Type relation
Type relation是programming language的type system的一个非常重要的内容,programming language designer需要进行精准定义;
Subtype relation
subtype是最最典型的type relation,它是OOP中的核心话题,OOP type之间的relation是相对简单的,inheritance则对应了subtype/subclass。与subtype relation相关的词语有:
1) generic and specific/special
在wikipedia Covariance and contravariance (computer science)中:
covariant if it preserves the ordering of types (≤), which orders types from more specific to more generic;
在thegreenplace A polyglot's guide to multiple dispatch中:
Note how the intersections get dispatched to specialized functions when these exist and to a generic catch-all
Shape x Shape
handler when there is no specialized function.
2) wide and narrow
在wikipedia Covariant return type 中:
More specifically, covariant (wide to narrower) or contravariant (narrow to wider) return type......
关于由type constructor构造的complex type之间的subtype relation规则,在./Covariance-and-contravariance
Type ordering
可以基于type relation对type进行ordering,现代programming language的很多特性的实现都是建立在type ordering的基础之上的:
1) polymorphism dispatch
现代programming language的dispatch是建立在type ordering的基础上的。
- C++ overload resolution,参见
章节 - Subtyping polymorphism,参见
NOTE: 只有ordering之后,才能够基于type进行computation,参见
Type hierarchy
基于subtype relation可以构建type hierarchy。