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rochester Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

Pseudocode from article of the above name, ACM TOCS, February 1991. John M. Mellor-Crummey and Michael L. Scott, with later additions due to (a) Craig, Landin, and Hagersten, and (b) Auslander, Edelsohn, Krieger, Rosenburg, and Wisniewski. All of these algorithms (except for the non-scalable centralized barrier) perform well in tests on machines with scores of processors.


1、上面这段话的意思是: 本文下面的Pseudocode,是源自如下论文:

Algorithm for Scalable Synchronization on Shared-memory Multiprocessors





2、^lock 表示的是pointer to lock,显然^类似于C的*

Simple test_and_set lock with exponential backoff

type lock = (unlocked, locked) // lock类型,可选值为 unlocked、locked

procedure acquire_lock (L : ^lock) // 函数acquire_lock,L是入参,它的类型为 lock
  delay : integer := 1
  while test_and_set (L) = locked     // returns old value
      pause (delay)                   // consume this many units of time
      delay := delay * 2

procedure release_lock (L : ^lock)
  lock^ := unlocked

Ticket lock with proportional backoff



pause (my_ticket - L->now_serving) // 此处表示的是暂停,显然就是sleep,"my_ticket - L->now_serving"表示的是在我前面有几个人在等待
type lock = record
  next_ticket : unsigned integer := 0 // 下一个要服务的号子
  now_serving : unsigned integer := 0 // 当前服务的号子

procedure acquire_lock (L : ^lock)
  my_ticket : unsigned integer := fetch_and_increment (&L->next_ticket) // 每个thread进来都需要取号
      // returns old value; arithmetic overflow is harmless
      pause (my_ticket - L->now_serving) // 此处表示的是暂停,显然就是sleep,"my_ticket - L->now_serving"表示的是在我前面有几个人在等待
          // consume this many units of time
          // on most machines, subtraction works correctly despite overflow
      if L->now_serving = my_ticket // 被叫到号了

procedure release_lock (L : ^lock)
  L->now_serving := L->now_serving + 1 // 当前用户已经服务完了,可以叫下一个号了

Anderson's array-based queue lock



type lock = record
  // slots 的长度对于 processor的个数
  // has_lock 表示可以获得lock
  slots : array [0..numprocs -1] of (has_lock, must_wait)
      := (has_lock, must_wait, must_wait, ..., must_wait)
      // each element of slots should lie in a different memory module
      // or cache line
  next_slot : integer := 0 // 下一个slot的index

// parameter my_place, below, points to a private variable
// in an enclosing scope

procedure acquire_lock (L : ^lock, my_place : ^integer)
  my_place^ := fetch_and_increment (&L->next_slot)
      // returns old value
  if my_place^ mod numprocs = 0
      atomic_add (&L->next_slot, -numprocs)
      // avoid problems with overflow; return value ignored
  my_place^ := my_place^ mod numprocs
  repeat while L->slots[my_place^] = must_wait      // spin
  L->slots[my_place^] := must_wait                  // init for next time

procedure release_lock (L : ^lock, my_place : ^integer)
  L->slots[(my_place^ + 1) mod numprocs] := has_lock // 释放锁

Graunke and Thakkar's array-based queue lock



The MCS list-based queue lock

type qnode = record
  next : ^qnode // pointer to qnode
  locked : Boolean
type lock = ^qnode      // initialized to nil

// parameter I, below, points to a qnode record allocated
// (in an enclosing scope) in shared memory locally-accessible
// to the invoking processor

procedure acquire_lock (L : ^lock, I : ^qnode)
  I->next := nil
  predecessor : ^qnode := fetch_and_store (L, I)
  if predecessor != nil      // queue was non-empty
      I->locked := true
      predecessor->next := I
      repeat while I->locked              // spin

procedure release_lock (L : ^lock, I: ^qnode)
  if I->next = nil        // no known successor
      if compare_and_store (L, I, nil)
          // compare_and_store returns true iff it stored
      repeat while I->next = nil          // spin
  I->next->locked := false