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Factory (object-oriented programming)

factory method pattern and abstract factory pattern中,都涉及factory。

维基百科Factory (object-oriented programming)

NOTE: 显然在OOP中的factory的概念是借用的我们日常时候中,制造product的factory的概念。原文的Factory Method in LePUS3形象化地展示了它。

如果从factory的广义概念来说的话, singleton pattern也是一种factory,在原文的Object creation段,对此进行了说明。constructor也是一种factory,原文对此有强调。


NOTE: 原文这一节的第一段中,讨论了 abstraction (factory)和 concrete (constructor),显然,使用factory相当于添加了一层抽象。在原文的application章节也进行了关于abstraction和concrete的讨论。

Factories may be invoked in various ways, most often a method call (a factory method), sometimes by being called as a function if the factory is a function object (a factory function). In some languages factories are generalizations of constructors, meaning constructors are themselves factories and these are invoked in the same way. In other languages factories and constructors are invoked differently, for example using the keyword new to invoke constructors but an ordinary method call to invoke factories; in these languages factories are an abstraction of constructors but not strictly a generalization, as constructors are not themselves factories.

NOTE: python就是典型的“factories are generalizations of constructors”,关于此的一个例子就是维基百科Abstract factory pattern#Python example中给出的例子。

c++就是典型的“factories and constructors are invoked differently”


Using factories instead of constructors or prototypes allows one to use polymorphism for object creation, not only object use.

NOTE: 上一句对原文这一节的前两段进行了总结。“object use”即“使用对象”,在OOP中,object use是具备polymorphism特性的,但是object creation则不然,因为此时压根就没有object,对于object creation,我们需要借助factory来获得polymorphism。需要注意id是,在使用factory来实现“polymorphism for object creation”,需要由programmer来实现dispatch,在原文的Applications章节对此进行了详细描述,关于此的一个例子是:维基百科Abstract factory pattern#Python example

Object creation

Similarly, using this definition, a singleton implemented by the singleton pattern is a formal factory – it returns an object, but does not create new objects beyond the single instance.


def f():
    return A()

A simple factory function implementing the singleton pattern is:

def f():
    if f.obj is None:
        f.obj = A()
    return f.obj

f.obj = None


Factories determine the actual concrete type of object to be created, and it is here that the object is actually created. As the factory only returns an abstract interface to the object, the client code does not know – and is not burdened by – the actual concrete type of the object which was just created. However, the type of a concrete object is known by the abstract factory.


Benefits and variants

Descriptive names

NOTE: 是代码的可读性更高

    public class Complex
        public double real;
        public double imaginary;

        public static Complex FromCartesian(double real, double imaginary)
            return new Complex(real, imaginary);

        public static Complex FromPolar(double modulus, double angle)
            return new Complex(modulus * Math.Cos(angle), modulus * Math.Sin(angle));

        private Complex(double real, double imaginary)
            this.real = real;
            this.imaginary = imaginary;

Complex product = Complex.FromPolar(1, Math.PI);


public class ImageReaderFactory {
    public static ImageReader createImageReader(ImageInputStreamProcessor iisp) {
        if (iisp.isGIF()) {
            return new GifReader(iisp.getInputStream());
        else if (iisp.isJPEG()) {
            return new JpegReader(iisp.getInputStream());
        else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown image type.");


NOTE: 原文这一节所描述的是OOP设计相关的问题

Factory and constructor
