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wikipedia Handle (computing)

In computer programming, a handle is an abstract reference to a resource that is used when application software references blocks of memory or objects that are managed by another system like a database or an operating system.

A resource handle

1、can be an opaque identifier, in which case it is often an integer number (often an array index in an array or "table" that is used to manage that type of resource), or it

2、can be a pointer that allows access to further information.

Common resource handles include file descriptors, network sockets, database connections, process identifiers (PIDs), and job IDs. PIDs and job IDs are explicitly visible integers; while file descriptors and sockets (which are often implemented as a form of file descriptor) are represented as integers, they are typically considered opaque. In traditional implementations, file descriptors are indices into a (per-process) file descriptor table, thence a (system-wide) file table.



2、很多情况下handle是opaque的,即"invisible",关于"opaque",参见 "Opaque-data-type" 章节;在 wikipedia Opaque data type 中,也提及了handle:

Typical examples of opaque data types include handles for resources provided by an operating system to application software.

Comparison to pointers


1、handle is a good abstraction、indirection





a、"extra layer of indirection ",显然增加了computation overhead

While a pointer contains the address of the item to which it refers, a handle is an abstraction of a reference which is managed externally(外部的); its opacity(不透明性) allows the referent to be relocated in memory by the system without invalidating the handle, which is impossible with pointers. The extra layer of indirection also increases the control that the managing system has over the operations performed on the referent. Typically the handle is an index or a pointer into a global array of tombstones.





4、tombstone非常类似于virtual address,它们背后的思想都是abstraction

A handle leak is a type of software bug that occurs when a computer program asks for a handle to a resource but does not free the handle when it is no longer used; this is a form of resource leak, similar to a memory leak for a pointer to memory.




2、"a handle functions as a capability: it not only identifies an object, but also associates access rights".

In secure computing terms, because access to a resource via a handle is mediated(中转) by another system, a handle functions as(充当) a capability: it not only identifies an object, but also associates access rights. For example, while a filename is forgeable(可以伪造的) (it is just a guessable(可以推测的) identifier), a handle is given to a user by an external system, and thus represents not just identity, but also granted access.


一、"because access to a resource via a handle is mediated(中转) by another system" 中的"another system"并不是指另外一个OS,它所指代的是具体implementation的一种机制。

下面的内容结合了"read the system password file"的例子来说明 "a handle functions as(充当) a capability"

如果OS允许"open the specified file with the specified access rights",那么这就说明是具备capability的,那么它将得到file handler;否则是不具备capability的,那么它就无法open file、无法得到file handle;因此一个file handle就代表了capability。

For example, if a program wishes to read the system password file (/etc/passwd) in read/write mode (O_RDWR), it could try to open the file via the following call:

int fd = open("/etc/passwd", O_RDWR);

This call asks the operating system to open the specified file with the specified access rights. If the OS allows this, then it opens the file (creates an entry in the per-process file descriptor table) and returns a handle (file descriptor, index into this table) to the user: the actual access is controlled by the OS, and the handle is a token of that. Conversely, the OS may deny access, and thus neither open the file nor return a handle.

In a capability-based system

In a capability-based system, handles can be passed between processes, with associated access rights. Note that in these cases the handle must be something other than a system-wide-unique small integer, otherwise it is forgeable(可以伪造的). Such an integer may nevertheless be used to identify a capability inside a process; e.g., file descriptor in Linux is unforgeable because its numerical value alone is meaningless, and only in the process context may refer to anything. Transferring such a handle requires special care though, as its value often has to be different in the sending and receiving processes.



"在基于功能的系统中,句柄可以在进程之间传递,并具有关联的访问权限。注意,在这些情况下,句柄必须不是系统唯一的小整数,否则它是可伪造的。然而,这样的整数可用于标识进程内部的一种能力; 例如,Linux中的文件描述符是不可伪造的,因为它的数值本身是没有意义的,而且只有在进程上下文中才可以引用任何东西。传输这样一个句柄需要特别小心,因为它的值在发送和接收过程中经常是不同的。"


a、理解上面这段话,需要对Linux OS有非常好的理解,我们需要由如下的认知:

a1、system-wide scope

a2、process-wide scope

b、"Note that in these cases the handle must be something other than a system-wide-unique small integer, otherwise it is forgeable. "

这段话是容易理解的: 如果handle是一个"system-wide-unique small integer",那么我们就可以非常容易伪造出一个handle了,这就是"forgeable"

c、"file descriptor in Linux is unforgeable because its numerical value alone is meaningless, and only in the process context may refer to anything. Transferring such a handle requires special care though, as its value often has to be different in the sending and receiving processes."

这段话的意思是: file descriptor 是 unforgeable

In non-capability-based systems

NOTE: 这段话没有理解

In non-capability-based systems, on the other hand, each process must acquire its own separate handle, by specifying the identity of the resource and the desired access rights (e.g., each process must open a file itself, by giving the filename and access mode). Such usage is more common even in modern systems that do support passing handles, but it is subject to vulnerabilities like the confused deputy problem.


Handles were a popular solution to memory management in operating systems of the 1980s, such as Mac OS[1] and Windows.

The FILE data structure in the C standard I/O library is a file handle, abstracting from the underlying file representation (on Unix these are file descriptors).

Like other desktop environments, the Windows API heavily uses handles to represent objects in the system and to provide a communication pathway between the operating system and user space. For example, a window on the desktop is represented by a handle of type HWND (handle, window).

Doubly indirect handles have fallen out of favour in recent times, as increases in available memory and improved virtual memory algorithms have made the use of the simpler pointer more attractive. However, many operating systems still apply the term to pointers to opaque, "private" data structuresopaque pointers—or to indexes into internal arrays passed from one process to its client.

NOTE: 翻译如下:


stackoverflow What is a handle in C++?


A handle can be anything from an integer index to a pointer to a resource in kernel space. The idea is that they provide an abstraction of a resource, so you don't need to know much about the resource itself to use it.


1、handle is a good abstraction

For instance, the HWND in the Win32 API is a handle for a Window. By itself it's useless: you can't glean(收集) any information from it. But pass it to the right API functions, and you can perform a wealth of different tricks with it. Internally you can think of the HWND as just an index into the GUI's table of windows (which may not necessarily be how it's implemented, but it makes the magic make sense).

EDIT: Not 100% certain what specifically you were asking in your question. This is mainly talking about pure C/C++.


NOTE: 这个回答给出了一些code,便于从实现上进行理解

A handle is a pointer or index with no visible type attached to it. Usually you see something like:


1、上面这段话强调了"no visible type",即他认为handle是opaque的

 typedef void* HANDLE;
 HANDLE myHandleToSomething = CreateSomething();

So in your code you just pass HANDLE around as an opaque value.

In the code that uses the object, it casts the pointer to a real structure type and uses it:

 int doSomething(HANDLE s, int a, int b) {
     Something* something = reinterpret_cast<Something*>(s);
     return something->doit(a, b);

Or it uses it as an index to an array/vector:

 int doSomething(HANDLE s, int a, int b) {
     int index = (int)s;
     try {
         Something& something = vecSomething[index];
         return something.doit(a, b);
     } catch (boundscheck& e) {
         throw SomethingException(INVALID_HANDLE);