method lets the visitor identify the exact class of the
// element that it's dealing with.
interface Visitor is
    method visitDot(d: Dot)
    method visitCircle(c: Circle)
    method visitRectangle(r: Rectangle)
    method visitCompoundShape(cs: CompoundShape)

// Concrete visitors implement several versions of the same
// algorithm, which can work with all concrete element classes.
// You can experience the biggest benefit of the Visitor pattern
// when using it with a complex object structure such as a
// Composite tree. In this case, it might be helpful to store
// some intermediate state of the algorithm while executing the
// visitor's methods over various objects of the structure.
class XMLExportVisitor implements Visitor is
    method visitDot(d: Dot) is
        // Export the dot's ID and center coordinates.

    method visitCircle(c: Circle) is
        // Export the circle's ID, center coordinates and
        // radius.

    method visitRectangle(r: Rectangle) is
        // Export the rectangle's ID, left-top coordinates,
        // width and height.

    method visitCompoundShape(cs: CompoundShape) is
        // Export the shape's ID as well as the list of its
        // children's IDs.

// The client code can run visitor operations over any set of
// elements without figuring out their concrete classes. The
// accept operation directs a call to the appropriate operation
// in the visitor object.
class Application is
    field allShapes: array of Shapes

    method export() is
        exportVisitor = new XMLExportVisitor()

        foreach (shape in allShapes) do

If you wonder why we need the accept method in this example, my article Visitor and Double Dispatch addresses this question in detail.


在原文的Problem章节提出的问题和Real-World Analogy章节提出的例子之间存在着一定的共性,通过两者我们可以总结适合使用visitor pattern来解决的问题:

1 需要遍历不同类型的object

2 对不同类型的object需要执行特定的操作

其实原文的Intent章节中的配图已经形象的地展示出了visitor pattern。在原文的Applicability章节对此进行了总结。

Relations with Other Patterns

wikipedia Visitor pattern

In object-oriented programming and software engineering, the visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates.

NOTE: 参见./Separation-of-algorithm-and structure

A practical result of this separation is the ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying the structures. It is one way to follow the open/closed principle.

NOTE: 这句话提示我们visitor pattern的终极目标所在,即遵循 open/closed principle,visitor pattern中,open的是可以添加新的visitor,即实现新的algorithm,close的是对element的修改,即添加新的algorithm,不会导致element的变更。

C++ example

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class AbstractDispatcher;  // Forward declare AbstractDispatcher

class File {  // Parent class for the elements (ArchivedFile, SplitFile and
              // ExtractedFile)
  // This function accepts an object of any class derived from
  // AbstractDispatcher and must be implemented in all derived classes
  virtual void Accept(AbstractDispatcher& dispatcher) = 0;

// Forward declare specific elements (files) to be dispatched
class ArchivedFile;
class SplitFile;
class ExtractedFile;

class AbstractDispatcher {  // Declares the interface for the dispatcher
  // Declare overloads for each kind of a file to dispatch
  virtual void Dispatch(ArchivedFile& file) = 0;
  virtual void Dispatch(SplitFile& file) = 0;
  virtual void Dispatch(ExtractedFile& file) = 0;

class ArchivedFile : public File {  // Specific element class #1
  // Resolved at runtime, it calls the dispatcher's overloaded function,
  // corresponding to ArchivedFile.
  void Accept(AbstractDispatcher& dispatcher) override {

class SplitFile : public File {  // Specific element class #2
  // Resolved at runtime, it calls the dispatcher's overloaded function,
  // corresponding to SplitFile.
  void Accept(AbstractDispatcher& dispatcher) override {

class ExtractedFile : public File {  // Specific element class #3
  // Resolved at runtime, it calls the dispatcher's overloaded function,
  // corresponding to ExtractedFile.
  void Accept(AbstractDispatcher& dispatcher) override {

class Dispatcher : public AbstractDispatcher {  // Implements dispatching of all
                                                // kind of elements (files)
  void Dispatch(ArchivedFile&) override {
    std::cout << "dispatching ArchivedFile" << std::endl;

  void Dispatch(SplitFile&) override {
    std::cout << "dispatching SplitFile" << std::endl;

  void Dispatch(ExtractedFile&) override {
    std::cout << "dispatching ExtractedFile" << std::endl;

int main() {
  ArchivedFile archived_file;
  SplitFile split_file;
  ExtractedFile extracted_file;

  std::vector<File*> files = {

  Dispatcher dispatcher;
  for (File* file : files) {

NOTE: 在阅读这段的例子的时候,我想到了一个问题:


  void Accept(AbstractDispatcher& dispatcher) override {

那能否将这个方法放到基类中呢?应该是不能的,这就是double dispatch所解决的问题。

Visitor pattern and double dispatch

在visitor pattern中,由于存在着多种element,存在着多种visitor,所以最终到底要调用哪个algorithm,依赖于这两者,在文章A polyglot's guide to multiple dispatch中对此进行了详细的分析。在Multiple-dispatch中对此文章进行了收录。

Visitor pattern and modification of state

在使用visitor pattern的时候,是否允许visitor来修改node的state?这个问题是值得讨论的。

stackoverflow Command Pattern vs. Visitor Pattern

Is it generally acceptable to allow a Visitor to modify state of the Receiver, or should that be a Command pattern instead?


The purpose of the visitor pattern is to allow new operations to be added to a class heirarchy without modification to that heirarchy. I've never seen anyone suggesting that only read-only operations are acceptable. The only limitation is that the added operations should only use the public interface of the class heirarchy.


Microsoft's example of a visitor modifying the receiver is the ExpressionVisitor. The purpose of the ExpressionVisitor class is to modify an Expression tree. So I guess Microsoft at least thinks it's acceptable.


1) computation on structure

参见./Computation on structure章节。


fluentcpp On Design Patterns in C++