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Abstract factory pattern

维基百科Abstract factory pattern

NOTE: 建议先阅读例子,然后阅读理论描述


Class diagram example The method createButton on the GUIFactory interface returns objects of type Button. What implementation of Button is returned depends on which implementation of GUIFactory is handling the method call.

Class diagram example The method createButton on the GUIFactory interface returns objects of type Button. What implementation of Button is returned depends on which implementation of GUIFactory is handling the method call.

NOTE: UML图最能够体现abstract factory pattern

Python example

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from sys import platform

class Button(ABC):

    def paint(self):

class LinuxButton(Button):

    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a Linux style'

class WindowsButton(Button):

    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a Windows style'

class MacOSButton(Button):

    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a MacOS style'

class GUIFactory(ABC):

    def create_button(self):

class LinuxFactory(GUIFactory):

    def create_button(self):
        return LinuxButton()

class WindowsFactory(GUIFactory):

    def create_button(self):
        return WindowsButton()

class MacOSFactory(GUIFactory):

    def create_button(self):
        return MacOSButton()

def GetFactory():
    if platform == 'linux':
        factory = LinuxFactory()
    elif platform == 'darwin':
        factory = MacOSFactory()
    elif platform == 'win32':
        factory = WindowsFactory()
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Not implemented for your platform: {}'.format(platform)
    return factory
if __name__ == '__main__':
    factory = GetFactory()
    button = factory.create_button()
    result = button.paint()

Alternative implementation using the classes themselves as factories:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from sys import platform

class Button(ABC):

    def paint(self):

class LinuxButton(Button):
    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a Linux style'

class WindowsButton(Button):

    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a Windows style'

class MacOSButton(Button):

    def paint(self):
        return 'Render a button in a MacOS style'

def GetFactory():
    if platform == "linux":
        factory = LinuxButton
    elif platform == "darwin":
        factory = MacOSButton
    elif platform == "win32":
        factory = WindowsButton
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'Not implemented for your platform: {}'.format(platform)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    factory = GetFactory()
    button = factory.create_button()
    result = button.paint()

NOTE: Everything in python is a object,so do class
