本章总结实现non-blocking concurrency control的一些技术。
wikipedia Non-lock concurrency control
NOTE: 原文主要介绍的是DBMS中的non-lock concurrency control,其实这些技术不仅仅局限于DBMS,它们还可以用于其他的system中
1、Optimistic concurrency control
2、Timestamp-based concurrency control
3、Multiversion concurrency control
wikipedia Non-blocking algorithm
In computer science, an algorithm is called non-blocking if failure or suspension of any thread cannot cause failure or suspension of another thread;[1] for some operations, these algorithms provide a useful alternative to traditional blocking implementations.
NOTE: 表明意思: 如果任何线程的失败或暂停不会导致另一个线程的失败或暂停,则称为**非阻塞算法**。
A non-blocking algorithm is
1) lock-free if there is guaranteed system-wide progress, and
2) wait-free if there is also guaranteed per-thread progress.
"Non-blocking" was used as a synonym for "lock-free" in the literature until the introduction of obstruction-freedom in 2003.[2]
NOTE: 没有理解它们的含义
NOTE: Main article: Disadvantages of locks
non-blocking algorithm是为了解决lock的弊端
NOTE: 下面描述了几种实现方式
With few exceptions, non-blocking algorithms use atomic read-modify-write primitives that the hardware must provide, the most notable of which is compare and swap (CAS). Critical sections are almost always implemented using standard interfaces over these primitives (in the general case, critical sections will be blocking, even when implemented with these primitives).
NOTE: atomic read-modify-write在
In the 1990s all non-blocking algorithms had to be written "natively" with the underlying primitives to achieve acceptable performance.
NOTE: 在application level,直接使用这些atomic primitive。
However, the emerging field of software transactional memory promises standard abstractions for writing efficient non-blocking code.[3][4]
NOTE: transactional memory
Additionally, some non-blocking data structures are weak enough to be implemented without special atomic primitives. These exceptions include:
1、a single-reader single-writer ring buffer FIFO, with a size which evenly divides the overflow of one of the available unsigned integer types, can unconditionally be implemented safely using only a memory barrier
NOTE: 上述 ring buffer FIFO ,其实就是一个环形队列
2、Read-copy-update with a single writer and any number of readers. (The readers are wait-free; the writer is usually lock-free, until it needs to reclaim memory).
3、Read-copy-update with multiple writers and any number of readers. (The readers are wait-free; multiple writers generally serialize with a lock and are not obstruction-free).